
Recommended per 2015-12-08


Here you find sites, blogs and books that I like you to see.

May I recommend my own site Astromarkt , too? It is where I started and where I collect 'everlasting' articles about aspects, midpoints and more. Just check it, especially now that there is a new and fresh lay out! 

Have you seen my other blogs yet? They are:
- (on the pattern of talent in the chart)
- (examples of love, marriage and divorce, matching or not...)
So far about me. Here is what I like:

1. See about the difference between constellations and astrological signs. In short: the names of the constellations and fixed stars were given when their positions were in line with the seasons. The 12 astrological signs are still in line with the seasons ...

2. Discovered an interesting site with studies of midpoints, charts and much more via Twitter: Recommended!

3. Every little object you like to know the position of: check

4. You can calculate and basically interprete your chart on 

5 I also recommend Cafe Astrology, a quality site filled with   information about astrology. Are you curious about your birthday in astrology, than see    

6. A very complete and informative site about (classical) astrology, Sabian symbols and much much more is this one:

7. Noel Tyl's site is recommended, too, of course. His book Vocations and his workshop in Lisbon were a great help and very inspiring! From him I learned about 'peregrination' ('calling' planets), the quindecile (aspect of 165 degree) and ... better reading techniques.

On Astrology Research you find interesting studies with examples. 
 ' One of the largest research studies undertaken into astrology shows that there is an astonishingly strong and clear link between the planets’ positions and human behaviour'

I found an interesting site about the oriental planets on Oriental planets rise before the Sun. Khaldea says it is your 'guiding planet'.

Varuna is one of the latest 'findings' in astrology. A very interesting study of Varuna has been published on a Russian site. It is by Denis Kutalyov and the name is 'Varuna, angel or demon? (sketches for the interpretations of a new planet'. For examples of the reflection of Varuna in a chart on this blog (two earthquakes and a bombing), click here...

For all the information that you need about fixed stars, see this site,, Constellation of Words.

Dear Brutus published a fine article about angular placements that I like to recommend here.

Reinhold Ebertin's 'Combination of Stellar Influences' (COSI) and Noel Tyl's 'Vocations' and are on the top of the list of 'must have' books. Why? Because they teach you how to interpret more than one issue at the same time and to have a look at the picture of the chart as a whole.

Also see ElsaElsa and the link to, the site with the latest blog entries about astrology!

Follow me on From time to time I recommend articles there, too! You can read the latests tweets on on the right!