
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Saturn-Neptune and less posts

The last time that I was blogging here was on October 6. There is a reason for not blogging for so long. I posted my blog, closed the laptop and only a few minutes later I experienced the effect of transit Saturn conjunct Neptune in Libra and opposition progressed AC/MC. This transit had been exact a few hours before and it was just a few weeks after transit Saturn inconjunct progressed Mars). Can you imagine what happened? I will tell you about it.

What happened was this: the world suddenly seemed to have turned into a carousel, a speedy one, with me inside. I was very lucky to be at home and not in my car*), because I was very very sick within seconds. A sort of an intense sea sickness followed in the next hours. It is (I hope) a virus. There is no cure, it simply has to go away, slowly.

Since then, October 6, I haven't been able to use the computer for more than just a few minutes. The 'punishment' is getting dizzy and sick. So, I will have what I should have when Saturn hits Neptune:...involuntary detachment until I am completely OK again. CU!

PS I have been a great example for astrology now. All books warn us to see the doctor with such transits. I saw them! When you have such aspects: take care!

*) (yeah, Jupiter transit sesquisquare Sun, too...and Jupiter conjunct Ascendant in the natal chart, a lucky bird, LOL:).

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Thursday, October 6, 2011

RIP Steve Jobs

The newspapers say it: Steve Jobs died, a day after the introduction of the Apple I-Phone 4S. He was a brilliant innovator and his ideas will be missed. Here are a few links to posts about him and about his extraordinary talent.

Quaoar is the symbol of creating new worlds and realities (or say: innovation!). Quaoar is exactly trine ruler Midheaven, Mercury in Aquarius, in Jobs' natal chart...

I wrote about Steve Jobs and Wozniak, the synastry and their roles:
Steve Jobs' 'calling Sun' is a symbol of drawing attention (the star, the leader, or say: being brilliant).

When he stepped back Pholus, symbol of the turning point, was there:

Inconjunctions of Saturn reflected his condition a year ago:

Here is the progressed chart of Steve Jobs. The progressed chart of Jobs has Mars ruler 6th house of illnesses in th eight house of life and death, inconjunct Ascendant now and transit Mars elevated, with transit Pluto trine Progressed Moon and Jupiter on the Descendant. Jupiter's presence is not unusual when suffering ends. Isn't Jupiter also a beautiful symbol for a voyage and passing away or moving on? See the label 'Jupiter life and death' for more examples.

For more about his life, see Wikipedia...

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Jupiter and the Knox appeal

In the earlier post about the Knox appeal I said that I would be back on the subject. Amanda Knox is on her way back home now. She and Raffaele Sollecito have been found innocent. (Amanda was found guilty of slaunder, however.) This post is about the effect of (transit) Jupiter in her 12th house. You see, she has a number of aspects of transit Jupiter now as you can see in the included chart. This transit of Jupiter was square natal Midheaven and sesquisquare progressed Sun/Moon, inconjunct progressed Descendant and inconjunct AC/MC and Jupiter is in the natal 12th house. I, too, have a twelfth-house-Jupiter and when I had transit Jupiter conjunct Jupiter all that happened was that I was saved from things that could have been worse*), like Else Parker wrote in 1953. She said: "Jupiter’s transit through the 12th house contributes to to the idea that all dark and difficult things ‘ might have been worse".
OCTOBER 3, 2011

The chart above shows the transits and progressions with the natal chart of Amanda Knox. 

In a normal situation the number of transits of Mars and Jupiter in a tight aspect with her Ascendant, Midheaven and Uranus could indicate relief, at least and more positively: a success. Also, transit Jupiter on the midpoint Sun/Moon in the progressed chart is a positive indication. Jupiter is important in the chart of Amanda Knox (rising before the Sun and ruling the Moon in Sagittarius), so the transits of Jupiter are important as well. The 12th house position of natal and transit Jupiter sometimes has a strange effect, however. I also don't want to underestimate Saturn's transit sesquisquare the progressed Midheaven, even if that transit isn't exact any more, even though there is growing belief in the innocence of Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito. There is also growing hope in the chart of Amanda Knox. 
LINKS (with interesting comments):
1. About Amanda
2. About Jupiter

*) Of course, the transit of Jupiter of my story was no square my MC or sesquisquare my Sun/Moon and therefore less important)
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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Aspects in Amanda Knox's chart, transits and progressions

Tomorrow an Italian judge will let us know what he/she thinks of the lack of substantial evidence in the appeal case in Perugia, where Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito (born March 26, 1984) hope to be found not guilty of the murder of Meredith Kercher. They are supposed to have assisted the convicted murderer Guede (December 26, 1986). Amanda Knox' chart with transits and progressions is here to show you how the correspondence with charts in just as confusing cases...For more info about the case, see the BBC:

There are several posts about the case already (see the links), so I want to be as brief as possible about the similarity between aspects in the chart of Amanda Knox and in those of suspects in other cases. This chart's source is Astrodatabank and it is AA-rated.

An important aspect is the inconjunction between Sun and Saturn in Amanda Knox's chart. It is a destructive aspect.  Raffaele Sollicito doesn't have it in his chart, but he had transit Saturnus inconjunct natal Sun in the days of the murder of Meredith Kercher. There are many examples on this blog (see label ' inconjunct Saturn') and I mention a few of them. The aspect is not about guilt or innocence. In all of those cases it is about being accused. 

  • Recently I wrote about the West Memphis Three. One of the men involved has Sun inconjunct Saturn and Mercury conjunct Neptune. 

That brings me to Mercury-Neptune, the aspect of miscommunications. Amanda Knox shares a hard aspect between Mercury and Neptune with the Barefoot Bandit, the Friedmans, the West Memphis Three convict and a Belgian convict who was released after many years. He had confessed but didn't do it. Mercury with Neptune is confusing and sometimes suggestible. Amanda Knox has the opposition.

There is a Sun-Neptune issue in this case, too. 
a. The progressed chart of Amanda Knox had Sun inconjunct Neptune and that is the combination of the 'fallen angel' and bad press. (In the weeks before the murder Amanda Knox published on Facebook about a conviction for being too loud at home.) 
b. The Sun of Meredith Kercher was inconjunct Amanda's natal Neptune. c. Neptune of the day of birth of the controversial prosecutor Mignini*) - born April 13, 1950 in Perugia- is  square the natal Sun of Amanda Knox. Neptune is confusing and Sun-Neptune sheds a negative or misty light...
More about Sun-Neptune on Astromarkt...

Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito both have a Mars-Saturn-Pluto combination in their charts, showing the issue of danger or problems involving death and unnatural death causes. Amanda Knox has hard aspects between Mars, Saturn and Pluto. Raffaele Sollecito has Saturn conjunct the midpoint Mars/Pluto. Meredith Kercher had a mix of Mars-Saturn-Pluto transits and progressions on the day of her death. The Pluto of her murderer, Rudy Hermann Guede (born December 26, 1986 in Abidjan) is conjunct Meredith Kercher's Mars. (Note: The Mars in the chart of Natalee Holloway is square the Pluto of Joran van der Sloot, who probably killed her just like Stephany Flores. This synastry is always strong and dangerous). Amanda Knox then had Progressed Mars trine Saturn and in aspect with Ascendant, MC and the midpoint AC/MC. Death had arrived at the center point of her chart and in her house...
(More about this challenging combination? See the label 'Mars Saturn Pluto').

The combination of miscommunications, wrong statements, the press and hard judgement by others in the circumstance of the murder in her house brought Amanda Knox in jail, but there is a lot of doubt about the proofs. 
I will be back on October 3...For more about the transits and progressions for that day, and for the links, continue...