The Daily Mail shows a picture of Sarah Fergusson (15th October 1959, 9h03, London) today and I was surprised to see how slim she was! It is an amazing transformation. Since a few years, the Daily Mail tells us, she is a spokesman of the Weight Watchers. In this message I watch the weight in her chart...
A few years ago her progressed Sun squared Pluto. Pluto is disposing of her ascendant and conjunct the Midheaven, what makes this planet (no matter how small) very prominent in her chart. Pluto and Venus on the MC tells us that money is crucial in her life and so is the value of beauty.
Being overweight is an astrological matter of Venus (sweet things, taste) and Jupiter (fat and too much), sometimes intensified by Pluto. Venus and Pluto are square Jupiter in Sarah's chart. Jupiter is in the first house, very telling...This combination is on the other hand a sign for successes in art or in marriage...With Jupiter square the midpoint Venus/Pluto she is definitely beloved.
More about Venus-Pluto in the article on my site Astromarkt...
Just an astrologers' joke: could we read Venus-Jupiter-Pluto as being on guard (Pluto) for too much (Jupiter) nice and sweet things?:)
Another point is the Moon (habits). In her chart the Moon is inconjunct Neptune and ...Venus-Pluto. The Moon is the apex in a yod with the most prominent conjunction in her chart! I noticed BTW that it is not easy for those with hard aspects between the Moon and Pluto to have to change a habit or food pattern. The fact that she did it in a period of Progressed Sun square Pluto tells me that it was a matter of strong will and fanatism that made her succeed. Just an astrologers' joke: could we read Venus-Jupiter-Pluto as being on guard (Pluto) for too much (Jupiter) nice and sweet things?:)
Money, spending too much, and the lack of money (having debts)...These were important maters in her life and that is why Venus-Pluto is crucial in the chart. Notice also Saturn in the second house! These days transit Saturn is conjunct her MC. This might be an indication of limitations, responsabilities, parenthood and respect to be importants items for her today.
See the picture...
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