On January 29, 2014 an intruder demanded to be enabled to speak to the public on TV (see BBC for the news). Nothing much happened, except that there was no TV at all for a while and the young man quickly surrendered. He had a fake pistol. What he wanted to tell the public remains unknown.
It seems to have been a chemistry student with complot theories who lately told a friend that he 'wasn't well'. The threats (radio active bombs, hacker attacks) were as fake as his gun.
He had some serious progressions and transits (like everyone born on February 14, 1995*), repeating aspect combinations in the natal chart. The effect of transits and progressions between the same planets/lights are stronger when there is a natal aspect (however small).
I wrote about that effect before (see the post: http://astropost.blogspot.nl/2013/08/resonance-of-uranus-pluto-and-jupiter.html )
It is the same in this case.
In the natal chart we see Sun opposite Mars and Mars quatronovile Saturn.
PROGRESSED (chart of 1 day=1year)
In the progressed chart we see Sun conjunct Saturn and Sun inconjunct Mars and Mars inconjunct Saturn.
TRANSIT (actual position of Sun, Moon and planets)
Transit Mars was exactly conjunct Saturn
Mars-Saturn combinations signal action or inactivity based upon duty, age, fear or caution, with different results
There are two quincunxes in the progressed chart (Mars inconjunct Sun and Saturn) and there is a Mars-Saturn transit. These progressions and transits work harder because there is already such an aspect in the natal chart. What he did could have killed him. But this act definitely stopped his way of life, his study and his career. With Saturn, periods of life end. Inconjunct Mars it might be in an aggressive and unbalanced way.
There is one more repeated aspect. In the natal chart the Sun is inconjunct Chiron. On the day of his appearance on television transit Chiron was conjunct his Progressed Sun and progressed Saturn and inconjunct his Progressed Mars, to make the situation extra painful.
Last but not least: transit Pholus sextile Sun makes it easy to shoot your own feet at a point of no return.
The lot of quincunxes (4) tell a story of giving up, being out of balance and loss. When there are 3 indications pointing in the same direction, it happens more often that there is an important situation in your life. In this case, it was a situation of decline.
See the article on inconjunctions on my site Astromarkt.
Here are some charts. Click and open in a new window to have a better view.
In this post I don't analyse the positions on the day of birth of this young man. There are keys to the way he acted (Moon Leo for drawing attention, Sun quintile Jupiter for a creative way to make your life more than it is and other indications).
*) If you were born that day, too, that doesn't mean that you will live a similar life or have the same kind of problems. Genes, gender, situation and circumstances color the chart. It is, however, wise to take extra care, watch out for infections and depression this year.
Also visit: Astromarkt.net for example on Pholus
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Welcome on Astropost, a magazine about astrology to show you
how the natal charts, transits and progressions reflect real life events.
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Bad moment to act: Mars - Saturn and TV intruder
inconjunct Chiron,
Mars Saturn,
progressed Sun Saturn,
Sun Mars Saturn,
transit Chiron,
transit Mars,
transit Mars Saturn
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Transit Pluto inconjunct and Jupiter conjunct Pluto -2-
Whatever happy slide you choose to make, be sure it is a happy landing!
I wrote about transit Pluto inconjunct Pluto before (http://astropost.blogspot.nl/2015/01/transit-pluto-inconjunct-pluto-and.html ) and today I want to add something: it is about values and being valued when you come at age, the age of transits Pluto inconjunct Pluto. It is an aspect of a generation that shows a sliding scale of 'what you are worth' of what you earn and of authority. At that age you often have to defend your value and values. They have to pay the price when the pension funds make less profit, for example. Or they see Mr. Draghi make decisions that undermine the value of their pension.
When Pluto was in Sagittarius (November 1995-November 2008) the dwarf planet was inconjunct the Pluto in the charts of people born with Pluto in Cancer (the generation of abt July 1913 to October 1937).
Now Pluto is in Capricorn until January 2024 and after that the generation of Pluto in Virgo will have to deal with Pluto in Aquarius. Pluto inconjunct Pluto happens all the time to people with an age of about 70.
Of course there are individual differences. People may have transits and progressions helping them to find a balance between what they think they are worth and what others may think that they should earn. One of the helpful transits in 2015 will be Jupiter conjunct Pluto . Those who were born between July 1947 and July 1969 will get the chance to value life more in the way that their chart will indicate (where is your Pluto? in what house?). Exception for those born between October 1968 and April 1969, but they will get the happy transit next year!
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Jupiter in Leo conjunct Pluto (and trine Sun/MC)
Jupiter in
Leo is conjunct the Pluto of my generation now. What could that mean?
midpoint and aspect combinations use to indicate a sort of a treasure. The
Jupiter-Pluto combination is a ‘success combination’.
I have written about this before, so here is
the link: http://astropost.blogspot.nl/2011/05/jupiterpluto-midpoint-and-aspect.html
Transits of
Jupiter use to be beneficial. There is a hit and a chance for everyone, every
12 years. But it depends on who you are, where you are and how…
I expect something good to come out of it. As Jupiter in Leo is trine my Sun
and Midheaven, too, my view on this may be ‘poluted’ by feeling OK and happy
with a puppy on my lap. Last transit Jupiter on MC she (the puppy) entered my
house for the first time. Pluto is in my 6th house to complete the
domestic animal picture.
I know of a
person whose transits of Jupiter never seem to help much at all, even though
her natal Jupiter is in the 5th house of good luck. It is because
she doesn’t leave her house much and because there is no possible improvement
wherever she could go.
That makes
me think that transit of Jupiter require space, room and belief in better days.
Allow Jupiter to do his job and use the transits for improvement. Jupiter conjunct Pluto helps to make things
better, though sometimes this requires more than simply ‘wait and see’.
HOUSES of Jupiter conjunct Pluto
Jupiter conjunct Pluto might improve your situation and/or offer you a chance
to ‘make it better’ in the way of the house of the transit (so the house of your Pluto).
really? Would it really matter in what house this transit takes place? Let me test this and use my chart as an example. Applying the method of Brady ‘Predictive astrology’
for my chart, the transit through 6 of the rulers of 9/10 and 8 placed in 12
and 6 would mean:
Jupiter conjunct Pluto: increasing wealth, intense happiness 6-12 cause; daily routine/work, health and seclusion (Because of something in the field of health, daily routine and seclusion)6 situation: daily routine, work or health (in an ordinary situation)9/10 and 8 result: something definitely changes for good re position/condition
‘sounds’ like improved health conditions for me and NOT like winning the
In aspect
with other parts of the chart (like in my case Sun MC and Neptune ruler 1) you
may expect even more. As Jupiter is now retrograde and will be back again in June, that
may be the moment to tell you what happened.
But let me have a look at last
time Jupiter went over Pluto in the 20th degree of Leo.
I have
August 1967 (Jupiter was direct, 1 hit)
I moved to
another department in the company that I worked for. Nothing special, except
that that was the time that I met someone who was as interested in astrology as
I was. I calculated my Moon for the first time.
I have
August 1979 (Jupiter direct again, 1 hit)
offered to take care of my child after school, so that I could find a job. This
time the 6th house definitely showed! No recall of health issues.
I have July
1991 (Jupiter direct,1 hit)
That was
when I knew that the job I had since May was ‘forever’ (I would not be fired, I
was to stay, they told me). A 6th house matter indeed. I don't remember anything re health issues.
And now
there is a 3 time hit because Jupiter is retrograding. The first time my puppy
entered the house (see that post: http://astropost.blogspot.nl/2014/10/my-venus-trine-my-puppys.html ) and http://astropost.blogspot.nl/search/label/transit%20Jupiter%20trine%20MC.
I am not planning to buy 3 dogs. So it must be something else, like health or daily work, I thought. Today (Thursday 22) I went to see a person to discuss my latest blood test results and the conclusion was that it is never been better! She actually told me so with Jupiter at 19d36m04s, spot on trine Midheaven.
I am not planning to buy 3 dogs. So it must be something else, like health or daily work, I thought. Today (Thursday 22) I went to see a person to discuss my latest blood test results and the conclusion was that it is never been better! She actually told me so with Jupiter at 19d36m04s, spot on trine Midheaven.
Now you may
suspect that I planned this, but I didn’t. Because of a flue I couldn’t do the
tests and I had to cancel an earlier appointment.
Now one
more to go and this time I am planning! Use the ephemeris and see if it works
and if you will be content and happy on the day that Jupiter is conjunct your
Pluto (Sun or MC).
conjunct Pluto improves and makes
you feel happy re the house of the transit and the meanings of that house. In your second house it might be during a good advice on financial problems. In the 10th it might improve your status somehow. Well, that still leaves a lot of possible expectations and: my example is one with Sun and MC cooperating. So it may be in a different way in your case and may even go unnoticed as some transits of Jupiter are.PS Have you read the article on Astro.com on the astrology that you don't know (or notice) and how it effects you?
Also visit: Astromarkt.net All rights reserved
6th house,
Jupiter Pluto,
transit Jupiter,
transit Jupiter Pluto,
transit Jupiter trine MC,
transit Jupiter trine Sun
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Transit Pluto inconjunct Pluto (and Mario Draghi (EU))
When you
are about age 67 (more or less) transit Pluto will be inconjunct your natal
Pluto and challenge or stress your left over potential and strength. It is when
you loose some of your authority. Often people quit their job or stop their
business (at least, in Europe) at that age. This happenes to the generation of
1947 this year and it will happen to me in 2018. If your Pluto is in aspect
with personal planets, an angle or Sun or Moon (either in the birth chart or in
the progressed chart) it may have a more specific or special meaning.
inconjunct of Pluto is often a sign of a price to pay, having to give in and
loose power, lack of balance when it comes to values and authority or …
winning, BUT not without pain or challenges. I remember a Pluto inconjunct Mars
of a sports man who was completely exhausted and gave up his career
(sport=Mars). Hilary Clinton will have this transit Pluto inconjunct her
possible ruler 1 in the months before the 2016 elections, causing exhaustion
and stress. So she’d better prepare.
These kind
of transits happen to all of us one day, just like the Saturn transit cycle.
They remind you of your age and time running out. Nothing special, usually, but
it is a transit to consider when you are or want to be in a position of
authority or as a winner or when lots of money are involved.
I have two
Dutch examples. A TV reporter in a late night show stopped his late night
activities and the final show was with transit Pluto exactly inconjunct his
Pluto. Then we have the great coach Guus Hiddink. With transit Pluto inconjunct
Pluto there were question marks regarding the results of the Dutch team and the rumors were that he
was getting too old for the job.
This situation is in line with the chart of Europe (see: http://astropost.blogspot.nl/2014/05/europas-birth-chart-and-elections.html ). I quote myself:
However, transit Neptune will be conjunct progressed Sun in 2015. It is a very undermining aspect that will be accompanied by the inconjunct Sun-Uranus.Pluto is part of the word 'Plutocracy'...meaning the power of wealth (and as you see on the picture above wealth comes with power, too:). With Pluto, you pay (and you pay less when you are rich enough:).
Also visit: Astromarkt.net All rights reserved
inconjunct Pluto,
Pluto inconjunct Pluto,
transit Pluto
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Innovative science; Jupiter-Uranus + Mercury-Saturn
Today I read about Leslie Dewan, born November 27, 1984 and already a celebrated scientist. She is one of the two co-founders of Transatomic Power - innovative way to use nuclear waste for clean and safe energy-. Now what if that could be a success?
In astrology innovations are part of the vocabulary related to Jupiter+Uranus and science is Mercury + Saturn.
Dr Dewan's chart is in line with that.
There are keys (Jupiter-Uranus) to being innovative, surprising or 'different' in a positive way:
1. Sun in Sagittarius with Moon in Aquarius. Sagitturius is ruled by Jupiter, Aquarius is ruled by Uranus. This combination of Sun and Moon adds to a helicopter view.
2. This goes with Jupiter semi sextile Uranus for innovations, sudden windfalls and a helicopter view
Mercury and Saturn (the combination of science) are special.
3. Mercury and Saturn are 'calling' (not making narrow aspects in sign) for science
4. Saturn rises before the Sun (the classics, status and management come first)
5. Mercury is Out of Bounds (declination 25°42' 6" S), just like Moon and Venus
So, on that particular day in 1984, there was a big chance for a scientist to be innovative! It doesn't mean that everybody born that day was to be a scientist, but whatever that person does will be serious and ambitious and somehow innovative, surprising or 'different' in a positive way. It very much depends on the hour of birth and circumstances, genes, culture and social position in whAt way...
dHere is the chart for that day:
Also visit: Astromarkt.net All rights reserved
In astrology innovations are part of the vocabulary related to Jupiter+Uranus and science is Mercury + Saturn.
Dr Dewan's chart is in line with that.
There are keys (Jupiter-Uranus) to being innovative, surprising or 'different' in a positive way:
1. Sun in Sagittarius with Moon in Aquarius. Sagitturius is ruled by Jupiter, Aquarius is ruled by Uranus. This combination of Sun and Moon adds to a helicopter view.
2. This goes with Jupiter semi sextile Uranus for innovations, sudden windfalls and a helicopter view
Mercury and Saturn (the combination of science) are special.
3. Mercury and Saturn are 'calling' (not making narrow aspects in sign) for science
4. Saturn rises before the Sun (the classics, status and management come first)
5. Mercury is Out of Bounds (declination 25°42' 6" S), just like Moon and Venus
So, on that particular day in 1984, there was a big chance for a scientist to be innovative! It doesn't mean that everybody born that day was to be a scientist, but whatever that person does will be serious and ambitious and somehow innovative, surprising or 'different' in a positive way. It very much depends on the hour of birth and circumstances, genes, culture and social position in whAt way...
dHere is the chart for that day:
Also visit: Astromarkt.net All rights reserved
calling Mercury,
Calling Saturn,
Jupiter Uranus,
Mercury Saturn,
Moon Aquarius,
Saturn oriental,
Sun Jupiter Uranus
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
CharlieHebdo charts
Here is the chart of France (5th Republic, source Astrodatabank) with transit Uranus square natal Sun, mirroring the shocking state of the nation (and waking up the hard way, perhaps) following the brutal murders in the office of CharlieHebdo that made millions (and me) sad and angry. UPDATE also see the post on the charts of the terrorist brothers:
It was not the first terrorist attack in Europe. Madrid and London came first. It wasn't the first time that cartoonists in Europe were the target of terrorists. Denmark was first (see 'Birth chart of a cartoonist in danger'). The attempt to kill free speech in Europe started with Salmon Rushdie. After the brutal murder on Theo van Gogh (see post), threats for not welcome plays, movies or expositions in the eyes of islamists, anxious political correctness and the coming up of IS, it was quite clear that more was to come. Is it strange that now that Saturn entered Sagittarius, that this limited freedom of speech is the issue today?
In France, there were a number of attacks (some with cars) before, and the authorities stated that the men who committed these crimes were isolated lone wolves with psychological problems. Maybe the two brothers could be considered insane as well. They think that hurt feelings - when their religion is involved - are a license to kill. They believe that their religion allows or even supports this and I am afraid that there are a couple of thousands like them.
Here you see the charts of the moment of the attack with (in transit) the positions on the days of birth of the two murderous brothers. It seems that their parents left them at a very young age. In the chart of the brothers, Sun-Uranus (major and minor aspect) tells us about possible alienation. They sure isolated themselves in the eyes of the majority, on January 7.
There is a Mars-Uranus connection in one of the terrorists' charts. I like to point at the fact that most of the terrorists' charts that I know of contain such a connection, as you can see on my site Astromarkt. Maybe, in case of restricted budgets, secret services could start to follow up on guys (and girls) with such a Mars-Uranus issue, because they are the front liners and the one with the short fuses. See: http://astropost.blogspot.nl/2008/04/mars-in-aspect-with-uranus.html
I wish that I was brave enough to be Charlie. I am not. I am anonymous and I always weigh my words carefully in spite of my Mercury opposite Uranus, because I am aware of the dangers. There is already such an amount of political correctness and fear in Europe, that in my opinion, freedom of speech has house arrest and will have to be strong to defend itself. The CharlieHebdo crew must have (had) special courage and special drives to dare to shock (and amuse) their public. It is in the nature of a cartoonist to walk on the edge, always. But it's only in the last decades that this might cost them their lives. This attack fuels the already existing tension in Europe. Politicians are afraid of what will happen next and hurry to tell us that we must not be scared. Paris is far far away?
Life went on after 911, after London, after Madrid and nothing much changed except that columnists, cartoonists, cabaretiers and journalist have more and more turned to political correctness, because they love life. Let's hope, that just like in the books of Tolkien, the monsters will be defeated and we can all go back to our garden of flowers as usual, until the next attack. Will we have to get used to this, like in the Middle East, in Nigeria, in Syria? Does this really 'awake' us?
The sixties are past and gone. It seems like there is no more 'Age of Aquarius' (you know the song?) dawning (or has it started in March 2012, read this...). It looks more like a decline, to the same dark ages that hold the people of countries like Iran, Syria and Nigeria. It will be hard to turn the tides. I am still looking for positive signs for future peace (and I don't mean after being defeated). Have you found any?
To post on 2015
On March 16 Uranus will be square Pluto for the last time since 2011, but this doesn't mean that there will be no more tension and world peace danger after that. It won't be more, that is a fact. The spring chart (the astrological new year's chart) will still have Uranus-Pluto's square within a 5 degree orb and it will last until 2018 to finally fade away. Uranus-Pluto will hit the chart of Vladimir Putin again this year, but won't be exact in Barack Obama's chart. The crisis is getting less in the USA and stronger in Russia these days, in line with the leaders' charts. The charts of the NATO and EURO, however, show difficulties in February/March 2015. It will be tense in Europe. How about ISIS? I don't know. I hope that they will be defeated in the end, but when I see what happens with the Taliban in Afghanistan, I have my serious doubts that there will ever be peace as long as fanatics want us all to surrender as if we live in the books of Tolkien.
Will truth set us free? https://aeternalightastrology.wordpress.com/2014/06/15/truth-shall-set-you-free-saturn-entering-sagittarius-in-december-2014-and-why-we-should-get-all-we-can-out-of-the-remaining-saturn-in-scorpio-weeks/
http://www.xstarian.com/The-Future.html Saturn-Neptune:" ideologically based cruelties".
Also visit: Astromarkt.net All rights reserved
![]() |
CTR + Tap or click in the chart, open new window and maximize the size! |
In France, there were a number of attacks (some with cars) before, and the authorities stated that the men who committed these crimes were isolated lone wolves with psychological problems. Maybe the two brothers could be considered insane as well. They think that hurt feelings - when their religion is involved - are a license to kill. They believe that their religion allows or even supports this and I am afraid that there are a couple of thousands like them.
Here you see the charts of the moment of the attack with (in transit) the positions on the days of birth of the two murderous brothers. It seems that their parents left them at a very young age. In the chart of the brothers, Sun-Uranus (major and minor aspect) tells us about possible alienation. They sure isolated themselves in the eyes of the majority, on January 7.
There is a Mars-Uranus connection in one of the terrorists' charts. I like to point at the fact that most of the terrorists' charts that I know of contain such a connection, as you can see on my site Astromarkt. Maybe, in case of restricted budgets, secret services could start to follow up on guys (and girls) with such a Mars-Uranus issue, because they are the front liners and the one with the short fuses. See: http://astropost.blogspot.nl/2008/04/mars-in-aspect-with-uranus.html
I wish that I was brave enough to be Charlie. I am not. I am anonymous and I always weigh my words carefully in spite of my Mercury opposite Uranus, because I am aware of the dangers. There is already such an amount of political correctness and fear in Europe, that in my opinion, freedom of speech has house arrest and will have to be strong to defend itself. The CharlieHebdo crew must have (had) special courage and special drives to dare to shock (and amuse) their public. It is in the nature of a cartoonist to walk on the edge, always. But it's only in the last decades that this might cost them their lives. This attack fuels the already existing tension in Europe. Politicians are afraid of what will happen next and hurry to tell us that we must not be scared. Paris is far far away?
Life went on after 911, after London, after Madrid and nothing much changed except that columnists, cartoonists, cabaretiers and journalist have more and more turned to political correctness, because they love life. Let's hope, that just like in the books of Tolkien, the monsters will be defeated and we can all go back to our garden of flowers as usual, until the next attack. Will we have to get used to this, like in the Middle East, in Nigeria, in Syria? Does this really 'awake' us?
The sixties are past and gone. It seems like there is no more 'Age of Aquarius' (you know the song?) dawning (or has it started in March 2012, read this...). It looks more like a decline, to the same dark ages that hold the people of countries like Iran, Syria and Nigeria. It will be hard to turn the tides. I am still looking for positive signs for future peace (and I don't mean after being defeated). Have you found any?
To post on 2015
On March 16 Uranus will be square Pluto for the last time since 2011, but this doesn't mean that there will be no more tension and world peace danger after that. It won't be more, that is a fact. The spring chart (the astrological new year's chart) will still have Uranus-Pluto's square within a 5 degree orb and it will last until 2018 to finally fade away. Uranus-Pluto will hit the chart of Vladimir Putin again this year, but won't be exact in Barack Obama's chart. The crisis is getting less in the USA and stronger in Russia these days, in line with the leaders' charts. The charts of the NATO and EURO, however, show difficulties in February/March 2015. It will be tense in Europe. How about ISIS? I don't know. I hope that they will be defeated in the end, but when I see what happens with the Taliban in Afghanistan, I have my serious doubts that there will ever be peace as long as fanatics want us all to surrender as if we live in the books of Tolkien.
Will truth set us free? https://aeternalightastrology.wordpress.com/2014/06/15/truth-shall-set-you-free-saturn-entering-sagittarius-in-december-2014-and-why-we-should-get-all-we-can-out-of-the-remaining-saturn-in-scorpio-weeks/
http://www.xstarian.com/The-Future.html Saturn-Neptune:" ideologically based cruelties".
Also visit: Astromarkt.net All rights reserved
Mars Uranus,
Uranus Pluto 2015,
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Eris and the charts, transits and progressions of the Kouachi brothers
Above is a scary picture for those who are afraid of spiders. It is a photo of a jumping spider named Eris Militaris. This picture was chosen because of the importance of dwarf planet Eris in the chart of two terrorists as I will show you. Eris is sesquisquare midpoint Sun/Moon in the chart of one and elevated in the chart of the second one. Eris (wrath, chaos and strife) is the goal and the motivation of terrorism.
It is the day of the big manifestation against terrorism in Paris. Here are the AA rated charts (source Astrodatabank) with transits and progression of the late Saïd and Chérif Kouachi, the brothers who murdered the staff of CharlieHebdo (see earlier post) for you to study.
Charts, as you know, can't be read without considering the genes, gender, situation, conditions and culture, age or period in history. Charts are just astrological pictures of the sky for a certain moment. At that certain moment cats, dogs, birds, companies and human beings were born, people died and married or gave birth and there were accidents or happy moments for hundreds of thousands of people. The chart shows important items and issues. Astrologers see the picture of the sky as a reflection of a certain moment and they believe that the moment of birth (seeing the light) is the most important moment for a person. The picture of the sky shows the nature of the person. The charts of the brothers must also be seen in the light of their position in society and their background. That is even more important here, because their charts highlight the importance of genes and background (Ceres). And the importance (for them) of disharmony, discord and fights (Eris).
The oldest brother Saïd has a chart with :
a. Ceres (genes, dynasty) conjunct Ascendant, Sun conjunct IC (the point of family and background), b. Eris (the symbol of discord) elevated and inconjunct Sun (unbalanced disharmony, at cost of life)
c. the Moon in Leo (need to be a leader or draw attention) rises before the Sun (own needs and own family/group first)
d. The tightest aspect in his chart is Jupiter square Neptune. Jupiter-Neptune is the combination of the believing audience, the fans and followers and devotion. That is why Jupiter-Neptune is related to the movies, but also to beliefs and religion. A square is for a difficulty, a battle. This tight square makes being a follower or believer an important issue in his life.
e. The Sun-Uranus minor aspect refers to being an outsider, alienation, independence or rebellion.
At the time of the murders and of his death there were two in conjuncts:
1. progressed IC was inconjunct Uranus and
2. the progressed Descendant inconjunct Venus.
There is also an Eris-Node opposition. That is it.
His brother Chérif has a typical combination for terrorism:
1. Sun semi square Mars and conjunct Uranus. The Sun-Mars-Uranus combination is frequent in charts of terrorists, but doesn't necessarily mean that you have to be a terrorist, of cours. 2. Uranus rising before the Sun made it important to be controversial and 'different'.
3. Sun/Moon midpoint sesquisquare Eris motivated for disharmony and is motivated by it.
The Leo Ascendant is for drawing attention. That completes the picture.
At the time of the murders and of his death, we see:
- progressed Mars conjunct Descendant and
- transit Neptune square Uranus, conjunct cusp 8 (house of death) + square progressed MC,
- but also transit Jupiter inconjunct Mars
As a member of a group (of terrorists) you could see the chart as that of a man eager to act, motivated and at the time perhaps driven by an ideal.
Charts don't judge or explain. Charts show us how a person's astrological situation is and need to be interpreted. We must see them in the light of the background and circumstances and weigh all factors. Actors and sports men were born on their days of birth. There are many ways to deal with anger and aggression or energy.
The fact that it didn't take much to turn these brothers with these charts into killing machines - prepared to die in the name of their faith - is very scary. There is an important astrological signal in their charts that might be the key to their acts. Eris. Eris is important in their charts. The position of this symbol tells us that chaos, strife and disharmony was their goal (elevated Eris) and motivated them (Sun/Moon Eris). Eris is the symbol of jealousy. In the myth, she was the one not invited for the party (she always quarreled, that's why), seeking revenge by causing chaos and this ended in the Trojan war (with the famous Trojan horse, by the way). One named Paris was involved.
Quoting Wikipedia about Eris:
Strife whose wrath is relentless, she is the sister and companion of murderous Ares, she who is only a little thing at the first, but thereafter grows until she strides on the earth with her head striking heaven. She then hurled down bitterness equally between both sides as she walked through the onslaught making men's pain heavier. She also has a son whom she named Strife.
Is it coincidental that Eris became as important as Pluto (a dwarf planet) in the past decade, I wonder? That doesn't give much hope. Maybe they can rename her, please, in Harmonia?:)
LINKS and more info:
http://www.astromarkt.net/jupiter-in-aspect-with-neptune.html On aspect and midpoint combinations of Jupiter and Neptune, the symbol of the devoted audience.
http://astropost.blogspot.nl/search/label/Eris Eris is the symbol of discord. There are a number of examples on this site.
http://www.astromarkt.net/mars-in-aspect-with-uranus.html Sun, Mars and Uranus combinations are frequent in the charts of terrorists
http://www.astromarkt.net/sunmoon-ascendantmc.html Sun/Moon midpoint combinations like Sun/Moon-Eris 'Motivated by discord or anger. The need not to be underestimated or forgotten? (Don’t you forget about Eris!)'
Also visit: Astromarkt.net All rights reserved
It is the day of the big manifestation against terrorism in Paris. Here are the AA rated charts (source Astrodatabank) with transits and progression of the late Saïd and Chérif Kouachi, the brothers who murdered the staff of CharlieHebdo (see earlier post) for you to study.
![]() |
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The oldest brother Saïd has a chart with :
a. Ceres (genes, dynasty) conjunct Ascendant, Sun conjunct IC (the point of family and background), b. Eris (the symbol of discord) elevated and inconjunct Sun (unbalanced disharmony, at cost of life)
c. the Moon in Leo (need to be a leader or draw attention) rises before the Sun (own needs and own family/group first)
d. The tightest aspect in his chart is Jupiter square Neptune. Jupiter-Neptune is the combination of the believing audience, the fans and followers and devotion. That is why Jupiter-Neptune is related to the movies, but also to beliefs and religion. A square is for a difficulty, a battle. This tight square makes being a follower or believer an important issue in his life.
e. The Sun-Uranus minor aspect refers to being an outsider, alienation, independence or rebellion.
At the time of the murders and of his death there were two in conjuncts:
1. progressed IC was inconjunct Uranus and
2. the progressed Descendant inconjunct Venus.
There is also an Eris-Node opposition. That is it.
His brother Chérif has a typical combination for terrorism:
1. Sun semi square Mars and conjunct Uranus. The Sun-Mars-Uranus combination is frequent in charts of terrorists, but doesn't necessarily mean that you have to be a terrorist, of cours. 2. Uranus rising before the Sun made it important to be controversial and 'different'.
3. Sun/Moon midpoint sesquisquare Eris motivated for disharmony and is motivated by it.
The Leo Ascendant is for drawing attention. That completes the picture.
At the time of the murders and of his death, we see:
- progressed Mars conjunct Descendant and
- transit Neptune square Uranus, conjunct cusp 8 (house of death) + square progressed MC,
- but also transit Jupiter inconjunct Mars
As a member of a group (of terrorists) you could see the chart as that of a man eager to act, motivated and at the time perhaps driven by an ideal.
Charts don't judge or explain. Charts show us how a person's astrological situation is and need to be interpreted. We must see them in the light of the background and circumstances and weigh all factors. Actors and sports men were born on their days of birth. There are many ways to deal with anger and aggression or energy.
The fact that it didn't take much to turn these brothers with these charts into killing machines - prepared to die in the name of their faith - is very scary. There is an important astrological signal in their charts that might be the key to their acts. Eris. Eris is important in their charts. The position of this symbol tells us that chaos, strife and disharmony was their goal (elevated Eris) and motivated them (Sun/Moon Eris). Eris is the symbol of jealousy. In the myth, she was the one not invited for the party (she always quarreled, that's why), seeking revenge by causing chaos and this ended in the Trojan war (with the famous Trojan horse, by the way). One named Paris was involved.
Quoting Wikipedia about Eris:
Strife whose wrath is relentless, she is the sister and companion of murderous Ares, she who is only a little thing at the first, but thereafter grows until she strides on the earth with her head striking heaven. She then hurled down bitterness equally between both sides as she walked through the onslaught making men's pain heavier. She also has a son whom she named Strife.
Is it coincidental that Eris became as important as Pluto (a dwarf planet) in the past decade, I wonder? That doesn't give much hope. Maybe they can rename her, please, in Harmonia?:)
LINKS and more info:
http://www.astromarkt.net/jupiter-in-aspect-with-neptune.html On aspect and midpoint combinations of Jupiter and Neptune, the symbol of the devoted audience.
http://astropost.blogspot.nl/search/label/Eris Eris is the symbol of discord. There are a number of examples on this site.
http://www.astromarkt.net/mars-in-aspect-with-uranus.html Sun, Mars and Uranus combinations are frequent in the charts of terrorists
http://www.astromarkt.net/sunmoon-ascendantmc.html Sun/Moon midpoint combinations like Sun/Moon-Eris 'Motivated by discord or anger. The need not to be underestimated or forgotten? (Don’t you forget about Eris!)'
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Mars Uranus,
Moon Leo,
Sun Mars Uranus,
sun uranus,
Sun/Moon Eris,
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