
Friday, February 3, 2012

Happy with your ascendant sign?

Are you happy with your Ascendant sign? I'm not. I blame my Pisces Ascendant for all of the caught colds and viruses, even though there is of course more that attributes to this. Like living where I live, working in a sick building and other indications in the chart. But, if I would have hurried up and had a, say, 27 degree Aquarius Ascendant instead, Venus would be sextile my Ascendant (would spare me the money for make-up) and I wouldn't have a sensitive and vulnerable body. Those silly 12-15 minutes would have made such a difference! Now my Saggy sun doesn't feel at home.

It is impossible to change your natal Ascendant. In the progressed chart the sign changes. Mine is now in Gemini. And that didn't help much.

The bright side of Pisces Ascendant is sensitivity, but I am willing to give that up. If I was an artist or o clear voyant I would have loved to be sensitive. But I don't need that in my job, it is just distracting! Fantasy must be left at home, useless. Dreaming is not done at all! Great to be able to see a horse's head in the marble stone during a meeting but who cares? Pisces is the opposite of Virgo, the sign of being usefull, adecuate and efficient. Most of the time I am as cool, efficient and useful as I can be with this dreamy Pisces Ascendant, but then I am drawn back to the Pisces way of representation: sniffy, tired, watery eyes..and something pops up to make me ill and drain my energy. Jupiter on my Ascendant might be like a guardian angel (and yes, how many times people say that I am lucky for this or that;) but still:
I can do without Pisces!

How about you and your Ascendant? Are you happy with your ascendant sign? And what is that happy ascendant sign?

PS yesterday in my garden it was like in the movieThe Birds!


  1. I bet your Pisces Asc makes you beautiful with those big bedroom eyes! Like George Clooney or Antonio Banderas, both who have those Pisces rising eyes.

    I have Leo rising and am quite happy with that. I also have Uranus rising too, which makes me unusual...two different coloured eyes, and my nose was all crooked, which I got straightened out in my 30s. My Sun trines my Asc as well.

  2. You shine, I bet you do! Hope I don't look likr Clooney (I am female:) ! And no Uranus on the Ascendant;(. Ever seen the picture of Queen Wilhelmina ((Pisces Ascendant, short and round)? I don't look like her, yet...

  3. Found another example of a female Pisces Ascendant; Whitney Houston.

  4. PS I recognize 90% of the description of Pisces Ascendant on Cafe Astrology. Maybe you like it, too:

  5. Right now, I'm not diggin' having a Capricorn ASC since Pluto keeps transiting over it!!

  6. Demi moore is a pisces rising! From Astrotheme.

  7. And I found a picture of Demi Moore when she was a kid:
    I think Astro Faces has pictures by sign

  8. I love my Capricorn Ascendant a lot. It draws a lot of respect from people, and the older I'm getting, the younger I'm looking (I'm 28 right now). Also, it's like I can say absolutely anything and people believe me. My Mercury in Virgo trine my Ascendant could be good for that, I think.

    Also, my Ascendant's ruler, Saturn, is in Scorpio strictly conjunct my Midheaven. Ruthless ambition as it relates to career is totally me. I literally seek to crush any and all competition...and so far, I've succeeded. I am my own worst enemy, however, and that is a potential downfall for me.


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