
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

FIFA, the arrests, the election and astrology

FIFA is big news today ( )

A 'head in the sand', obstinate, busy loner with concealed fear, that is what FIFA would be if FIFA was a man. Fortunately, FIFA is an organization: Féderation Internationale de Football Association International. Many millions of dollars and important decisions are made in that organization. Today 8 officials, including 2 VPs, have been arrested on charges of corruption. This happens now that Transit Saturn keeps hitting the natal Sun in the first degree of Gemini. It is not over, yet...The Swiss government announced a second investigation. And Saturn will be back, too...
It may end a period in history for FIFA, but it will not be the end of FIFA. This Saturn transit happened before and FIFA survived it.

Of course, any international big organization risks fraud and corruption, especially when large amounts of money and prestige are involved.

This happens now that FIFIA President Sepp Blatter wants to be re-elected (it would be his 5th term) on Friday with transit Jupiter exactly square his Midheaven (and transit Pluto trine Midheaven). Jupiter+Pluto: that is a great combination when you want to win any contest. Transit Pluto is also trine his progressed Moon. I don't know what transits and progressions the other candidate has, but he 'd need a lot of fortunate aspects to conquer this. And...although Sepp Blatter is a Political Exposed Person (PEP) in Switzerland, were the 'raid' took place, and even though he is the 'CEO', he was not arrested. Whatever happens, Blatter seems to be immune (with the help of Sun square Jupiter and semi square Uranus perhaps). 

If the accusations are true, the fact is that he was in charge all the time and in a way this 'communicative busy bee and pilar of strength' (color horoscope agan:) is formally responsible and the organization as a whole is to blame. Criticism comes with Saturn. Saturn hits FIFA's and Saturn hits the natal Moon of Blatter, too (transit Saturn semi square Moon). One of the interesting aspects between the charts of Blatter and FIFA is Pluto of FIFA square the natal Sun of Sepp Blatter. FIFA influences his life and life style and FIFA causes stress, too. I bet that it does, right now! Saturn-Moon transits makes you feel bad. But for how long? Transit Uranus will be conjunct the important Jupiter of FIFA soon and this aspect is the symbol of relief.

Above is his chart with transits and progressions.

PS BBC news mentions that his tenure as president outlasted three marriages. It is a man of status and duty first (Saturn rising before the Sun), a true manager. He is now motivated with the drive to win always (Sun/Moon midpoint in hard aspect with Mars semi square Pluto in the progressed chart). Pluto doesn't make major aspects in sign or orb 5 degrees in the natal chart, so that power play, strategy, stress and authority is highlighted, just as the Mercury-Venus-Descendant position helps him communicate with diplomacy and kindness. And how about the Leo Ascendant? This gives him the attitude that it takes to be a President. There is more in that chart, of course (like Ixion in hard aspect with Sun/Moon), but the Astro ID says it all:
- Saturn rises before the Sun
- Mercury and Venus are angular
- Pluto is 'calling'
And then you get a communication strategy that fits a politician and a die-hard in love and relationships. Plus financial management.

Time will tell what happens next and if transits of Jupiter and Pluto help you win no matter what.

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Monday, May 25, 2015

Beautiful Mind John Nash died

The movie 'A beautiful mind' was inspired by John Nash, the brilliant mathematician who died May 23, 2015 in a car crash with Progressed Sun square his Saturn, to signal a period ending. The movie is  about the period just before he was taken to hospital after being diagnosed with schizophrenia. It took 30 years to be able to live in society again. Here is the chart with transits and progressions for February 1958, when he entered hospital.
What is important in the natal chart are:
- Uranus without aspects within orb 5 degrees
- Sun/Moon semi square Uranus AND opposition Lillith
- Pluto conjunct Ascendant (getting over the Ascendant by progression)
- Jupiter rising before the natal Sun
This is highlighting Uranus and Pluto, and signaling stressed nerves, but also Jupiter and Pluto (successes) and the issue of being different (Lillith and Uranus). The Astro ID gives all the keys.

In February 1958 there were a few important aspects to consider:
1. Saturn was in the 6th house of illnesses, inconjunct the midpoint Ascendant/Midheaven. In the natal chart, this midpoint is conjunct Chiron, showing the crucial importance of healing. Inconjunctions (quincunxes) are frequent in moments of illnesses or when balance is lost (perhaps due to having to give up on something or someone).
2. Transit Uranus is square Ascendant/MC (and Chiron) and transit Pluto is inconjunct MC, so that both of the most highlighted natal planets take part. It was a time of extreme intensity, with a risk for the position in society, too. This is a combination for resistance, too.
3. Progressed Midheaven conjunct Jupiter and transit Jupiter opposition Progressed Midheaven and conjunct Jupiter is a triple indication for getting support, help and advice (often given by a doctor)

The fact Saturn and Uranus are in hard aspect with AC/MC at the same time illustrates the issue of 'breaking free or limited freedom'.

4. Progressed Lillith was conjunct Midheaven.

It is because someone asked me to have a look at Lillith, too, that I included Lillith in the chart and in this case Lillith is very important. Lilith is inconjunct Moon, conjunct MC and opposite Sun/Moon. That makes it hard to be 'normal', especially since Uranus is semi square Sun/Moon, too. A genius is always a bit 'different' and so was John Nash. Uranus and Lillith seem to indicate this.

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Sunday, May 24, 2015

Second date and astrology

There is a conservative politician in my country who is fighting against Second dating sites. You know, those sites where you can subscribe in order to find a partner to date with, even though both of you are involved in a relationship or married. A diver's watch has a second date, too. You have to get above water in time, when you are diving deep...
In 2014 a second date agency published that 13,4 percent of the members was born under Capricorn. That may not be the usual suspect, but if you want some security and do it in an organized way, you might end up on an internet site seeking a suitable reliable partner for being untrue. There were fewer Sagittarians (5,6 percent) and Scorpios (5,7 percent) among the subscribers in The Netherlands (see article). Perhaps that is because they do it less organized:). 
Apart from the 'suspected signs' there are 'suspected aspects'. In ancient astrology books Venus-Saturn aspects were considered to have a negative effect on remaining true in a marriage. I think that that is because in those days it was harder to get a divorce. The couple had to stick together, even if there was no love between them. Venus-Saturn wants to keep the relationship safe and yet, it is rather hard and boring if you don't have a hobby, like astrology, for example. 
I mentioned cheating ladies before (see the links). They almost all had Venus and/or Mars without major aspects in sign or orb 5 degrees, so that passion could reach any level (100% or zero). All or nothing. Second dating is very different. It is deliberately seeking adventure for your own pleasure, instead of desperately falling in love. We don't know any data about the subscribers, only sun sign percentages. But I can imagine what the charts could be like. It almost always takes more than 1 indication, like in the chart of John F. Kennedy, the Gemini with Moon-Venus, Venus-Neptune and Mars-Uranus aspects to need love, love romance and accelerated fire. He had his wife, he seems to have had Marilyn Monroe and still this was not enough. 
It is probably hard to be fiery and romantic in a long and boring marriage, without TV or an interesting hobby. Venus is not just the planet of love, but also the planet of what you love, like your hobby. I wouldn't be surprised if Venus-Saturn was the equivalent of lack of hobby!:) That explains, LOL.
If you want to study more:
Venus-Saturn sticks like glue and makes it hard to be true sometimes names and shames 5 possibly not so true signs and admits that every sign is a suspect...
Author Catherine Millet had a free marriage until he found a younger one:

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Thursday, May 21, 2015

Swinging Gemini, using hands and feet

On Thursday May 21, 2015 the sun entered the astrological sign Gemini. It is the 'handy' sign, excellent for anything that you need to do using hand and feet at the same time. What? Well, dancing, playing tennis or cricket. Gemini is also the sign of gestures (using hands and mouth at the same time:). 
This doesn't mean that any Gemini could play at Wimbledon or will be seen on TV in 'So you think you can dance'. And it is also not true that anyone who does, is a Gemini. In fact, some of them don't have any planet in Gemini at all. For example: Serena William. She is a top tennis player. Gemini is on her 2nd house cusp and Mercury (ruler of Gemini) is right opposite her Taurus (uh?) Ascendant. Even Agassi lacked support of Gemini. But, in order not to shame astrology, Roger Federer has a Midheaven in Gemini, just like cricket player Sourav Ganguly. Mr. Gangly also has Mercury in Gemini as final dispositor - ruler - of the Midheaven routing, as a strong statement. You'd almost think that Serena William shouldn't have been a tennis player at all:)   
Of course, that is a joke. It is very hard to link charts to exact jobs. You also have to include backgrounds, social status and culture. In Serena Williams' case, the father pushed all of his children to become a tennis player. He managed to succeed with Serena's elderly sister Venus. And she's a Gemini! Serene has Sun/Moon in hard aspect with Ceres (symbol of genes, dynasties) and so she was motivated by family. I'm glad to have found the Gemini way, here.
Bob Hewitt is an Australian born tennis player. He was convicted last week for raping six of his pupils. He was born on January 12,  1940. Check that ephemeris and you'll see: not a tiny little bit of Gemini on that day. Perhaps it is the hour and place of birth (MC, Ascendant), just like the rapist. Although Mars in Aries trine Pluto COULD be used to win and conquer with extreme drive in a sexual way. 
A besides about Hewitt. His chart, transits and progressions are mirroring the effect of resonance that I mentioned on this blog before. When you have a certain aspect in the natal chart and a transit or progression connects the same planets or points as in the birth chart, this transit or progression will manifest in a strong way. He has a natal Saturn inconjunct Neptune and opposition Node. It is the combination of involuntary detachment, (see the post) related to groups of people (like in a hospital or prison). Right now there are minor aspects repeating the natal combination. Transit Neptune is semi square Saturn. Transit Node was quindecile Saturn on the day of his conviction. Those aspects are considered to be generational aspects (because a lot of people born in the same period have them). Only if there are more indications in the same direction and when Saturn, Neptune or Node have a special place in the chart (for example: on an angle), you may expect that the Saturn-Neptune-Node theme will be mirrored in your life somehow. It might be the case in the chart of Hewitt, or it would be just coincidental that he faces a not wanted isolation now.
Just like Hewitt I don't have any Gemini planet in the natal chart. Everybody has a house cusp with Gemini on it. In my chart it is the 4th house. I like to live where there are shops, in a city or not to far from the busy road. I lived in an apartment above a mall twice. But I don't play tennis. And I don't dance! 
I had a friend once, a Gemini, who persuaded me to join her on a cruise to Norway. She had been on cruises in the Caribbean before and expected to dance, dance and dance all day. But, the public on the ship we sailed on was quite different (grey hair, looking for culture and loving jazz and classics) so that the disco was empty and cold and she was in bad and sad mood. I, on the contrary, enjoyed myself. I am not fond of dancing in public (no Gemini, no!). It is rather amazing that I met my husband on a dance floor (but OK, I was young), because when we decided to learn how to dance (style dancing, I mean) we had to cover the floor with paper feet to know where to stand on! He doesn't have Gemini planets either!
In the progressed chart, however, I have an Ascendant Gemini and that is nice, when you are getting older. They say that Gemini Ascendants look younger than they are and remain mentally active. What will happen to my blog when my Progressed Ascendant moves into Taurus, I wonder? Perhaps I'll move to the country:) Anyway, meanwhile I will try to be more swinging and keep blogging in accordance to the Progressed Ascendant. Gemini swings! Just consider the fact that the Sun/Moon midpoint in Michael Jackson's chart was in Gemini, too...
PS I noticed a group of Gemini Dancers and here you can learn how to dance 
Also visit: for example about Sun/Moon midpoint signs
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Saturday, May 16, 2015

The Taurus astrologer in the chart of John Frawley

The combination of the helicopter view is Jupiter-Uranus. Jupiter-Uranus combinations are frequent in the charts of astronauts, modern popes and …astrologers. The chart of British astrologer John Frawley is such a good example! Here it is:

Jupiter conjunct Uranus,
Sun sextile Uranus,
Jupiter sextile Sun
Also, Jupiter and Uranus are in a wider trine with Midheaven in Scorpio.
Jupiter and Uranus are in hard aspect with Venus, too.

That is a lot of Jupiter/Uranus, and it is all connected to Pallas, the symbol of patterns.
Here is his chart, with transits and progressions, the Porphyry way.
Need one know more? Well, John Frawley is a classical astrologer. 

He teaches traditional and horary astrology and wrote ‘The Real Astrology’ (a satirical approach of modern astrology).
Saturn doesn’t make major aspects in sign or orb 5 degrees. His Saturn is on Midheaven. That is why Saturn is the most prominent planet in the chart. Saturn is the symbol of ‘classical’… and in this chart Saturn is ‘calling’!

John Frawley is a famous astrologer.

Jupiter and Pluto are in aspect with the MC, promising public success.

There is also a Jupiter-Neptune aspect, connected with the Sun, that explains the dedicated audience/students and the number of fans that he has.

Now how does the sun sign Taurus mirror his life style? It may be in the price of a consultation  Well, isn't Taurus supposed to like making money?:) But there are more ways to demonstrate that you are a Taurus. Earlier I wrote about the correspondence between Taurus astrologers Deborah Houlding and William Lilly:

Because now I have to find out what William Lilly and Deborah Houlding share. I found this site ( ) with Lilly's 'Christian Astrology' retyped and with comments of Deborah Houlding. Perhaps that it is the continuity of working on that basic material that demonstrates the fixed and earth side of Taurus?
 Now I can add John Frawley (also recommending Lilly's Christian Astrology): Taurus and continuity of working on basic material.

It is his 60st birthday today and there are a 3 transits of Pluto with his natal and progressed chart. 
1. Pluto is conjunct Progressed Midheaven, 
2. Pluto is inconjunct natal Mercury and 
3. Pluto is conjunct natal Ascendant. 
Transits of Pluto might be more disturbing if you are not a traditional astrologer, but what if there are 3 of them? This usually means: challenges and stress. 
Perhaps that was (only) because of the failing website? On April 21, 2015 he wrote:'My website's come  back to life'. Interesting that Pluto is the symbol of come backs, crisis and matters of life and death...:)


On my site Astromarkt:

Here on Astropost:

About the charts of Deborah Houlding and William Lilly


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Friday, May 15, 2015

100% positive Bogus

Recent media news about astrology drew my attention these days. Here are the articles:
  1. en
  • Astrology isn’t 100% bogus
  • Astrology and celebrity: Seasons really do influence personality
It sounds very positive about astrology and in fact, it is! That is because millions of people don't know much about astrology at all and just remember that a scientist found that astrology is not bogus. In fact, large parts of the articles show that either the scientist or the journalist don't know much about astrology at all. 

One of the stories are about a water season in astrology. It says that December-March are in the 'Water Season' and Water is creativity in astrology. Oh really? Another part of the story is that in uneven month you'd be more extravert! Months and signs don't correspond, water is related to the water signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces and calendar month numbers are more related to numerology than astrology. So, there is something wrong about the articles (and maybe about the analysis, too, I don't know). 

Nevertheless, thanks to the scientist who may be in trouble now, because in his world it is not 'done' to refer to astrology at all. Maybe he didn't, in fact (and it were the journalist). Never mind! It is a positive story about astrology and that is far better than the ones we had last year. Only astrologers will know that it is partly bogus. 

PS Is there any scientific explanation for the fact that Mr. Bogus was produced by a company names Zodiac Entertainments? LOL

Sunday, May 3, 2015

The chart of baby girl

Here is the chart of the little princess born yesterday with in green the natal positions of her mother, Duchess Catherine (or Kate). Interesting, how two to the symbols of motherhood (Moon and Ceres) of the mother are connected to the chart of the baby. The Ascendant of the princess is conjunct her mother's Moon. The Sun of the princess is opposition the Ceres of her mother.

The chart has a Taurus Sun, Libra Moon and Cancer Ascendant with  Moon in Libra trine an Out of Bounds Venus in Gemini. It sounds like a sweet little girl. Ceres (symbol of motherhood, genes, dynasty) is also OOB and Mars is 'calling'. This is the chart of someone who will have good taste, interest in arts and energy at any possible level (sometimes none, sometimes an overload). Baby girl has a nice ladylike chart and I read that the public already likes her looks.

BTW did you know that has a child's horoscope with a free try out edition? I tried this one and it is full of grace and kindness in the texts...:)

About brother George:

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Transit Moon in 8 experience

Today, with transit Moon in my 8th house, exactly (!) square my natal Moon, I watched a little fluffy sparrow die in an old shoe box on my table. It is perhaps a bit silly to get tears in your eyes for a baby sparrow if you are not a vegetarian. And why be mad at the puppy? It is an animal and we eat chicken, too. She just snatched something interesting on the way that didn't fly away when she got near, even not when I ran to it. The puppy dropped the bird at command, but of course, it got hurt. Maybe it was hurt already, because why didn't it fly? It didn't get up, again and I didn't want to kill it. What to do now? Fortunately, there is a bird ambulance in town and they promised to come and collect the bird. But after about an hour of waiting for the bird ambulance the little one died.

I had hoped that they would have come to get her before the Moon square Moon, but unfortunately not. This transit occurs every month. Sometimes when I sleep, sometimes when I don't pay attention to transits of the Moon. But I will, from now on. Because it is rather special, this moment of death in the house.

And it was such a sweetie!

Isn't it strange that in a world full of violence and war, a little bird dying touches you? And that it happens when your chart says that you will be moved related to a case of life and death? 

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Friday, May 1, 2015

UK Elections, Transit Uranus-progressed Sun and Saturn in 12

On May 7 there are general elections in the UK. It may be hard to form a government as the number of seats required doesn't match with the number of seats of any party in the polls. The conservatives of David Cameron are still number 1 in the polls, today, but they will need a partner. So, David Cameron could win, and still loose. And Milliband can win and never enter Downing Street. At least, that is what I understand about it. It explains the complicated picture in their charts. There is, however, one thing about their charts that makes me very interested in the results of the elections. That is this. 
When David Cameron won in 2010, his progressed Sun was exactly trine transit Uranus. Now, in 2015 the progressed Sun of Ed Milliband will be exactly sextile transit Uranus!
Does it mean who wins and moves into Downing Street 10? Or is a Uranus transit a real surprise? And are trines better than sextile are? We will know it on May 8!
Stuff for study! 

So I started to have a look at the charts of Cameron and Milliband and here I tell you what I found.
Even though Ed Milliband’s chart is B rated and David Cameron’s is A rated, that doesn’t mean that he will be second in the electionsJ
WHAT will tell us who will win the elections? 

I compared the charts and noticed that David Cameron has a stronger profile for a leader than Ed Milliband, who is more an ideologist. The transits and progressions of both reveal stress, pressure and tension right now, and that is understandable. 

It seems that Mr. Cameron forgot to please the growing number of people suffering from the financial and economic crisis. Maybe they take their revenge on May 7? Let’s see about the charts. I ‘did’ David Cameron’s chart before and noted:
- Sun is 'calling' (not making major aspects in sign or orb 5 degrees)That is reflecting leadership (drawing attention at any possible level)- Mars is 'calling' too and so is JupiterThe combination of these 3 prominent placements points at successes. 
 OK, he became PM and that is about the highest position a civilian male can get.

Now how about Ed Milliband? Here is his chart (December 24, 1969, 14:00 hours in London) with transits and progressions for May 7 2015.

He has Neptune rising before the Sun for the ideology (socialism, in this case) and a Capricorn Sun exactly trine Saturn, accompanied by a ‘calling’ Mercury. This mirrors a serious communicating man of hierarchy and state, especially because of his Capricorn Midheaven. Then we get to the house ruler X: Saturn. With Capricorn on MC and Saturn in 12 we seem to have a problem. But is that so?

Saturn in 12
The 12th house is not supposed to be a pleasant position for Saturn as this is seen so often in the charts of inmates. However, as almost 1/12th of the people has a 12th house Saturn, there must be another interpretation.  CafeAstrology mentions ‘plagued with guilt’ and ‘escapism’ and that doesn’t sound good either. IndianAstrology says that with Saturn in 12 you might be afraid of life itself! However, this didn’t stop George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Jacques Chirac and Vladimir Putin  to become the number 1 of the nation! 
So let me interpret Saturn in 12 like this: you are the manager or in control behind the scenes and one of the best pro secret service agentsJ. I see the 12th house as the house of the media (everything that includes an image and a certain distance from real life out there). With Saturn in that house you can be a professional mediagenic person. Just watch Astrotheme’s long list of VIP Saturns in 12: including Bono and Robert Redford.

So, Saturn in 12 doesn’t mean that he won’t be MP. On the contrary.

Here is David Cameron's chart for May 7:

Now let’s compare the charts of both.
David Cameron’s Sun-Mars-Jupiter prominence shows a lot of energy and drive and chances of success. Ed Milliband’s chart only has a prominent Mercury in the natal chart. Will communicating skills be able to win?
Both have Out of Bounds Moons, but the Moon of Milliband is more 'out of bounds' than Cameron's is. 

Interesting is the synastry between the candidates: the Sun of Milliband is opposition the Midheaven of David Cameron (he shines when the status of Cameron is involved)? The progressed Sun of Cameron is inconjunct the progressed Ascendant (if that IS the Pr Asc!) of Milliband. 
The synastry doesn’t reveal much about the results, but in my country the press mentions that Cameron’s rather good results in the field of economy are overshadowed by the fact that he forgot about the natural followers of Labour…But will he win?


Let’s see about the transits and progressions!
On election day, Pluto (for politics, power and pressure) is all around.

1. David Cameron has transit Pluto exactly square the natal Sun.
There is also transit Saturn inconjunct his natal Midheaven. That is a very difficult aspect. I have seen this transit before, when people fell off their pedestal or lost their position.  But let me remind you of Obama, winning with heavy bad Saturn transits: they were related to the family.

2.  Pluto is pretty close to the supposed to be (B rated birth data actually means: unsure) MC of Milliband
He also has a frustrating and painful Sun semi square Chiron in the progressed chart, exactly (!) and there is in a Saturn inconjunct Saturn period of life (when you have to let go of certain ambitions). 

Both have their problems. Charts don’t ‘predict a winner. 

There is an interesting similarity that is worth studying.  
In the chart of Cameron in May 2010 - when his party won - he had progressed Ascendant square Jupiter. That was also with transit Uranus exactly trine his progressed Sun. 
Now Milliband has transit Uranus exactly sextile Progressed Sun...! And if he was born just 5 minutes later, his progressed MC will be trine Jupiter.
So after May 7 we will know if the harmonious aspect of transit Uranus with progressed Sun means that positive change (and winning!)
(Just thinking: One of the things that leaders in the USA and UK have to face when they win or loose is, that they have to move out of the house. That is stress, that is change and that is suddenly. Very Uranus!)

For a better check, I tried to include the MC of the final moment on Election Day, but there is nothing much to see except that the Moon of that moment is in aspect with the Jupiter’s of both men. Maybe at that time it's still unknown who wins and both are still full of hope.
I also wonder what it means that they both have an angular Ixion in their Solar Return charts. Should this indicate the prominent theme of guests and hosts and ‘the bad guys’? Or does it mean that they point at each other for that? And Cameron has a SR with Sun opposition Uranus (...) AND Mars trine Jupiter, exactly. While Milliband's SR has a perfect trine between MC and Jupiter. 

In June, Ed Milliband will have Jupiter inconjunct his MC and David Cameron's Progressed MC wil receive a trine from Jupiter. 
Very confusing!

Well, we’ll see it on May 7. There is no real victorious happy aspect, only Pluto for Politics and Power struggle. And as Europe is in charge in many ways, it doesn’t make much difference who wins, I’d say. Except for the persons and parties involved, of course…The fact that Milliband has the same kind of transit/progression as Cameron had in 2010 makes me think that Labor has a better chance. But it is a transit of Uranus and you know Uranus...Uranus is the symbol of a surprise and of sudden change and... of nerves. Uranus transit won't tell us what kind of a change it will be until it is time.

LINKS On David Cameron's chart with transits and progressions for the first days in charge

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