" In the chart of Rudhyar we see the Moon in Aquarius trine Jupiter, the combination of the calling Uranus and the ascendant in Sagittarius, but most of all the midpoint combinations with Jupiter and Uranus as an indication for the metier.
Here we go:
Sun 157.5 Jupiter/UranusJupiter 157.5 Uranus/Nodes and 135 Asc/MCUranus 157.5 Moon/Jupiter and 90 d from Jupiter/MC"HOW did Dane Rudhyar show being an Aries? He was a pioneer in humanistic astrology!
a. 157.5 is the well known sesquisquare (135d) + half semi square (22.5). It is a minor, but not to be overlooked aspect.
b. a 'calling' planet is a planet without major (Ptolemaic) aspects in sign or orb 5 degrees. These planets show up at any kind of level, somehow and anyhow.
Astropost: BIRTH CHART DANE RUDHYAR Born on the 23rd March… with more on his chart.
For more on Dane Rudhyar and a clear picture of his chart, see Astro.com: http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Rudhyar,_Dane
See the interview with Dane Rudhyar on Khaldea.com: http://www.khaldea.com/rudhyar/at_interview1.shtml
More astrologers (and their sign) http://astropost.blogspot.nl/search/label/astrologers
More Aries: http://astropost.blogspot.nl/search/label/Aries
On Sun sign Aries
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