
Sunday, December 30, 2007


This is the chart drawing with the positions on the birth day of Bilawal Bhutto, September 21, 1988. There is no birth time available, yet. (PS Thanks to Astrodatabank we know it by now. On January 10th Astrodatabank gave 9:30 a.m. See the message of January 10)

In the first days of January 2008 both Mars and Pluto will square his natal Sun by transit. Mars and Pluto in affliction point at the use of power and violence and the danger of an attack. It is also symbolic for the political (Pluto) struggle (Mars) that in some parts of the world is sometimes very violent. To accept his role as a leader of the opposition at this age is very courageous. Hopefully his prominent Venus (sesqui square Aries Point), symbol of diplomacy, leads to rest and peace.


The controversial - Sun square Uranus - director Oliver Stone is allowed to film the release of the FARC-prisoners held in Colombia. Stone was born 15th September 1946 at 9h58 EDT in NY, USA with an oriental Pluto, ruler 1 in 10 and Saturn conjunct the MC. Notice how managing (Saturn) and directing (Leo MC) movies (Neptune sextile MC) shows in his chart. Pluto shows the focus on gaining influence (and earning money: Venus square Pluto).

Saturday, December 29, 2007


Here you see the progressed chart of the murdered Benazir Bhutto, based on a birth time of 19h59, that I found on in the forum. Notice, apart from the transit of Pluto (in the birth chart in the eight house of life and death) with the Sun (ruler of the eight), that in the progressed chart the Sun and Pluto were getting closer to a conjunction. Also Transit Saturn sits on the progressed descendant (fysical fall, disadvantage produced by others) and on the IC you see a V. It is the V for Vulcanus, an object that was gratuit in my program and that I found on crucial places (Asc, desc, IC or MC) in cases of violence, such as the political murders in Holland (Fortuyn and Van Gogh). There is an article available about that in Dutch (you can see the chart drawings in the international language of astrology). The V of Vulcanus was also there in the London subway attacks. You can see the charts of that moment HERE...


Lindsay Lohan is in the news often, but rarely in a positive way. This time her ex tells the world that Lindsay is a nymfomaniac. OK...She is born 2nd July 1986, only 21 and famous. I wonder why her debute album was called 'Speak', looking at the lack of positions in air signs, the signs of communication. Missing elements and aspects often turn out to be conspicuous in abscence.

Looking at the gossip about her sexlife...look at the complex lines in her natal chart between and with the planets and lights that symbolise love and sex (Mars, Venus and Moon). Quindeciles point at obsession. In her chart Venus has two quindeciles: one of 75 degrees with Pluto and one of 105 degrees with Saturn: a combination for a die hard in love affairs: it might cost her to be beautiful and looking good always. Neptune adds addiction and desillusion...And what about the meaning Neptune has, too? is sooo Neptune!


King Gyanendra of Nepal (7th July 1947)has definitely become the last king of Nepal, now that the people voted in favor of a republic. This happens to him with Nodes square Nodes (a conflict in a community) and Pluto opposed to Venus (forced upon choices) and with the progressed Sun conjunct his prominent Venus (Venus is rising before the Sun and in hard aspect with Zero Aries). This is the second time that a progression of Sun and Venus is marking an important moment in his life. Before it was with the progressed Sun conjunct progressed Venus that his power was taken away and his role became that of a ceremonial ruler (april 2006). Perhaps Venus is crucial in his chart where it comes to his position in society.

BTW On the 4th of June 2001 (with transit Pluto inconjunct the Suns and transit Neptune opposition Saturn) he tried to get all of the power in the country after the massacre crown prince Dipendra committed, killing 10 persons. Dipendra was born 27th June 1971 with Mars sesquisquare Sun and biquintile Pluto, while Mars is 157.5 degrees away from the midpoint Saturn/Pluto (a combination that is often seen in the charts of people involved with violent death, as a witness,victim, investigator or the killer, of course not without at least 2 other indications).

PS May 28/29 2008 the Nepalese parliament confirmed that Nepal will be a republic (after April 2008).


The former British prime minister Blair has now definitely become a roman catholic. See the message of november about where to find the religious component in the natal chart of Tony Blair.

Thursday, December 27, 2007


The Pakistani politician Benazir Bhutto died. An attack killed her on a day with a so
lar transit opposed to Mars and transit Pluto still in opposition with her natal Sun. In some situations more is not needed, apparently...
For her chart and progressions see the message dated November 10 2007. In that message I pointed at the danger coming from the transit of Pluto.

PS Re: about Progressed Sun opposed to Pluto in her chart

7:59:03 PM is mentioned on the forum as the birth time of Benazir Bhuto, who in that case had Pluto in her eight house and the Sun was ruling the eight house. The eight house is the house of death.

And in addition: the fact that she died and Pluto is the symbol of danger does not mean that my pointing at the Sun opposition Pluto was meant as predicting death, just DANGER. Pluto is the symbol of sex, power, influence, politics and danger in astrology and it depends on situations and circumstances in what way Pluto will manifest. Not every person with a Sun-Pluto affliction in progress or transit dies (I am an example myself of surviving one:). Most of the time this aspect includes a come back, too. Nevertheless: Pluto afflictions can be very challenging...

PS See also the message of December 29 with the progressed chart.

Friday, December 21, 2007


Between now and 2008 there will be no new messages on Astropost, unless something extremely important happens (like there was the death of mrs. Bhutto). It is Xmas holiday time! With over 80 messages and the articles that you find on there is enough to spend these days! You are welcome here!

Have a good time and be back in 2008! I wish you a merry Christmas and a prosperous 2008!

Your index on Astromarkt

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Link to where they present the winter solstice chart for Washington D.C. (the one above is for Rotterdam, The Netherlands) with an explanation of the meaning of the houses in mundane astrology. Might be interesting...

A Mars-Mars and Jupiter-MC connection

Diana and Dodi: they must have made each other happy. Notice that his Jupiter squares her MC, while her Jupiter is conjunct his MC. I wonder it that could have prevented a row in the end. Her Mars is exactly square to his. Remember the charts of Paul and Heather? Her Mars inconjunct his...It must be attractive in the beginning but it might turn into fighting each other later when two temparements test their qualities.

She is an employee of Ingrid Bétancourt...

Clara Rojas is a formar employe of Ingrid Bétancourt (see the report about her) and was in the hands of the FARC in Colombia with Ingrid Bétancourt all of those years. Now it is said that she and her two sons will be released shortly. Should Ingrid Bétancourt be released, too?

Clara Rojas was born 20th December 1963 and will soon celebrate her 44th birthday. The solar return chart has Sun, Pluto, Mercury and Jupiter close together, opposed to Mars and that looks like a good sign. Transit Pluto is now conjunct Sun and semi square Progressed Sun (a transformation, a transfer, a come back: not without danger) and we see Saturn conjunct Progressed Uranus (often present when imprisonment or freedom is involved).


Gary Bauer (4th May 1946, Covington, Kentucky) might be one of the most frequent visitors of the White House. This very conservative christian might be influencial, too. Is it just coincidence that his Pluto is right on top of George W. Bush's Mercury?

Another visitor is James Dobson, born in Shreveport, Louisiana on 21st April 1936. He has 70% of the placements in earth signs and should be a materialist or realist. He is a very conservative christian, too. His Jupiter is spot on trine the MC of George W. Bush (6th July 1946, 7h26 EDT New Heaven) and that is an indication for a beneficial relationship. Also his Northern Node inconjunct the presidents' ascendant. Tight connections?

Time will tell, the visitors' list is still not available.

For more about American presidents, read the comparison of presidents or select one of the reading of the candidates on the index page.

Monday, December 17, 2007

chart of a fund raiser

It seems Ron Paul. another candidate for the presidency of the USA, has beaten the 'fundraising" record of John Kerry with over 6.000.000$ in 24 hours! This is his chart (time unknown!) for 20th August 1935 in Pittsburgh. Ron Paul is first of all a politician (Pluto oriental, orientation on power, influence or money) and he might be a leader (Sun makes no major aspects in sign and that is what I call a 'calling' Sun in Leo: he has a 'call' for leading and drawing attention). Here we have Sun, we have Pluto and there is Jupiter (sesqui square Aries Point) to complete the combination of self confidence that often leads to succes. The lack of placements in the air signs is indicating the need for communications. He sure knows how to get You Tube mobilised.


This is the birth chart of the new born grand child of Queen Elisabeth, son of prince Edward and his wife Sophie. He was born today at 16h20 in Surrey and you may notice that he was born under a sky full of pleasant positions. Moon on top might refer to his mother on top:) and it certainly might add to popularity. Look at Jupiter and Pluto on the horizon, semi square Venus and Venus trine Uranus! This could be a boy with succes in love or art...They say he looks gorgeous:)


A bit too slim Celine Dion ended a series of performances in Las Vegas. Celine, according to her birth chart, is a person who tends to work too hard.

With an ambitious crucial Saturn on the MC and a 'calling' (not aspected in sign...) Mars - for the workaholic - her natal chart tells us about energy, drive and the limits. But in the first place Celine is an artist. Neptune is oriental in her chart (rising before the Sun) and that indicates an orientation on the immaterial field (such as for example idealism, romance, arts, religion...). Also notice the midpoint yod of Sun, Jupiter and Neptune. It is a combination for people who are succesful in the media.

Astrothème says she was born 30 March 1968 at 12h15 in Charlemagne, Quebec (Canada).

SARKOZY in love with BRUNI

The French president Sarkozy (born 29 January 1955, 22h Paris) has fallen in love with Carla Bruni (23 December 1967, 18h10 Turin). Her Moon conjunct Pluto is square to his Venus. That is a strong loving feeling, yes! His Ascendant on her IC adds a sense of familiairity. But...their Suns, Moons and Venusses are in a difficult position towards each other, so it might not be easy to live together of to share each others tastes and preferences. Not as easy as it was to fall in love...

Here you see the chart of Carla Bruni with the positions in the birth chart of Sarkozy on the outside. Carla Bruni is an artist (Neptune oriental, conjunct Venus). Sarkozy is an ambitious man with diplomatical talents (Venus crucial, Saturn oriental). It caught my eye that in the composite chart Neptune is in a crucial position, right on top of the IC. Should it be just coincidence that Neptune is on the solar return descendant of Sarkozy? And that Neptune is on the solar return ascendant for 2008 for Bruni? I wonder...And what about the fact that they were first spotted in Disney Land (a sort of a miraculous place, full of fairy tales, in line with Neptune?)...Sometimes it is a miracle how astrology works.

Table of matching signs

Sunday, December 16, 2007


Prince Charles will appear as an optical illusion (a hologram) on a conference about the environment and energy in Abu Dhabi (held between 21st and 23rd of January 2008). By doing so he will save the earth another amount of Co2 (he need not go by air plane).

This link will lead you to an explanation in the Daily Mail.

During the event transit Pluto will be conjunct the prince's Jupiter, so I guess the Star Trek-alike event will be a succes.

Birth Chart of prince Charles

and celebrating his birthday

Johannes van der Giessen is celebrating his 108st birthday tomorrow. In my book Astro I.D. I payed attention to Uranus rising before the Sun in the charts of people who get REAL old (with examples). Johannes van der Giessen is another example! This position of Uranus was aparently stronger in effect than the combination of the natal Sun conjunct Saturn, opposed to Neptune (with a 3-fold midpoint combination to confirm this).

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Watching her weight...

The Daily Mail shows a picture of Sarah Fergusson (15th October 1959, 9h03, London) today and I was surprised to see how slim she was! It is an amazing transformation. Since a few years, the Daily Mail tells us, she is a spokesman of the Weight Watchers. In this message I watch the weight in her chart...

A few years ago her progressed Sun squared Pluto. Pluto is disposing of her ascendant and conjunct the Midheaven, what makes this planet (no matter how small) very prominent in her chart. Pluto and Venus on the MC tells us that money is crucial in her life and so is the value of beauty.

Being overweight is an astrological matter of Venus (sweet things, taste) and Jupiter (fat and too much), sometimes intensified by Pluto. Venus and Pluto are square Jupiter in Sarah's chart. Jupiter is in the first house, very telling...This combination is on the other hand a sign for successes in art or in marriage...With Jupiter square the midpoint Venus/Pluto she is definitely beloved.
More about Venus-Pluto in the article on my site Astromarkt...
Just an astrologers' joke: could we read Venus-Jupiter-Pluto as being on guard (Pluto) for too much (Jupiter) nice and sweet things?:)

Another point is the Moon (habits). In her chart the Moon is inconjunct Neptune and ...Venus-Pluto. The Moon is the apex in a yod with the most prominent conjunction in her chart! I noticed BTW that it is not easy for those with hard aspects between the Moon and Pluto to have to change a habit or food pattern. The fact that she did it in a period of Progressed Sun square Pluto tells me that it was a matter of strong will and fanatism that made her succeed. Just an astrologers' joke: could we read Venus-Jupiter-Pluto as being on guard (Pluto) for too much (Jupiter) nice and sweet things?:)

Money, spending too much, and the lack of money (having debts)...These were important maters in her life and that is why Venus-Pluto is crucial in the chart. Notice also Saturn in the second house! These days transit Saturn is conjunct her MC. This might be an indication of limitations, responsabilities, parenthood and respect to be importants items for her today.

See the picture...

Friday, December 14, 2007

shows effect of Uranus...

See how Uranus in transit is opposing the Sun of Hugh Grant...He is in the news because lately he does not seem to care much what people think of his behaviour...And that is so typical for the Uranus-effect!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

IKE (of Tina) TURNER:
and how her birth chart matches his...

Ike Turner (5 November 1931 Clarksdale) died yesterday. He is famous as the 'man of'...Tina Turner was his wife until she left him after abuse.
You see her birth (26th November 1939, 22h10 Bronsville) and the positions of his day of birth outside the circle. His Mars is square her Mars and Sun. I have seen several examples (like that of Paul and Helen McCartney) of people fighting each other who have a conflict between their planets Mars.

In her natal chart Tina has Sun square Mars. That is by the way one of the major indications for divorce in the chart of a female.
Notice that Tina has Venus square Neptune, that Venus disposes of the Midheaven and Neptune is square midheaven. That connects artistic talents with the MC (vocation, profession).

Another thing I notice is that Ike's Sun and Jupiter are conjunct crucial positions of Tina. They were very influencial in each others' lifes...He may have been supporting and coaching her (besides the beating...).

Ike Turner died in the year that his progressed sun passed to another sign. That is an indication for a change in 'being'.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


This is the chart of Jody Foster. Yesterday, given an award, she thanked her partner Cindy for her support. That was her coming out as a lesbian, though they spent years together, raising children. Watch the Venus in Scorpio conjunct Neptune for the secrecy or discretion and notice that Venus is sesquisquare Zero Aries (so: Prominent) and disposing of the MC. Venus is the planet of beauty and arts. Neptune is the planet of the immaterial (like movies are) and of being artistic.

Neptune is important in her birth chart, but these days transit Neptune is important as well. Neptune sits on the lowest spot of her solar return chart. And is making a square with the progressed MidHeaven! That seem to correspond with her statement. She said she was insecure and trying to get somewhere, without knowing where...Neptune for mystery and MC for goal...

Monday, December 10, 2007


I am not sure if Robert Plant (born 20th August 1948, 15h05 West Bronwich UK) planned the comeback of Led Zeppelin together with an astrologer, but it just might be so. Exactly today transit Jupiter is perfecting the square with his MidHeaven, while Pluto is also square the MC (for the comeback: and trine the Sun. Jupiter also trines the Sun. What you see is a double combination for succes. And then Saturn is also in a good mood, making a trine with the Northern Node to express the respect of the people.


Bullying tv-cook Gordon Ramsay (a Scorpio with a service minded Moon in Virgo, born 8th november 1966) has been visited by inspectors and they concluded that his business place needs a bit more cleaning. That does not really influence him. Transit Jupiter is conjunct the progressed Sun. Transit Uranus trines his natal Sun. All that matters is that Uranus is afflicting Mars right now, so that his work (Mars) is in the newspapers (Uranus). As mr. Ramsay has an oriental Uranus conjunct Mars, by translation of light, in a stellium with the Virgo Moon he is known for his hot temper and heavy critics. This goes together with emotions and ...yes...passion! Notice alsow the connection between the 3 planets in Scorpio (Venus, Sun, Neptune, a creative combination).

PS November 22
The above mentioned passion and a hot temper might also be the key to the latest news about him having an affair. Note that both Mars-Uranus and Venus-Neptune are combinations that are two of the most frequent combinations in the charts of men who divorce (once or more) or never get married at all. (The other two are Moon-Saturn and Moon-Neptune).

Sunday, December 9, 2007


Today Robert Pickton has been found guilty of the murder of at least 6 women. Because of 'circumstances' the jury judged that he was not guilty of murder in the first degree, so that he could be walking around again after 10 years, unless the result of the next trial (for the murder of another 20 women) will keep him in prison for life. Robert Pickton was born October 24, 1949. He is a Scorpio with the Moon calling (without major aspects in sign), in the sign of Sagittarius. In the study that Joanne Wickenburg did and that was published on Astrodatabank it showed that 74% of the serial killers she compared had Sun or Moon in Sagittarius. Remarkably frequent we found (in a study on an American forum) placements between the 16th and 19th degree of Sagittarius in the charts of serials. And that is exactly where the New Moon is residing right now. Transits (including solar transits) of today for Robert Pickton: Transit Sun square Saturn (day of bad luck) and conjunct Venus (but with some favours); transit Uranus opposition Saturn (limited freedom) and Pluto trine Mars (a victory). There will be another trial later...

Moon, Jupiter and Mars (in between Saturn and Pluto) are without major aspects in sign. These three and Venus and Sun are making aspects with Saturn and Pluto (Sun quintile Pluto). You see a die hard who is associating the female gender and love with frustrations.


Interesting synastry between the birth charts of Oprah Winfrey (helping Obama) and Hillary Clinton (the other candidate)! They - both influencial women - share the following aspects:

Sun - Saturn (Oprah square, Hillary quintile); they share nasty experiences
Moon - Uranus (Oprah quintile, Hillary square); both long for being different from the other
Moon - Jupiter (Oprah opposition, Hillary trine): success joins them
Venus - Saturn (both square); long felt pain if they break up
Mars - Pluto (Oprah square, Hillary conjunction); this could be destructive but they could have been teamplayers and joined forces...(well, maybe after Hillary became the candidate for the Democrats?)

And apart from that, Hillary has Moon on top and conjunct Zero Aries; Oprah has Moon on the IC, so that in the composite chart the Moon (symbol of the woman) is on the descendant, very prominent, opposing the ascendant. Popular and attractive women.

Their Mercury's (opinions) collide and the Pluto of Oprah is squaring the Northern Node of Hillary as for indicating the influence she has on the community that Hillary needs to support her.

So what aspects does Oprah share with Hussein Obama (born 4th August 1961 at ??? in Honolulu)?
They share o.a. Mercury-Jupiter (trine and opposition) for prosperous communications.

Does Obama have a chance now that Oprah supports him? It is difficult to predict, especially when it is about the future:) and even more without a birth certificate with his hour of birth on it. So looking at the charts of othter candidates might be helpfull, certainly when it is not about 2 candidates (republican and democrate) only. So more about that, after the democratic elections.

More about candidates:
Hillary Clinton
Rudy Giuliani
Barack Obama
Presidents compared

Saturday, December 8, 2007


In the chart drawing it says: 3 times champion: Sun in Scorpio trine Saturn for hard confrontations and Sun square Jupiter for winning them...

Re: the release of Joran van der Sloot

This is a- a bit shortened - translation of the article in Dutch called 'Vermist', about missing persons and those involved. Astrology is no help at all in finding 'who done it'. But I like to show how negative press related to aspects with Neptune have a sometimes false effect. Charts and stars do not judge, they just correspond.
This is about the baby kidnapped by the dingo (and about the mother who was found guilty instead). It is about Jonbenet Ramsey, found hours after dying in her own house. This is also about the still missing Natalee Holloway and Maddy McCann. In all of those cases aspects between Mars and Uranus and between Mars and Pluto play a vital role. Also Neptune, planet of mysteries, alcohol, drugs, animals, media and missing people is always there...

The baby of Lindy Chamberlain (born March 4, 1948) is supposed to have been killed by a dingo and taken away on August 17, 1980. But nobody at the time believed what the mother told them (dingo's were supposed to be nice doggies). The press was against her. In her birth chart the Sun is inconjunct Neptune.

- Negative image -
Lindy had the bad luck to have Sun inconjunct Neptune and Pluto (forming a Yod). How easy is it with such a combination to be seen in the wrong light! Her religion (she is a Seventh-day Adventist) was not much of a help in Australia. And notice that Neptune is the symbol of the wild animal, too. After years in prison they found a piece of the torn clothes of the baby, far far away and she was free again.

There is another clue to the fact that she was found guilty of murder. Her Saturn is right between Mars and Pluto. That is a combination for the theme of violent death that she shares with serial killer Berkowitz, Idi Amin and the murderer of the Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn (named Volkert van der Graaf). But she also shares this combination with those who were victimised by such a crime, like Yoko Ono, the girl Mahaty (killed by Karen Homolka) and John F. Kennedy.

- Faithfull coincidence -l
The event seems to have been a case of bad luck and coincidence. Mars of the little baby born June 11th 1980 opposed to Lindy's Sun and her Uranus squares Mars of Lindy. On the day the dingo kidnapped the baby Lindy Chamberlain had a.o. transit Mars trine Uranus and transit Uransu square to Mars. The Mars-Uranus conflict that is connecting mother and child is activated on that day.

Jonbenet Ramsey (6th August 1990 Atlanta 11:56) is the little beauty queen aged 6 who was murdered on December 26 1996. The family always said someone from outside the house and family must have done it. And though on the internet there is a lot of gossip going on about times and statements that do not correspond (like in the case of Madeleine McCann, again)...there are no proofs against the family.

- Family-

a. Father John Ramsey (7 december 1943, 12h45 Omaha) has Sun opposition Mars and Mars conjunct his crucial Uranus on the IC. Those are indications of someone with a hot temper. In October of 1996 he had Sun opposition Pluto and in January of the following year 1997 his Sun reached a sesqui square with Saturn. Neptune - the planet of the media - was on his progressed MC and so he was part of a gossip going around. Note that this is the same sort of aspect his little daughter had at the time! (see below...) Saturn was also in conflict with his progressed Ascendant and Venus. All these are very tough aspects that seem to match with the horrifying situation.

The latest report about him is that he is dating the mother of the missing Natalee Holloway, Betty Holloway Twitty!

b. Jonbenet's mother, Patsy (29 December 1956 - 24 Juni 2006) was a former beauty queen with Sun inconjunct Mars. The positions on her birthday show that she and her daughter had a close connection between Venus and Saturn. That is a common synastry aspect with mothers and daughters.

During the time of the murder Patsy has Saturn in opposition with the Sun. That indicates a depression and being blamed.

c. Brother Burke could have done it, said the public. He was born 27 January 1987. When his sister died he had Saturn in conflict with the progressed Sun and Venus. Transit Pluto was sesquisquare Mars. He was only 9 years old, then! The transits show his grieve and the fact that a crime occured (and that he had to defend himself, perhaps against the accusations).

- Jonbenet -
Jonbenet has an intruiging birth chart. This natal chart points at the disadvantages of beauty and charm danger.

The crucial planets Venus and Saturn are on both sides of the meridian (for the disadvantages mentioned before). Venus is on top: charm and beauty are above all of importance in her life. There is a grand square of Sun, Moon, Mars and Pluto. Mars and Pluto are prominent in her chart, as they are connected to Zero Aries by hard aspects (135 degrees). Mars is on cusp eight, the house of Pluto and Mars opposes Pluto. It is clearly seen that there is a danger to die (8) because of an act (Mars) of violence (Pluto).

- 26 december 1996 -
On the final day of her life Jonbenet had an appropiate transit of Neptune inconjunct the MC. She was missing for a few hours and her death has remained a mystery. She is sharing the Neptune-MC aspect with her father, that day.

In her solar return chart for 1996 Mars and Saturn take position on the cross of the chart: an end of energy.

- Fake killer -
One day a so called killer shows up: John Mark Karr (11th December 1964m Hamilton), a man with Mars partile conjunct Pluto. He and the victim share the aspect of Mars and Pluto. His Uranus is inconjunct her Moon (zero orb). His Venus trines hers. His Mars trines hers. He could have done it and so he was arrested. John Mark Karr has the same connection between Sun, Mars and Uranus as John Ramsey. But...his DNA does not match and though the man is a pedophile, he did not seem to be the murderer and was released on October 5, 2006. Karr was just obsessed by Jonbenet...


Another case of missing persons is that of Natalee Holloway. She vanished after a wild night in the Caribeans. Suspect is Joran van der Sloot, but there is no body to proof that Natalee is death, even. I mentioned in the article about sharing aspects this:

"He is born August 6, 1987, Arnhem. She is born 21-10-1986 Birmingham USA. He was the last person who saw her alive, it seems. As he suspected his and her faith are connected and so are their charts. Apart from the fact that his Mars squares her Pluto and Venus (...) they share :
- Sun conjunct Mars (he) and Sun square Mars (she)
- Sun square Pluto (he) and Sun conjunct Pluto (she)
- Both have Mercury conjunct Venus
- He has Jupiter sesqui square Saturn, she has the square"

When she disappeared Natalee had transit Mars semi square Mars and sesquisquare Pluto, activating the dangerous Mars-Pluto connection in her natal chart. Joran had Pluto conjunct Uranus that day and sesquisquare Venus. He also had Mars sesqui square Pluto. So coincidentally they had the same sort of transit on the same day, added with the aspects they already shared. Joran van der Sloot remains a suspect and was recently arrested for the second time, without any results. On December 8, 2007 they released him for the second time.

Maddy McCann vanished on May 3, 2007 at about 9 in the evening from the appartment her parents had rented for the holidays in Portugal. The parents were in a restaurant with friends. It is said that she was walking outside in pijama's the night before and this might have drawn the attention of some person. And it could be that her parents (doctors) gave her something to sleep. But nobody knows for sure what happened...

The little girl was born on a day with extra risks for her safety. Mars was in a very close sesquisquare with Saturn and septile Pluto. The Sun was inconjunct Pluto and Pluto quintile Uranus. These are nasty aspects, indicating the danger of violent death as a theme and pointing at some sort of an impuls, arrest (which is merely the same as being taken away from your safe place, a sudden revolutionairy change of life).

When she vanished the transitting Sun was in aspect with the positions Mars, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto had on her birth day. It was an evil day. And Neptune squared her natal Sun. Neptune, the planet of mysteries, drugs, mist, sea and disappearance. And indeed, this is stilll a mystery. It is also a media hype (Neptune again!) and notice, how religion (the visit to the pope) was again part of the scene.

- Suspect -
'Neighbour' Robert Murat, 20th November 1973, drew immediate attentino. He has Mars afflicted by Uranus. Venus is in hard aspect with these midpoint combinations: Mars/Saturnus, Mars/Pluto and Uranus/Pluto. No wonder that he was suspected. There are several links between the charts of Murat and Maddy:

a. His afflicted Mars is on her Venus
b. His Uranus opposed to her Venus
c. Her progressed Sun inconjunct his Uranus
d. Her progressed Sun semi sextile his Mars
e. His Pluto (zero orb!) sesquisquare her Sun of birth.

But does this point at involvement or is it more? The Jonbenet-Karr-case shows that coincidence does exist...

The father of Madeleine is Gery McCann, born June 5, 1968. Notice the aspects...Mars square Pluto and Uranus, Sun square Mars and conjunct Pluto (and compare them to the ones John Ramsey has, for example). Saturn is calling and oriental (good for a scientist or doctor). On May 3, 2007, the day that Maddy vanished, he had transit Mars opposed to Pluto. His progressed Sun squared Saturn. And Neptune was inconjunct his progressed Sun. So he was blamed and suspected...


Cases and charts like these are very much showing that speculations about guilt should not be done based on astrology. I have notice how the charts of lawyers and sollicitors seem to have the same sort of aspects as the criminals have...and their victims...The aspects point at a theme in life, not a guilt. The stars do not judge.

* Not:
In AstroMagazine, on 29/08/2007 I wrote about Steven Truscott. He had been found guilty when he was 14 and they accused him of raping and killing a schoolmate. He got life, was released after 10 years in prison (the best years of his life) and in 2007 (48 years later) found innocent. He was born January 18, 1945 in Vancouver. He has a close Yod of Mars with Uranus and Pluto. There were three midpoint combinations between these planets. Saturn opposed to Mars and Neptune was making a square. Astrological language for a possible arrest and crime as a theme in life.

John Mark Karr also has a combination of Mars-Uranus-Pluto! Robert Murat has Mars opposition Uranus. John Ramsey has Mars conjunct Uranus. And the only certainty that we have is that their names are linked to cases of missing people. It does not mean they did it. A television man in Holland (Jaap Jongbloed) is presenting a program about missing people . He has Mars semi square Uranus and Neptune (ruling the MidHeaven) is sesquisquare the MC. Check it yourself (he is born April 24, 1955 aat 9h30 in The Hague). This seems to be a perfect chart to end this article with...

You see above the charts of Jonbenet Ramsey and Madeleine McCann

Marga Bervoets
December 2007


John Darwin, the man who reappeared after being a missing canoer since March 2002, made all the efforts to be able to pay for his debts. He was born 14th August 1950 (according to Wikipedia) and though time nor place is available the birth chart shows some very interesting clues to the commited crime.

Pluto is rising before the Sun and conjunct the Sun. Money, power and sexuality, cases of life and death...these are the main items in his life because of that prominent Pluto. Notice that Mercury is conjunct Saturn and semi sextile Pluto: the key to a strategic mind. Mars semi square Saturn is often there in the charts of those who commit a crime or fight it. Darwin used to be a prison officer. Notice how the 75 degree quindecile aspect connects Mars and Pluto with Mercury-Saturn, connecting death with strategy.

It is interesting to see that the progressed Sun is now conjunct Neptune. Often Neptune is present where scandalls are being revealed and people see their portraits in the newspapers. This progression could also be read as 'enlightening a dissapearance' in this case.

There is a larger article about missing persons (f.ex. Natalee Holloway) and their charts available on in Dutch, just click HERE

BIRTH CHART JAMES BLUNT (Dutch website) reports that James Blunt is not exactly avoiding the other gender...He should have some reputation where one night stands are involved. James Blunt is born 22 February 1977 in Wilthshire. That day Mars was rising before the Sun and oriental in his natal chart. Mars is for enterprise, sports and...reproduction. Take into account that he is very attractive for a lot of women (being rich and famous)...

On his birth day this prominent Mars in Aquarius squared Uranus and was in opposition with Saturn (where is control and what are the limitations?). The Sun is calling for attention, Venus is trine Neptune for romance and artistic talents.

The message about his love life comes with transit Nodes semi square Venus (relations with females is the issue), Neptune semi square the progrssed Sun (frustrating negative imago) and Pluto inconjunct the progressed Jupiter (having succes, but...) .

Thursday, December 6, 2007

watch the synastry in their charts

When one person helps or hurts another, there is a link between their charts. Mr. Sarkozy asked the Colombian Farc to release Ingrid Betancourt before Christmas and see how Venus, Jupiter and Nodes of Ingrid Betancourt are connected to his chart.

There is more about Ingrid Betancourt on Astro Post Blog

Friday, November 30, 2007


Stuntman Evil Knievel has died with transit Saturn semi square Sun, transit Mars square progressed Saturn and Neptune in a semi square with his progressed Sun an Moon. Over three heavy aspects...

Evil Knievel was born 17th October 1938 at 21h40 in Butte (Montana), with Mars ahead of the Sun. As Mars is the planet of action and energy, this seems to be fitting this stuntman, but...notice the narrow trine between the prominent Moon and Saturn. Without that aspect that points at a need for certainty and security, Evil Knievel would never have become as old as he was.

Given the elevated Venus Knievel was above all an artist, earning a lot of money (Venus trines Pluto...)


A video of Ingrid Betancourt shows her alive but not too well as a prisoner of the Colombian Farc. Neptune is now semi square her natal Sun (indicating the media and for her situation) and transit Uranus is semi square Saturn with Pluto sesquisquare her Ascendant. This symbolises stress. There are little signs of hope, like Transit Jupiter conjunct Venus and trine het Moon, on the Ascendant. The progressed Moon trines Venus. Those use to be prosperous aspects indicating love, support and hapiness in the family. In her chart Jupiter rules the eight house. It might be the reason why even the Progressed aspect Sun conjunct Jupiter did not improve her situation. But it also might be, that for people in prison and/or those who cannot act as an individual in freedom (like many women all over the world), the progressions and transits should be interpreted with an addition: 'considering the circumstances'...

This is what I wrote on 16th August 2006 about INGRID BETANCOURT:
" Planet Internet ( has an item about the Colombian candidate for presidency who was kidnapped over four years ago: Ingrid Bétancourt. She is born 25th December 1961 in Bogotá at 14h15 (according to

What is in her natal chart?
She is realistic, earthbound, ambitious and aware of status with Saturn peregrine and strong in own sign of Capricorn. She also has the combination of Sun Capricorn and Moon Leo. She is a warrior (Mars is oriental). She mentioned once that her children are proud that she is doing this, this fight against drug criminals.

Mars, Saturn and Uranus combinations : liberty robbed!
There is a triple midpoint combination of Mars, Saturn and Uranus. And Mars in Capricorn is trining Uranus. Being robbed of your freedom and liberty is one of the interpretations Ebertin gives (in Combination of Stellar Influences) and it seems to me that it fits! You could also see this combination as: disadvantages of a radical way of doing things.

Radical living
Ingrid Bétancourt did not choose an easy family life with children and a dear husband. She was a member of parliament and a candidate for presidency in Colombia. The fact that this had a negative influence on her private life is seen in the aspects of the Moon square Neptune and opposed to the MC. Her vocational routing is through Aquarius (making the world a better place). Uranus. Mercury. Saturn*. What has politics got to do with this? Pluto trines Mercury. The combination Mercury, Saturn, Pluto is often seen with politicians (strategic minds, like the USA presidents).
There is a stellium in this chart of Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars in the eight house of crises, life and death. And in her fourth equal house Moon is there with Uranus and Pluto, the radicals. She was born in Columbia, emigrated (to Paris) and came back. Uranus and Pluto in 9 or 4 indicate radical changes and often come backs.

Nobody knows how she is now: Neptune!
Neptune on the descendant for disappearance, idealism, ideology and …drugs. All Neptune related items are prominent in this chart, due to others (descendant!).

Kidnapping: the progressed chart
At the time of her disappearance, 22nd February 2002, transit Pluto squared progressed MC and transit Jupiter ruler 8 was inconjunct the natal Midheaven. This happened right after a transit of Neptune across Saturn and MC and just before Neptune was to join Jupiter.
Meanwhile the progressed Sun is getting closer to a crucial conjunction with progressed Jupiter. Normally this is a prosperous aspect. But in this chart Jupiter rules the 8th house of life and death. That is why in this case the Sun conjunct Jupiter progressive aspect (perfecting in November 2006) might even mean the announcement of her death. Jupiter is the planet for publications and up to now it were problems that made her a world wide celebrity.

In the drawing above it says that Jupiter is for the international, Mars oriental indicates her activity, Saturn near the MC and unaspected is showing her ambition to be a member of the government and Neptune is there for idealism and - in this case- for being victimised.


Dutch top model Doutzen Kroes broke up with top skater Sven Kramer last week. She said she misses time to have any relationship at all. In her progressed chart we see the Sun square to Saturn. Saturn is the symbol of time and duties. And of being alone...

More about Doutzen

Sven Kramer's birth chart (23rd April 1986) is reflecting the event of breaking up. Transit Saturn square Saturn and inconjunct Mercury shows disadvantages or being down (Saturn afflicting) of/about a good-bye (Mercury-Saturn).

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Had an overdosis of drugs not ended the life of Jimi Hendrix, he would have become 65 today. Look at the chart and notice Neptune on top, related to Aries Point. This prominent Neptune is very telling for the life and death of the great guitar player. Neptune is the planet of drugs, music, artists and romance.

Monday, November 26, 2007


John Terry (a Sagittarius born 7 december 1980 London) is one of the football players involved in an orgie of alcohol and sex in the period between two important qualification games of the national team of England. They did not make it and won't be playing in the European Championship 2008. And now it is known that Terry was dancing on the floor with an erotic dancer. That was when he was supposed to take a rest due to an injury.

In the prognosis for Sagittarius 2008 in the Dutch version I wrote:
"4. Born between 7 an 17 December? Uranus will square your sun in 2008. Anything might be expected all of the sudden. Uranus is for sensation and tension...".
Squares coming from Uranus often bring your name in the papers. And John Terry has transit Uranus square the Sun right now...And is not Uranus for astrologers, too?:)

Sunday, November 25, 2007


A message for sundays:

In 'The Blair Years' Tony Blair says that faith was important for the way he acted, but that he was afraid to show this to the outside world.

Given this fact it is interesting to see that Jupiter is in the twelfth house. Jupiter is connected with the conjunction of the retrograding Saturn and Neptune by biquintile (being creative with the limitations of faith). Wit the prominent Moon rising before the Sun in the ninth house of international contacts, travelling, development and convictions, Tony Blair just needs to believe. This Moon is making a midpoint yod with Jupiter/Neptune.

A midpoint yod points at an important spot in the birth chart. The distance from that point (the apex) to one of the other points of the combination is as large as the distance is to the next point. In the case of the natal chart of Tony Blair we see that these points (Jupiter and Neptune) form a biquintile, too. That makes a very strong combination

It is pleasant for the astrologer that the prominent Moon also symbolises females. His wife is a roman catholic and there is a long lasting rumour going around that Tony Blair plans to become roman catholic as well.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


They arrested Joran van der Sloot and two of his friends again, because there is new evidence in the case of the vanished Natalee Holloway. This happens to him with an appropiate transit of Uranus (freedom) square Saturn (limitations) and a transit of Pluto sesqui square the Sun.

I wrote about cases of missing people and also about this case in an article in Dutch, 'Vermist'. For your convenience I translate the highlights.

"He is born 6th August 1987 in Willemstad. She is born 21st October 1986 in Birmingham USA. He should be the last person who saw her alive and is suspected to be involved in her disappearance.

The fate of Van der Sloot and the missing American girl is connected and so are their charts. They share - apart from the fact that her Mars squares his Pluto and his Mars squares her Venus-:
- Sun conjunct Mars (his) and Sun square Mars (hers)
- Sun square Pluto (his) and Sun conjunct Pluto (hers)
- Both have Mercury conjunct Venus
- He has Jupiter sesqui square Saturn, she has Jupiter square Saturn"

On the day that she vanished, Natalee had transit Mars semi square Mars and sesqui square Pluto for a violent day. This is activating the existing square between Mars and Pluto in her birth chart. Joran had Pluto conjunct Uranus (a revolutionary change) and sesqui square Venus together with Mars sesqui square Pluto...The same combination as in her chart and the same planets involved that connect their charts: Mars-Pluto.


The former president of France, Jacques Chirac, experiences heavy times. Chirac, born in Paris 29th November 1932 around noon, is suspected of fraude and malversations (such as placing party members on the salary list thought they were not really working) in the period of time that he was mayor of Paris. Now that he is no longer a president he can be prosecuted and that is done with the following difficult transits (all at this time!):

Saturn square Sun
Saturn conjunct Mars
Saturn semi square Pluto
Uranus semi square Saturn (in 12!)
Mars inconjunct Midheaven
Pluto conjunct Moon
Jupiter inconjunct Pluto
And in addition there is a transit coming from Neptune, conjunct the Ascendant.

Jacques Chirac will celebrate his birthday soon. His solar return chart has Neptune on top, but also Jupiter on the descendant, pointing at support. That is only one little point of light in the darkness. The transits indicate a situation of disadvantages and of being suspected, going together with intense emotions.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Piers Corbyn predicted a superstorm that would break the dikes in Holland and Southern England and cause severe damage: a disaster. This prediction seems to have been a disaster itself! Corbyn, who has a transit of Neptune square the progressed Sun, is a controversial person in 'weather land'. And that is visible on the day he was born (10th March 1947): Sun square Uranus.

For Corbyn's site (based on solar activity) click here.
For finding wind and weather: see Winderfinder

Sunday, November 18, 2007


On you find the prognosis for temperatures, rain and wind for every place on earth, one week ahead. I see, I see what you can see too: they do NOT expect a giant storm on 24th November (and that is what Piers Corbyn says is 90% certain...)

I am afraid that astrology cannot offer the answer to the question. Aspects and signs are extraterrestial. They are the same for all over the world. Bangladesh was struck by a tycoon this week. Here we had cold and calm weather. Still there were the same positions. Charts offer a view in a character and in capacities, not in conditions (social, geographic or cultural).

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Heather Mills says Stella McCartney, daughter of Paul, is not generous. That MIGHT be possible, with a Moon in Cancer:). Stella on the other hand reports that she never even liked Heather Mills. That is also possible. The Mercury of Stella is opposing the Mars of Heather, a sort of a garanty for discussions. And the Uranus of Heather is conjunct the Pluto of Stella: this can be very tense! Watch the drawing with the positions on the day of birth of Stella, with those of Heather wrapped around the circle.

More about the divorce of Paul and Heather, click on the link.

Heather Mills: 12th January 1968 in Aldershot.
Stella McCartney: born September 13, 1971.

Friday, November 16, 2007


John Rishton is the new CEO of the Ahold concern. Before he was the chief financial manager of Ahold.

On the day that John Rishton was born, 21 February 1958, there was a lot of self confidence in the air:) Sun opposed to Pluto and trined Jupiter. Jupiter wsa sextile Pluto. And the midpoint combination Jupiter/Pluto opposed to >Zero Aries. Notice how Venus is square Jupiter and inconjunct Pluto. That combination tells us there is a lot of financial growth (but with a discrepancy somehow) or that he will succeed (Jupiter) in financials. The most narrow aspect that will be made in the birth chart of John Rishton is that of Mercury sextile Saturn, a garanty for being strict with figures.

On FEM Business it is said that Rishton has a strong will (Sun opposed to Pluto...) and knows how to act and deal with things. He has the Moon in the do-sign Aries and Mars is very prominent. Mars, the planet of action, is oriental (rising before the Sun), not aspected (I say: calling!) and in a creative quintile with Jupiter. That is a key for creative and right decissions!

At the moment Rishton has transit Jupiter trine the progressed Sun (for progress in life) together with transit Saturn sesqui square the progressed Sun (for frustrating responsibilities). In the solar return chart for 2008 Rishton has Sun square Jupiter. Should the growth and prosperity of Rishton also be growing results for Ahold? Time will tell...


Doutzen Kroes is a Dutch model, born January 23 1985 in Oostmeer. Victoria's Secret contracted her for the next four years. Let us have a look for an answer to the question why she is so beautiful and famous...

Notice that she has Venus and Mars (and probably also the Moon) in the sign of the photo, movie and media: Pisces. The planet of beauty and charm is Venus. Venus is making a hard aspect with Uranus (a square). This aspect is also seen in the charts of the most beautiful people in the world. Brad Pitt has it, so has Angelina Jolie. And so have many singers, b.t.w.

Jupiter rising before the Sun and Mercury calling (unaspected) add prominence to these planets of travelling. The combination of Mercury and Jupiter prominent is an indication for succes. Besides all that, Doutzen has Sun square Pluto for a strong will. And the strange thing is that (just like when she was contracted by l'Oreal) there is a hard aspect between Mars and Saturn. It might be, that Doutzen Kroes has to work hard, too...


Yahoo, in person: the manager for China Jerry Chih-Yuan Yang, has been criticised by the American Congres for being "at best inexcusably negligent" and at worst "deceptive" in the case of giving the names of a Chinese dissident to the Chinese government. Shi Tao is the victim of that act and now in prison for 10 years. Yahoo promised to do it better next time and settled with Shi Tao, probably he got a sum of money to look forward to. In their charts you see the lines for disadvantages of politics and gain (Saturn-Pluto) and in the progressions you see how unfortunate the interaction between Shi Tao and the company of Chih-Yuan was. It happened when Saturn-Uranus (limited freedom) became a theme in the progressed chart of the manager. And it already was a theme in the birth chart of Shi Tao...

The birth chart of Chih-Yuan Yang is dated November 6, 1968. Watch the indications for a succesful manager! Notice Mars conjunct Jupiter, both semi square the 'calling' Sun. Mercury is the oriental planet in this case. Mercury is prominent, because Mercury is 'calling', just like the Sun. Mercury is the planet of communications. Now we have the combination of a leading figure and communications. And that fits. The importance of making more money is visualised in the square of Venus in Sagittarius with Pluto.
On the day Shi Tao was arrested there were several difficult aspects and transits in the chart of the manager of Yahoo China. The most important for this case is the transit of Uranus, making hard aspects with the progressed Saturn and Uranus. Saturn-Uranus is the combination for limited freedom. Saturn and Uranus made a semi square aspect in the progressed chart of Jerry!

In the birth chart of Shi Tao (25th July 1968) Saturn is inconjunct Uranus within one degree of orb. When he was arrested (24th November 2004) Uranus was inconjunct the natal Sun and sesquisquare Mercury.

The picture above shows the positison of Chih-Yuan Yang with those of Shi Tao wrapped around them. Interaction between the charts is done by Pluto and Saturn. Tao's Pluto is inconjunct Jerry's Saturn. Jerry's Pluto is inconjunct Shi Tao's Saturn. This indication for hard confrontations and heavy difficulties showed the disadvantages (Saturn) of all that Pluto 'stands for': politics, power, money, influence and authority.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Darlene Conley was Sally Spectra in The Bold and the Beautiful. This week is was announced that on the 12 th January 2008 there will be a benficial gala in memory of Darlene, organised by stars of the soap serie. It will be one year after the day she died, then. On that day transit Neptune opposed the progressed Mars. And both planets are prominent in her birth chart. The circle is round...

Darlene was born 18th July 1934 in Chicago (source Wikipedia*). Pluto is oriental, conjunct the Sun; Mars in the sign of the stomach, Cancer, square Zero Aries and important because there are no placements in fire signs. At first sight you would notice a strong personality only. But then you may notice that Neptune is 'calling' and Neptune is for acting, a.o. The Moon in Libra represents the need for 'Beautiful' and the prominent Pluto refers to 'Bold':)

*) Astrothème says she was born in 1942, but all over the net it is said that Darlene died age 72 and that the cause of death was stomach cancer. There is no hour of birth available.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Ira Levin wrotes the kind of books that intriged the public. Before my 25th I used to name Ira Levin when they asked me who my favorite writer was...A kiss before dying was the first book I read of him. I remember the main character of This Perfect Day (Chip, from 'Chip of the old block') and I read the scary 'Rosemary's baby' when I was pregnant...

As the HOB is unknown some of the astrological information is missing, such as the correct sign of the Moon, the M.C., the Ascendant and the crucial placements in the chart. What is known is this:

In the birth chart of Ira Levin Neptune was rising before the Sun. He was an artist. With Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto 'calling'(without major aspects in sign) you can see why he suddenly became famous and how his successes were based upon tension and suspense.

Ira Levin was born August 27 1929 (time unknown) in Manhattan and he died November 12, 2007.


On the 26th of October, after more than 2 years of prison for having oral sex with a girl friend, Genarlow Wilson is free man again. This happened with Transit Jupiter trine his Sun and with harmonic transits of both Uranus and Saturn with Mars.

For more info and the birth chart of Genarlow Wilson, see the message dated October 21.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


On the 14th of November it is Prince Charles's birthday!

The Astro I.D. of Prince Charles is marked by the Moon on top and by Venus in a crucial spot on the IC. Moon is for mother, Venus for love. Notice Neptune prominent (oriental and conjunct IC) for the romantic idealist. Watch Uranus square Zero Aries. If you would not know this was the chart of the prince of England you would attribute an artist'soul to him, besides the exciting (Uranus) love affairs (Moon-Venus-Neptune).

For more about the birth chart of Charles, click HERE

Sunday, November 11, 2007


Dutch newspaper Trouw reports on the 8th of November that Saint Padre Pio (born May 25 1887 at 16h10 in Pietrecina) cheated his audience. He applied the stigmata himself. Also it has become known that Pope John the 23rd was not conviced that Pio sticked to the celibate status of a roman catholic priest. Let us have a look at the chart of a roman catholic priest who still has many believers and followers who worship him.

The birth chart of Padre Pio shows us a man with a lot of self confidence and a strong ability to convince others. Jupiter is 'calling' (not making major aspects in sign). Pluto is rising before the Sun. The prominence of Jupiter and Pluto, making a creative quintile between them, applies to a succesful man.

In religious charts ('fake' or not) there are always combination of Jupiter and Neptune (conviction + immaterial). The closest aspect in the chart of Father Pio is that of Jupiter inconjunct Neptune. Sun, Saturn and Pluto all three make a hard aspect - in the 22.5 degree serie- with the midpoint Jupiter/Neptune.

Even after death, when your reputation is being discussed, transits and progressions stay alive. Now that there are doubts about Saint Pio because of the statements of drugstore owners at the time who delivered material that could be used to produce stigmata, we see transit Pluto inconjunct the natal Mars-Neptune of Pio. The progressed Sun is beginning to change sign and next year (right after the square from Jupiter) this Sun will receive a square from Pluto. Is not the circle round? Important moments in time are often marked by come-backs of astrological aspects in/with the natal chart. BTW: in Pio's solar return chart for 2007 Saturn sits on the midheaven.

Relevant: comparisson of the charts of popes and an article about a group of trappist martyrs in Algeria.


This is the true chart:

This is the chart that was mentioned, too:

and that I read first...

The king of Spain, Juan Carlos (05011938 092000 GMT Rome, source Astrolab)
told the president of Venezuela yesterday to shut op. Hugo Chávez kept calling the former president of Spain, Aznar (born 25th February 1953, 7 a.m., Madrid, source Astrothème) a facist. The king however has his Jupiter sextile the MC of Aznar and Aznar's Jupiter trines the royal Sun. That is an indication for mutual support.

The charts of Chávez and Juan Carlos have a perfect interaction of Mars and Uranus (for the 'explosive' situation). Chávez has Uranus rising before the Sun. Juan Carlos has a prominent Mars on the Ascendant*) (and no placements in firesigns. They share an aspect between Mars and Uranus. And Mars of Chávez is sesquisquare the Uranus of the king. That is what creates a 'riot'.

In his birth chart Juan Carlos has these prominent positions:
- Saturnus prominent on Zero Aries, so that he is known for being the heir and/or for being reserverd and respected.
- Saturn trines Pluto (perfect): a harmonic relationship between concentration and focus, being a 'die hard' (also for yourself) and having control.
- The element fire missing: this can suddenly 'light up'fire.
- Mars prominent on the Ascendant: a man of action if needed.
- Moon in Aquarius calling; involvement and emotions at any level (mostly behind the scenes or screens).

This 'astrological I.D.' once made him stop a revolution before it really started. Juan Carlos mostly has everything under control, but...not all the time:)
Yesterday Transit Saturn opposed the Ascendant (conjunct Descendant): someone caused disadvantage. Pluto opposed Chiron (a hurtfull challenge). Progressed Mars sesqui square MC made the will to act in public rather strong. Primairy Sun was squared by Mars and that lighted the fire. And...the Pluto of Chavez was sitting on the progressed IC of Juan Carlos: a challenge again.

Read more about meetings seen in an astrological light

La Vanguardia says: "
El príncipe nació a las 13.15 horas, según consta en el registro civil de Roma; una hora más tarde según la mencionada autobiografía transcrita por Javier González de Vega, en la que la madre dice que su hijo era "feo, feo, ¡como un dolor!". "Tenía los ojos saltones. ¡Era horrible! Menos mal que en seguida se arregló". "
In other words: that he was born at 13h15 according to the official registration in Rome and 14h15 according to his autobiografy. Besides, that his mother cried that he was so ugly that he should be taken away at once.

The 13h15 chart is above on top! Notice that the patern changes (or not) as follows:
- the Moon is still calling (not making Ptolemeic aspects in sign or orb 5 degrees);
- that Jupiter and Pluto are crucial now (and that is a statement of succes);
- Mercury is oriental for the messenger;
- Neptune moves from the 7th to the 5th house and remains 'calling' for idealism and religion or any level;
- Saturn trine Pluto (a harmonic relationship between concentration and focus, being a 'die hard' (also for yourself) and having control) remains the most tight combination
- the element fire is still missing

The unaspected Moon and Neptune might point at feelings of empathy and commitment at any possible level (up and down) and could also refer to the affairs that he had (Neptune in the 5th). Important is the placement of Pluto conjunct the IC, in connection to the way he was welcomed by his mother, the fact that he grew up in the house of the dictator Franco and the influence of politics on his position. And perhaps we might see the Ascendant in Taurus as an explanation for the fact that he loves watching bull fighting? Recently there was upheavel about the fact that he catched the hat of the matador in an arena...

*)Only true for this questious birht time!

Also on this blog: Queen Sofia's chart

Saturday, November 10, 2007


Benazir Bhutto was born on June 21, 1953 and looks still young. Maybe that is because her Ascendant is in Gemini, but I cannot be sure without her hour of birth. In the birth chart of Bhutto there is a Sun in Gemini and Jupiter is rising before the Sun, also in Gemini. Moon is in the estetic sign of Libra and Venus is strong in Taurus, semi square Zero Aries and sextile (wide) Uranus. That is what we see on tele, a representative and young looking female.

There are two good reasons for her prominence.
1. The Sun is square Zero Aries on her birth day. The Sun does not make major aspects in sign. That makes her a leader!
2. Jupiter does not make major aspects either and rises before the Sun. That makes Jupiter the most prominent planet in her chart (being oriental and 'calling'). Jupiter is the planet of the international. In a way she was forced to be an international by being banned.
Jupiter is quintile Pluto and semi square to the midpoint Sun/Pluto. Jupiter is also semi square Mercury. This combination points at the talent of speaching. Another indication for the role of communicating is the amount of placements in air signs (50%). Mercury however is heavily afflicted by Saturn and Neptune. Such a Mercury was seen before this week in the chart of the genious child who was tought at home. So was Bhutto and that is limiting the contacts in her youth. Limited communications are also there because of house arrests and the fact that she is deaf on one ear. Still, she is self confident and that is the positive effect of the combination of the prominent Sun and Jupiter!

Bhutto is leading the opposition in Pakistan. She has a lot of followers now and that success is being translated astrologically by the transit of Jupiter trine her Pluto and by the quintile that the progressed Sun makes with Jupiter, on her way to Pluto. There is a combination for successes made by the Progressed Sun conjunct Pluto and both quintile Jupiter. As Pluto is the planet of the (prize and value of) sex, money, power, influence and politics...this will not be without danger.

Thursday, November 8, 2007


Is it Sun Arc Neptune inconjunct the Sun? Is it transit Neptune sesqui square Mercury, Saturn and Pluto? Is it Saturn square Neptune? Whatever it is, it is Neptune! Neptune is bothering Rasmussen. That is why nobody believes what he says. That is why he is being contradicted in the media. Neptune is the planet of scandalls, les, cheating, media and fantasy...And on the birth day of Rasmussen the Sun opposed to Neptune and squared Jupiter. He has the same hard aspect between Sun and Jupiter as Marion Jones and Floyd Landis have.

Biker Michael Rasmussen has difficulties in being believed and trusted this year. First transit Jupiter opposed to his Sun. And now there is that Neptune inconjunct. Notice how the very same combination of planets as in his birth chart are being highlighted in the transits and progression of this year and notice the effect...


Ainan Celeste Cawley is a genious and a child born in a family of gifted children. He was born 23 November 1999 in Singapore. Here you see the chart drawing for noon on his birthday .
His parents are searching for a university to make this 7-year old an academic before he will lose interest in learning. Soon transit Saturn will square the progressed Sun. Within a few years the progressed Sun will conjunct Pluto. These are no easy pjrospects.

Where in the birth chart of Cawley is the genious? I think his individual natal chart (including birth time) makes the difference (like his parents do, see the blog of the mother). Still there are indications. There is a golden yod, there is a three fold midpoint combination for successes and there is a prominent Mercury (planet of knowledge and youth).
Mercury is ahead of the Sun AND sesqui square Zero Aries. That makes Mercury prominent. As Mercury is afflicted by Saturn and Uranus, I doubt that he has a happy childhood being so special.
There is a so called golden yod build by quintiles and biquintiles between Sun, Jupiter and Uranus. Such a connection indicates a succesfull view (of the future) and quintiles are for creative talents. We could read this golden yod as that of a person who is ' his time ahead'. (Notice that all astrologers that I know of have a combination like that in aspects or in midpoints).
We see three times the midpoint combination of Mars with Jupiter and Pluto: Mars 22.5 Jupiter/Pluto, Jupiter 112.5 Mars/Pluto, en Pluto 90 Mars/Jupiter). We notice the hard aspects between Mars and Jupiter and between Jupiter and Pluto. They confirm the midpoint combinations and show a great potential and energy.