
Sunday, August 28, 2011

One year ago: Pholus again...

On year ago in Astropost: It is Pholus again... I wrote about a politician's coming out and the transits of Pholus that accompanied that moment. It was another message about a small - if not tiny - object that is reflecting the-cork-out-of-the-bottle-effect: the turning point in life. Pholus is now in the 15th degree of Sagittarius.

Also see Astromarkt about Pholus , see all posts about Pholus or check the labels to find out more about this object in a chart.

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  1. I have Pholus natally on the Ascendant, also squaring Venus Sun and Neptune. Though I wish it were otherwise, I can understand its interpretation as 'shooting oneself in the foot'. Once I resigned (for complicated reasons) from a job I loved and which had considerable status - it was quite traumatic for me and I was VERY upset - it was the kind of job people stay in for decades. At the time Neptune was on my Asc/Pholus and transiting Pholus was in the
    middle of my Venus-Sun-Neptune conjunction. I knew that in some way i was shooting myself in the foot but I could not see any other way out. While it was very much a turning point in my life, and in the end not a negative one, the image of a bottle being uncorked (which I read about on Astromarkt) is very apt. My emotions were out of control and exploded in uncontrollable tears and shaking...

  2. Thank you so much for telling this! Are you, looking back at it, happy with your decission now, even though it was painfull (sort of a sacrifice perhaps?).
    I wiil have Neptune transit Ascendant and Pholus transit Sun-Mc in my chart soon...and I wonder if I should take or delay decissions then...

  3. Yes, I'm glad I made the decision though it took a long time to regain what I'd lost. My life became less focused, it broadened scope and I learnt a lot as a result. Yes, it was a kind of sacrifice.

    But, I wouldn't recommend making decisions with Neptune on your ascendant - it is a foggying, dissolving influence that you may not recognise at the time. I had a double whammy of natal and transiting Pholus-Neptune-Ascendant connections - perhaps it will not be as dramatic for you. I don't think you can will yourself not to make decisions, however. Sometimes life just forces them to be made ...

  4. Thanks for your answer! Lot to think over...


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