
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The solar return moment; an experience

Yesterday I wrote about my revolutionary solar return. Uranus-Pluto on the angles of the chart, remember? That's a spicy recipe for 2013!

Well, today was the solat return day and guess what happpened? I was alarmed. My husband phoned that he was in hospital with bad sight and flashes. It turned put to be nothing serious (at least, for now) and that was shortly after the solar return moment (7 minutes past 13:35) . It is a period in my life with a number of family members recovering from surgery (3 close family members!). And I am still (not) looking forward to meeting an endotologist.

But, the moment of the solar return was a moment of tension. Minutes later, there was relief.
I just calculated that those 7 minutes are less than 2 days in effect. On Thursday morning I will know for sure.

A reader suggested that Uranus-Pluto COULD mean total freedom, at last. And that is something to think over. This moment on the day of the solar return seems to confirm it. No more worrying...

How did you experience your solar return moment? Have you payed attention to that moment?

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  1. Hi!

    Yes, I was in a plane flying over the atlantic ocean at the precise moment of my solar return this year. And, because it was the day of the first exact Uranus-Pluto-Square this constellation is in my Return-chart. But I guess you could say that I was experiencing a moment of total freedom due to technical circumstances (plane, flying).

    Alle the best to your family.
    BW Mimi

  2. I was just reading Demetra George's book called Astrology and the Authentic Self and she talks a lot about Solar Returns. She likes to overlay the SR over the natal chart to see what natal planets and houses are affected..she finds that more important than the SR house its in. I like to progress my SR. It has been quite accurate in the past...I use the animation feature on my Solar fire and progress the MC 1 degree oper day, but only do 30 degrees/days per month. When the angles hit planets, events happen. Since your Uranus and Pluto were angular, perhaps the angles progressed to conjunct them very quickly.

  3. Thank you Barb and Mimi for your welcome comnents!


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