Kang Kek leu 'Duch' tortured people in the Pol Pot period of Cambodja. He was born 17th November 1942, so last year his progressed Sun changed sign (when he was arrested and his life style changed). It seems he became a christian a few years ago, that he is sorry and that he cried when he visited the place where so many Cambodjans were tortured to death.
There is no hour of birth available, so we do not know wether there are crucial placements on the cross of the birth chart. What we know are the positions on the day, valid for many. Still, this composition of planets should show some possible entries into the world of a man who killed fanatically. And that is so...
See how Mars in Scorpio, rising before the Sun, is inconjunct Saturn and square Pluto. Notice how the Sun conjunct VEnus and trine Jupiter allowed him to live on as if nothing happened between 1975 and 1979. Notic that in 1978 his progressed sunsign changed into Capricorn and that in 1979/1980 the progressed Sun squared Neptune and was inconjunct Uranus. That tells us about hiding (Neptune) and about liberty (Uranus) being unbalanced, hard to get or lost (inconjunct).
Another thing I would like to point at is the Moon in Pisces. I have noticed before that the Moon in Cancer or Pisces were involved in the charts of those who misbehaved in war times. For example, I have the birth data of 3 women who abused and beated jewish prisoners in WW2 and they have these placements, too. I have written an article about bias, that includes these observations.
So, the 17th of November of 1942 was a day that would likely 'produce' individuals who are very committed to their family or group or party. And this man was one of them. It was also a day for people who were willing to gain either way, possibly very fanatic in sports and politics and maybe, in certain conditions, these characteristics would work out the wrong way. Most of all, because Mars is oriental (rising before the sun and not being limited by a more prominent Mercury - for sense - or Venus - for kindness and sympathy)...Mars is often oriental in the charts of the war criminals in Ruanda, too. Yet, it could be the sign for an entrepeneur, someone who was very energetic or active instead of being a war criminal. That said,
. the combination of a Moon in the 'bias' signs,
. the strong drive to use any means to win and
. the luck he had to be supported enough to stay out of prison until he was 65,
. together with the fact that he became a christian at the right moment (so that it is mentioned in all newspapers, very helpful for his case)...fits the life of Duch.
On the 12th November 2006 I wrote about war criminals in Ruanda:
These are a few of the names of wanted criminals of the war in Rwanda in 1996. You can find them and others on the website of Trial Watch.
There were of course thousands of these criminals, but they were supposed to be the leaders.
Today the Sunday Times mentioned that four genocide suspects who now live in the UK face trail in Rwanda. I compared 6 of the wanted men in the Trial Watch list to see 'why', and I found this:
1. Moon Pisces (see the special about Nazi Grandma Huth) and a peregrine Mars oriental. Sun conjunct Mars/Saturn and Mars/Neptune, semi square Mars/Uranus. No positions in earth.
2. Moon in Pisces (again) and Mars conjunct Mercury in the last degree of Cancer conjunct the Sun (peregrine). No positions in earth. Oriental Mars conjunct Sun/Urnaus.
3. 50% watersigns (see the Nazi Grandma special); Mars biquintile Pluto and Sun in Pisces. Oriental Mars. Sun sesquisquare Mars/Uranus.
4. 50% firesigns. Sagittarius Moon and Sun. Oriental Mars semi square Sun/Uranus.
5. 50% firesigns and no earth. Mars tightly conjunct Saturn and square Uranus. Sun Sagittarius and Moon in Leo. There is a midpoint combination of Mars/Saturn/Uranus repeated 3 times.
6. Pluto oriental, square Mars (connected to Aries Point, in the 16th degree of Scorpio) and Saturn is peregrine. Sun is conjunct Mars/Uranus.
They all have extremes and a prominent Mars (oriental 5 out of 6, AP 1).
In the days of the Rwanda genocide (summer of 1996) Uranus in the 5th degree of Aquarius was inconjunct Mars of nr. 1, opposed to the Sun of nr. 2, square to Neptune of nr. 3 (who also had Pluto square Pluto). Number 4 had Saturn square Saturn at the time and Jupiter conjunct his progressed Sun. In that year he also had SunArc Mars conjunct Saturn and sesquisquare Uranus. Nr. 5 had Transit Uranus square to his progressed Mars. Nr. 6 had Transit Neptune square Sun.
Maybe this is an interesting study to make. Please look at the article about Mars/-Uranus and Mars/-Pluto. And isnot it interesting to have a look at the chart of a heroe of that period, Paul Rusesabagina, born 15th June 1954. As the manager of the hotel Rwanda he saved about 1200 people (Hutu and Tutsi) out of the hands of guys like those mentioned above. He has Sun/Jupiter and Sun/Mars on Aries Point, Sun trine Neptune as most narrow aspect (being idealistic or helpfull). He has radical midpoint combinations, too (Sun with Uranus/Pluto, 3 times repeated), and Mars is oriental in his chart, like in those of the men above. In his case Uranus was inconjunct Jupiter (and linked to Mars) at the time of the genocide. It seems Sun trine Neptune (empathy!) was showing the right way... "
"Vincent Bajinya is a medical doctor and he will be transferred to Ruanda to face the judge as he has been accused of taking part in the mass slaughter in Ruanda. He was born in Kigombe Rhengeri at 28th February 1961. His peregrine Mars is sesquisquare Saturn/Pluto for being confronted with unnatural death and violence at any possible level. These days both Saturn and Pluto trine his progressed Sun. That trine is rather peculiar and I would have liked to see his hour of birth.
Apart from Vincent Bajinya, also Charles Munyaneza, Celestin Ugirashebuja and Emmanuel Nteziryayo are sent to Ruanda. There is a special about Ruanda on Astromarkt. Compared to other wanted mass criminals in Ruanda Vincent Bajinya also has a prominten (in this case peregrine) Mars. Mars is septile Uranus.Ten years ago -during the events- his progressed Sun squared the progressed Mars and at the same time Uranus inconjunct Mars. Most of the other wanted men had Mars related to Uranus in 1996, too."
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