
Friday, July 9, 2010

Igor Sutyagin's transits and progressions

Igor Sutyagin is one of the persons who probably will be exchanged for the 12 Russian spies, now located in the USA. Read CNN…
In October of 1999 he was arrested and accused of working for the CIA. That was in the year of progressed Sun conjunct Saturn in Pisces (being restricted, set back or blamed, being – found- responsible...etc.). In 2004 the trial was completed, he was convicted and sent to a prisoners camp. 
The exchange is a turning point in life. The positions of planets and lights are for noon on the day of his birth in Moscow, only. But still: there is obviously change in the air for those born on January 17, 1965…

Transit Pholus in the 13th degree of Sagittarius is square his progressed Sun and semi square his natal Sun.

The progressed Sun is the position of the Sun x days for x years after your birthday. So when you are 21 and was born on the 7th, the sun's position of the 28th of the same month is the position of your progressed Sun, roughly. To quickly find the degree of your progressed Sun, just ad 1 degree for each year and you get the estimated position. provides progressed charts with the correct positions of each planet and the progressed Sun and Moon, MC and Ascendant. So you don't have to calculate this! For more info, see the label ' progression'...

Another 'Saturn in Pisces scientist' is Grigori Perelman, the man who refused a prize (and the money) for solving a mathematical problem.  See’ The Saturn in Pisces of Perelman’:

Follow the label 'Pholus' for more info....

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