
Sunday, January 31, 2016

Transit Chiron with Mars and Pluto is a pain

You may have noticed that there are fewer messages on this blog than used to be. It is because since mid November last year when transit Mars hit my Saturn, I have an increasing pain and can't move my upper right leg. It might be because of a muscle problem, but it takes more doctor's knowledge to be sure (I will be informed Monday). I have a list of 6 nasty transits and progressions to accompany what I consider the main indication for my situation:
Transit Chiron in Pisces is conjunct my progressed Mars and inconjunct my progressed Pluto. In the progressed chart Mars is inconjunct Pluto.

Chiron is supposed to be the healer, but there MUST be something to be healed, of course. Mars-Pluto is a great indication (in my astrologer's eyes) for getting hurt when using on overdose of force. I  used that when I tried to be stronger than my French Bully:). She pulled one way, I wanted to go the other way and when I turned and pushed, something snapped. That was Mars-Saturn. The other nasty things are listed below. It is depressing, especially because I completely depend upon my husband for almost everything. In the past weeks things got worse and now I even have a wheel chair and a lovely friend to walk me around the pond when the sun shines.

If you see this transit coming, beware:). No, it is not so violent, always. I have that list:
1. Progressed Moon in progressed 12th house, opposition transit Saturn in the progressed 6th (but in the 9th of the natal chart, and I hope that is helping me)
It is the kind of transit Saturn running behind the moon and it will be November when the transit is gone. It means: depressing experience keeping you at home (in my case).
2. Transit Pluto inconjunct progressed Moon in natal 3rd house
3. Progressed Mars and Venus inconjunct progressed Neptune  and Pluto (mysterieus passion? no way!)
4. Progressed Ascendant inconjunct Mars (after opposition Venus) for inflammation?
5. Transit Pholus opposite progressed Ascendant and semi sextile Mars (turing point in perspective + frustrations): really I doubt if I can make that trip this summer...
6. Lunar chart has Mars on the Ascendant
and finally: that transit of Chiron with Mars and Pluto. 

Even the chart of my husband is involved. His progressed Sun is close to my natal Sun now.  It means that he will also get transit Chiron - Sun soon, because that is what coming up next. 

Now you know why there aren't so many posts, lately. A funny picture I saw has this text: 
I don't know if it is killing me or if it is making me stronger. We'll see...One day I hope to do what they do in the picture above!

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Monday, January 25, 2016

David and Angie Bowie's violent synastry

On my blog 'Astrology &Love' there are numbers of articles about couples, happily married or not. David Bowie seems to have said, that he never loved Angie. Yet, they were married for 10 years and he wrote 'The prettiest star' for her. As Angie Bowie told us, this wasn't a happy marriage. He cheated on her and once he almost strangled her in anger. She was saved by his mistress.

So, you may wonder what synastry brought them together and what separated them. It might be the same force: Pluto. His Pluto square her Venus and her Pluto inconjunct (! the sign of no match) his Sun and Mars. The combination intensifies passion and warns for the danger of using violence. Here is the chart of Bowie with transits of the day of birth of Angie Bowie, whose Mars is close to his Saturn and Pluto in the 7th house.
What kept them together? Their not corresponding Moons don't make it easy to get used to each other's habits, though (as the Moon of David is square hers) the different personalities might have been part of the attraction. Saturn in the 7th house and trine Venus helps to stick to a marriage (feelings of responsibility). As long as she permitted his adventures, why would he leave? But David Bowie has strong indications for divorce in his chart:

1. Mars inconjunct Uranus (also a sign of short fuse)
2. Moon conjunct Saturn
3. Ruler 1 inconjunct ruler 7

So it wouldn't be likely that he would remain married the 1st time. Her Sun square Uranus is also a 'risky' aspect for relationships. As her time of birth is unknown, this is all to see.

Of course, there is more between a man and a woman then we know off and there is more between charts than can be mentioned here. Just the fact that it was marriage nr 1 for a man with his aspects and chart would be enough to expect a divorce later. When there is a Mars-Pluto synastry, the sexual intensity could easily turn into dangerous anger. I wrote about the danger of this combination here: If you have such a synastry aspect, beware and take care. It takes a lot of love (and Venus) to ease this aspect. In the case of David and Angie Bowie, there is not so much Venus, as Venus is also challenged by Pluto. It was a good thing to divorce.

LINKS signs of divorce in the chart

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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The astrological explanation of Donald Trump's poll results

With the article of Claire Chandler on*) in mind (and even before I read that article), I am very careful with predictions and seemingly choosing sides in politics or any other fiery matter. I try to be as objective as can be, though I know that pure objectivity isn't a human thing. It is even more necessary to stick to the facts, when it comes to Donald Trump. He seems to have more enemies than friends. Yes, Donald Trump may not even be the most popular person in the world of astrology as well. Yet, he is the prime Republican candidate in the USA right now and that is interesting What in the chart shows it, I wondered. Picture this: British MP's tried to forbid him to enter the country and called him names! So they probably already know that he won't be the next POTUS. It would be so inconvenient to have to say sorry, after November. Until then, and maybe for a shorter period of time, he will be running and that makes it interesting to see why he is so popular among the Republican voters. 

Here you see his progressed chart with transits. Supportive Jupiter is on the Ascendant in his progressed chart. That is why. It is a big help for anyone and so it also helps Donald Trump, also because Jupiter transits his natal 10th house of status and position. Furthermore, the progressed Sun is on his natal horizon (the axis Ascendant-Descendant). 

Will this last? 
Jupiter-Ascendant (in the progressed chart) is almost overdue and so is Sun-Ascendant. On Election Day, Mars will be opposition MC in his progressed chart. The polls say that running Clinton is still ahead of him (see ). So maybe the British MPs weren’t taking much risk when they called Donald Trump names. I haven’t heard much about what Republicans say about Clinton (in the European press), so perhaps they all know the results of the Presidential Elections alreadyJ. Prognosis is not just for astrologers! It is like when they choose the Chairman (or woman, in this case) of the Dutch parliament. They talked for hours and hours, asked the candidates a lot of questions and before all that someone on Twitter had already calculated the seats and told as that the winner would win as she did. So they all knew. All that talking…Donald Trump won’t mind. He has a natal Mercury Out of Bounds (and Pluto, too). That is an off side Mercury, communicating without restrictions, for those 'speaking their minds'. For the way to answer that, here is Graham's hierarchy of disagreement. 

Claire Chandler ‘When an astrologer speaks’
I recommend that you read this article. In short, it is about the impact of words spoken by astrologers and the risk to become the beheaded messengerJ. She advices not to predict negative things if you don’t want to be seen as the partner of doom (well, those are my words, but you know what I mean, I hopeJ).

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Twin stories and astrology

Twins are interesting objects for the study of astrology (and more). Recently I watched a documentary about twins and learned that the sooner the early cell splits, the less the twins will be alike. If later, there can be a ‘mirrored’ twin and if the separation starts too late, there is a Siamese twin. Here on Astropost you may find a few articles about twins (see the links, below). This times I’ll give you miscellaneous news about twins along with some astrology.

1. The BBC mentioned a new claim for the Guinness Book of Records, made by a twin born in two different countries (both part of the UK). The date was September 23, 1976. The first girl was born at 9:00 GMT in Powys hospital, her sister in Shorpshire (Wales) at 10:45:20 a.m. (It seems that they sent the mother back home too soonJ)

The first girl (Heidi) has an Ascendant in the 21st degree of Libra.
The second one’s Ascendant is in the 9th degree of Scorpio. Her name is Jo. As ‘surprise’ is part of her delivery, Uranus was in aspect with both her Ascendant  (square) and MC (quintile).

2. Last May, the 103 year old twin sisters Glenys and Florence Davies died. They were born in the some region, in a place called Abertridwr (…) on November 22, 1911. Glenys died April 23, Florence May 20. They died with Sun square Mars in their progressed charts. On April 23 Jupiter (the planet of the voyages) was with Venus and progressed Venus. On May 20 there is a Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn combination. Jupiter, in their birth charts, was rising before their sun.

One thing is certain: twins aren't usually exact time twins. For more about them, click here And if you want to study twins, here is a list of famous ones on Wikipedia

BBC January 19, 2016 ‘Powys twins claim Wales-England birth world record”: 

Abou the Davies twins:


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Tuesday, January 5, 2016

USA chart November 2016 and Pholus turning point

On November 8, 2016 there will be presidential elections in the USA. The Democrats almost certainly have Hillary Clinton as a candidate, and the Republicans might have Donald Trump. In earlier posts I've said that the stars favor Hillary, mostly. Now I take a look at the USA chart to see if there will be a turning point in history in 2016.

Fact is, that we don’t really know at what hour Hillary was born, unfortunately. So perhaps the USA-chart tells us something, I wondered. You may know that I like to have a look at Pholus whenever there is change. Barack Obama wanted to bring some change. In November 2008, when Barack Obama became the first colored president of the USA*), transit Pholus was on the Sagittarius Ascendant of the USA-chart to tell us that there was a crucial turning point in history. Here is the USA chart with transits and progressions for November 2008:
In 2016, transit Pholus will be square the USA Midheaven and inconjunct the USA progressed Midheaven for another crucial turning point. Hillary Clinton would be the first woman ever to be the USA president. That is indeed a turning point.
 If she was born 8:06 her progressed Ascendant would be conjunct Pholus.

So if there is to be a 'turning point in history' in November 2016, Hillary Clinton seems to be the one to make it.

Re Obama 2008: Transit Jupiter was exactly square his progressed Ascendant and quindecile his Mercury; his progressed Sun was sesquisquare Pholus then.

In 2010, when there were rumors that Donald Trump opted for the American Presidency, I wrote about his chart. He was one of the examples in my post about wealth in the chart and I wrote about him and the elections of 2016, regarding his declining progressed moon in 2016 (  There I mentioned that Hillary Clinton will have Jupiter on her side in November 2016.

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Sunday, January 3, 2016

Venus and Mercury this week

Are you a November Sagittarius, a July Leo or an Aries born in March? Then this week Venus laughs at you, but (oh dear) as Neptunus is in conflict with Venus, you should beware of disappointment, cheats and the notorious pink glasses. So what to do with such an aspect? I suggest that you watch a lot of romantic movies or go to an art gallery and keep your eyes open anyway (you never know). 
Don't be afraid of Mercury Retrograde! Or should I fear it, now that I experienced the delay of a parcel for 3 weeks (!) with Mercury Direct?:) The Retrograde Mercury and Jupiter could mark trade, travel and interactions, but there is a good aspect Mid January: Mercury trine Jupiter. It is a great aspect for growth in trade, more contacts and beneficial for transport, but you might have to wait till February 6 to see it. 
Were you born on September 14,15 or 16? Or on January 11, 12 or 13? Then YOU are the one with good prospects for study, travel, and buying goods AFTER February 2. Mercury trine Jupiter might also help you to increase the number of persons that you know, and who knows: maybe there is an interesting person among them...
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