Hans-Joachim Sewering was born January 30, 1916 in Bochum (Germany). During World War II he worked in Eglfing-Haar where they did a euthanasia project. Some organisations accuse him of killing at least one and probably a lot more children as a participant in this Nazi euthanasia program, soon after finishing medical studies. It gave him a carreer boost. Since that time he has been protected, promoted and honoured. And no one ever tried to even seriously study the possibility of committed crime, though there is a strong case against him, according to 'Bad Nazi Doctor'. This week the BDI honoured him, again.
Astrology is not able to produce a 'who done it'. The theme of death and violence is as frequent in the charts of victims as in those of murderers. But with the help of astrology we can deduce the marks of a man who's word was more valuable then that of his accusers.
The euthanisia program ordered the transfer of 900 Roman Catholic girls out of a sanatorium to Eglfing-Haar “Healing Center”, where they died. "The so-called healing center at Eglfing-Haar was directed by Dr. Herman Pfanmueller, a psychiatrist in Munich. Dr. Pfanmueller was enthusiastic about his work, conducted tours of his institution, and expressed great pride in his method of killing children sent to Eglfing-Haar. The method was a combination of starvation and sedation, with drugs like Luminal, until death came from inanition and infection.", says Bad Nazi Doctor.com. The first allegations began in the fifties.
Several organisations want him to face the judge. Instead, this week the BDI, a German medical organisation, honoured Sewering for his works. And the Bavarian state government is said to protect mr. Sewering. On AEKSH.DE you can see a picture of him with the subtitle 'Hohe Prominenz*): (v. r. n. l.) Dr. Ulrich
Oesingmann, BfB, Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Hans-Joachim Sewering, Ehrenvorstandsmitglied*), Prof. Dr. Karsten Vilmar, Ehrenpräsident, im Hintergrund Dr. Klaus-Dieter Wurche, Ärztekammer Bremen'.
*)higly prominent: dr. Hans-Joachim Sewering, member of honour.
Look at the chart. It is a time unknown chart with a nice Astro I.D. and hard aspects that demonstrates the life of a succesful man who was honoured more than once. And the life of a man who's life and character has tough and hard sides.
You can see the Astro I.D. of the radical man. Uranus is semi square Aries Point and Pluto is square Aries Point. Uranus is sesquisquare Pluto. The oriental position is for the Moon in Sagittarius and Jupiter is calling. Moon, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto are prominent in the chart of a man who has been protected and honoured. Moon is for commitment and care, Jupiter and Pluto - he was a senator in Bavaria - for the carreer boost and Uranus for being controversial.
There are no placements in earth. You can read more about the effect of the missing element on my site Astromarkt. The missing element 'earth' points at materialism (one is very eager to get what is missing: certainty, security and solid basics). Sewering managed to get it.
When you look at the aspects in his chart, you notice the hard aspects. See Sun quindecile - 165d- Mars, inconjunct Saturn and biquintile Pluto for the 'die hard', the life with hard confrontations, the disbalance between position and honour, the creative way to do win and the importance of the theme of unnatural death in his life. Looking at the minor aspects help you find another 'unnatural death' construction of Mars, Saturn and Pluto: Mars is semi square Saturn and septile Pluto. So that is two. Pluto 135 Sun/Mars and 67.5 Sun/Saturn completes the rule of 3!
The nuns said that everybody knew what happened in Eglfing-Haar, including the victims themselves. Sewering, however, says he did not know. There is a picture of Hans-Joachim as a member of the SS at age 22 (in 1938). He became a member in 1933 (progressed Moon trine Jupiter; always an indication for a fortunate move).
Around 1937 his progressed Sunsign (and so his lifestyle) changed when he became a student. In the year of the picture his progressed Sun was trine Pluto: a good year for politics and strategy. On November 1, 1943 he admitted Babette (born July 7, 1929) in his 'hospital'. She had Saturn opposition Saturn that day. He had Jupiter conjunct Mars (he did a succesfull job) and transit Pluto opposition Sun (there was a stressy situation, he was confronted with problems, questions of life and death of others - opposition! -).
The amount of difficult aspects would almost make you overlook the harmonious aspect in Sewering's chart: Venus trine Saturn (longlasting relationships and sympathies). In the year of the accusations by nuns (in 1993) you might expect difficult aspects and transits, but: progressed Sun is semisquare Venus, instead. Because, in that year (1993) he was honoured in public!
The BDI honoured him again this week. Let us look at his transits and progressions. Transit Sun semi square Jupiter for a happy day. But Mars is opposition Sun and Node. Neptune is opposition Mars. Pluto semi square Uranus (the Uranus-Pluto combinationagain). These transits might point at the attacks (Mars) in the media (Neptune). Progressed Sun semi square Venus (just like in 1993!) and progressed Mars trine Jupiter are more likely expressing the honour.
We have a 'die hard', age 92, who managed to be an honourable member of society in spite of accusations of crimes against defenseless children. In correspondence with that we see a chart with:
- 3 times the theme of unnatural death
- showing a die hard materialist
- with a call for successes, the need to be succesful (Moon in Sagittarius) and a lot of good luck (Jupiter/Uranus) and fortune (Jupiter/Pluto)
Bad Nazi Doctorprovides a time line of his life that might be usefull to study the progressions and transits.
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