
Friday, January 4, 2008

with Saturn conjunct Pluto...

Obama won in Iowa with Saturn conjunct Pluto (referring to a hard battle and the need to be a 'die hard') in a rather fortunate year (of progressed Sun trine progressed Jupiter and progressed Moon conjunct Jupiter).

In the article about his birth chart (time still unknown) I mentioned that he has good chances, seen in the astrological light of his aspects, but ...that the former elections learnt that predicting the results of the elections based upon the progressed charts of the candidates is very hard to do. The mesage about Hillary Clinton (see below) shows why...

More about Obama's chart...


  1. Hi Mar,
    there are two hours advanced;1,06 PM / 8;39 AM, having in mind his last night victory, I'm more confidant with the AM birth.

    Anyhow I'll be checking his bio to confirm, I just thought you maybe would like to do it also.

  2. Hi Ana, good to see you here and thanks for the info. I also noted 11:13 a.m. (that does not fit with today)...and I tried 14:02 myself (in the article about the birth chart of Barack Obama using some of the bio (like the fact that his parents are not religious and he was baptised.

    And as it happens, that will bring transit Jupiter trine his natal MC today and progressed Moon conjunct Jupiter today and the 21st February he will have progressed Sun trine progressed Jupiter...


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