
Sunday, November 8, 2009

Success for Obama reflected

Today the USA House of Representatives passed the Health Care Bill. The Congress agreed with President Obama's health care plan. The Senate still has to agree, too (and that might be a difficult process), but: it must be a moment of joy for the President and his crew. His chart shows that moment.

The following transits and progressions are reflecting his present success:

Transit Jupiter sextile progressed Ascendant (support)
Progressed Moon trine natal Venus (coming up next: feeling blessed)
Transit Jupiter 105 degrees from natal Moon (moment of success but not yet complete)
Progressed ASC semi square natal Moon (emotional moment)
Transit Saturn trine natal Jupiter (late success)

For more about Obama, see this link...this link...
or click the label.



  1. A meaningful Health care reform has been passed.It would be a joyful moment for President Obama..

  2. Opulently I assent to but I dream the collection should have more info then it has.

  3. Forgot to put the label Obama (with ALL of the posts about his chart). Here it is:
    (Copy and Paste)


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