It is been reported that Tom Cruise is considered to be the 'Jesus of Scientology', a modern prophet. A prophet is no more or less than a person communicating about his beliefs and trying to convince others. I found a destiny for communicating about convictions and a lot of religious drive...
Tom Cruise was born July 3 1962 at 12h05 in Syracuse, according to my database. He is a Cancer with a Sun trine Jupiter and Neptune. That does not just give successes (Jupiter) in the movies (Neptune). The Jupiter-Neptune connection is also there in all of the charts of the popes that I investigated. It means: progress in an immaterial field. And Tom Cruise has a grand trine of Sun-Jupiter-Neptune! Also: there is a midpoint yod of Sun opposed to Jupiter/Neptune. But as not any moviestar turns into a religious icon, there must be more...
Like these?
- The MC is opposed to the Galactic Centre, a mystical point in the Milky Way.
- Jupiter is in Pisces (another Jupiter-Neptune connection)
- Ruler of the MC and tenth house is Mercury. Mercury is in the 9th house of convictions
- The Sun-Jupiter-Neptune connection is related to Saturn and Pluto. That adds the 'die hard' to it all. It also adds power/money and management/ to it all. Scientology claims to add scientific (Saturn) therapy (Pluto) to beliefs (Jupiter/Neptune). Tom Cruise is the perfect scientologist.
- There is a calling Moon in Leo waiting for a moment of leadership and for being the center of it all.
- There is an afflicted Mars rising before the Sun, square Uranus and semi square Sun. This might indicate a person with an extraordinary drive and perhaps being 'explosive' or a person who is impatient to make changes (a revolutionary person). Mars square Uranus is one of the signs that a divorce in this life is probable. The drive BTW is situated in the 9th house of convictions.
- Mars is also connected to the midpoint Jupiter/Neptune
- Jupiter is oppposed to Sun/Neptune and Neptune is opposed to Sun/Jupiter...
This is the chart of a man who can have followers or fans (Jupiter/Neptune often produces the amazed crowd). He beliefs in himself and his conviction in a rather fanatic way. Maybe we should point at Pluto quintile the MC for that.
This could be a prophets'chart as Mercury, planet of communications, rules the MC, is in it's own sign, in the ninth house of conviction. That makes the goal in his life (Midheaven): to communicate about convictions.
I found the birth chart of L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology on the site of Shaphan and noted 13 March 1911, 2:01, Tilden, Nebraska. Let us have a look.
L. Ron Hubbard has a crucial Venus, ruler MC on IC; a crucial Sun square Ascendant, Chiron oriental (but let us skip Chiron and look at the oriental Mars); Jupiter is prominent (ruler 1 and sesquisquare Zero Aries). The tightest aspect is Mercury trine Jupiter and both are connected to Neptune, making it a grand trine that involves the Jupiter-Neptune connection for having fans/followers and for growing in the immaterial field. This connection is fortified by Mercury in opposition with the midpoint Jupiter/Neptune.
In May 1950 the (science fiction) writer Hubbard published his theory of unhypnotising, a method to get rid of the influence of traumatic memories. That was with his progressed Sunsign changing (a sign for a change in lifestyle)! That he was a writer, an artist, is seen from Venus crucial and Jupiter prominent and of course the Mercury-Jupiter-Neptune grand cross that tells us that he communicates about his great fantasies or...beliefs.
I knew nothing about mr. Ron Hubbard and I won't try to pretend I do. I am just looking for 'conviction', 'leadership'and the match with Tom Cruise. What I find is Jupiter-Neptune, several times. It is not just the Mercury-Jupiter-Neptune connection. What about Sun in Pisces and Sagittarius Ascendant? What about Moon in the equal ninth house?
So Hubbard shares a grand trine involving Jupiter/Neptune with Cruise. And just like Tom Cruise, L.Ron Hubbard has tight a Mars-Uranus aspect. Also Saturn-/Pluto is present. They form a septile. Sun, Moon, Ascendant and MC are connected (in the 22.5 range) with the midpoint of Saturn/Pluto, that I consider to be telling for the scientific (Saturn) therapy (Pluto) that is connected to the Scientologists. Both have an oriental Mars for activism, in aspect with Uranus. In my astrologers' eyes there is a match and a connection.
Charts of popes
Sharing aspects in a relationship
Aspects and midpoints of Mars and Uranus
PS In the chart of Elvis Presley there is a so called small grand trine between Sun, Jupiter (rising before the Sun) and Neptune (on top) AND a quindecilee (165d) between Mars and Uranus, AND Pluto connected to the MC (a sextile); very similar connections for an also worshipped person.
While I am not familiar with western astrology, I do believe the 3:06 pm birth time to be correct for TC.
I have reviewed compared both birth times with Vedic astrology, and the 3:06 pm birth time appears to provide the best results for matching the events with his life along with his physical characteristics.
It took some time, sorry, but now - because he was in the news as someone spread the untrue message of his death - I had a look at the 15:06 chart with Saturn on the IC (for being short?) and the calling ruler 9 = (conviction) Moon square ASC for unusual behaviour:). Might be right!:)
Marga Bervoets
I had another look at the chart of Hubbard. Here is the text:
LAFAYETTE RON HUBBARD, founder of Scientology, was born 13 March 1911, 2:01, Tilden, Nebraska USA. Now that Scientology is news again (and Uranus is square his progressed Sun), let us have another look at his chart. Did you know that Jupiter is conjunct Pholus in his chart for a twist in conviction with a bubling effect:)? In 1951 when he turned from pop therapist to religious leader, transit Pholus was square progressed Sun.
L. Ron Hubbard has a crucial Venus, ruler MC on IC; a crucial Sun square Ascendant, Chiron oriental (but let us skip Chiron and look at the oriental Mars); Jupiter is prominent (ruler 1 and sesquisquare Zero Aries). The tightest aspect is Mercury trine Jupiter and both are connected to Neptune, making it a grand trine that involves the Jupiter-Neptune connection for having fans/followers and for growing in the immaterial field. Mercury is in opposition with the midpoint Jupiter/Neptune; we see a lot of fantasy and religious (Jupiter/Neptune) ideas, devoted audiences and fans.
In May 1950 the (science fiction) writer Hubbard published his theory of unhypnotising, a method to get rid of the influence of traumatic memories. That was with his progressed Sunsign changing (a sign for a change in lifestyle)!
The writer and the artistic talent is reflected in the chart by Venus angularity on IC and of course the Mercury-Jupiter-Neptune grand trine that tells us that he communicates about his great fantasies or...beliefs.
What I find is Jupiter-Neptune, several times. It is not just the Mercury-Jupiter-Neptune connection. What about Sun in Pisces and Sagittarius Ascendant? What about Moon in the equal ninth house?
Just like Tom Cruise, L.Ron Hubbard has a tight Mars-Uranus aspect (they share working with friends?). Also Saturn-/Pluto is present, a septile.
Sun, Moon, Ascendant and MC are connected (in the 22.5 range) with the midpoint of Saturn/Pluto for the die hard and perhaps the scientific therapy, but always for the nasty sides of politics, influence and money, too. Pluto is just as angular as Venus is and Venus-Pluto is the money axis.
Ps I see that Astrodienst has an Xrating fir Cruise's chart which means that time and date are uncertain!
PS a more recent post abt Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes is on Astropost's sister blog Astrology & Love
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