Thanks to a reader of (Dutch blog) we have the HOB of Peter Vries and we see that it fits. Mars is on the MC. Every time he takes action against a person,Mars is strongly involved (Mars inconjunct the Mars of Joran, f.ex.). We also see that right now Jupiter trines his progressed MC, Progressed Mercury trines Jupiter, Transit Jupiter trines progressed Mars and Pluto trines Progressed Pluto. Wow! But that there is a transit of Neptune coming up as well...Also notice transit Uranus conjunct the MC. That is for being in the news. And is Uranus also for astrologers?
His MC is in Pisces for media and the end dispositors are Neptune and Pluto (the detective combination). And some astrologers certainly have such a combination, too.
Yes, but what does it mean???
The aspects with Jupiter were very promising. He flew to the States and was 'in the picture'. The Neptune aspect that was coming up in this message has been tight by now (2nd of March, transit Neptune square Sun and Uranus conjunct MC). I expected this to have a negative effect. It turned out to be the moment that the undercover Van der Eem revealed that he knew Joran for years, that he knows who threw Natalee into the ocean and that it took Peter Vries seven months instead of weeks to complete the 'confession' tape...
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