
Saturday, October 11, 2008

An accident ended his life

Joerg Haider, the controversial right wing Austrian politican, has died. Yesterday his car got off the road when he lost control over his car. See CNN.
Astrodatabank tells us that he was born January 26, 1950 at 14h25 in Bad Goisem. Mars and Uranus are important in his chart. Mars and Uranus in combination might easily cause accidents*).

Here is a list of the transits and progressions that marked his death:
- Transit Neptune (dispositor eight progressed house)opposition Ascendant
- Progressed Ascendant quindecile (165 graden) Sun (dispositor progr. Ascendant)
- Ceres conjunct Ascendant
- Mercury (dispositor IC) conjunct Mars
- Transit Sun conjunct Neptune, square Mercury and sextile Pluto

Notice that transit Neptune is afflicting both the Sun (ruling the progressed ASC) and the progressed Ascendant. The combination of Sun, Neptune and ASC is what I call in my book AstroTrio: being the victim of circumstances. Neptune disposes of the eight house. The eight house is the house of life and death. Neptune, in traffic, symbolizes misty situations, getting off the road and all things that are related to mistakes.

Transit Sun with Mercury, Neptune and Pluto symbolizes 'demanding much of the brains' (AstroTrio).
Mercury is the planet of communications and transport. Mars rules among other things, injury. The combination can indicate all kind of things, varying form 'the sharp tongue' til driving too fast.
What you see is a combination of circumstances, conditions and a situation leading to an accident (because it happenend on the road).

The Astro I.D. of Haider is marked by a 'calling' Uranus (wanting changes, being controversial or a rebel at any level). And there is a crucial Mars (down under in the chart). As you may have noticed in this blog or on my site Astromarkt, the combination of Mars and Uranus symbolizes impatience and 'making changes'. Mars-Uranus can lead us to the chart of a freedom fighter, a terrorist or to the chart of someone who acts in an abrupt way, making unexpected moves. That is how he lost control.

Mars and Uranus...PS At the moment of the accident (1:15 a.m.) Mars was 135d away from Uranus...
Accidents (about the study of C.E.O. Carter)

*) To avoid misunderstandings (see comments):
This blog is ment for students in astrology with some knowledge of the astrological vocabulary. When I say that Mars and Uranus 'easily cause accidents', I mean to say that the astrological picture of Mars and Uranus in combination often symbolizes the possibility of accidents. Planets don't act, they are symbols. Astrologers explain those symbols. And they don't predict death.


  1. Of course, the planets killed him. If you had told this two days earlier, I would be impressed.

  2. Hi Bzö, thanks for your comment and for pointing at a possibility for misunderstandings. Sorry if my text confused you.

    The text is ment for astrologers or students of astrology and sometimes I forget that others might misinterprete it. When I say that Mars and Uranus 'easily cause accidents', I mean to say that the astrological picture of Mars and Uranus in combination often goes along with accidents. I will add that in the text,

    Planets do not 'kill', they symbolize and are part of an astrological picture. Astrologers don't predict death. They explain an astrological picture. In this case, it was a sad picture for a man driving too fast in the middle of the night. I would be impressed if someone showed me a different picture.

    I wrote:
    "What you see is a combination of circumstances, conditions and a situation leading to an accident (because it happenend on the road)."

    That is quite different than that planets killed him or that I could have known this two days ago (when I did not even know his chart, BTW).

    Best regards,

    Marga Bervoets


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