He angered the opposition and the members of the Labour party. Labour is now member of the government, at the time of the decision to support the USA, Dutch Labour was in the opposition. Why was he so quick and assertive? The answer is Mars in Leo, right on his Ascendant. Mars is the symbol of aggression, action, fighting and attacks. Of course, the findings of the Davids commission stimulated the opposition and the journalist to 'attack' him. When Mars is on your Ascendant, by transit, you might get hurt.
On March 3, 2010 there will be local elections and then we see transit Mars square his Midheaven. So maybe the results will stimulate him to show his assertive reaction again. Now and then transit Mars square Midheaven is reflecting resignation. But as the parties of the coalition don't benefit from new elections (on the contrary) everybody is expecting them to try to hold on and survive.

On March 3 (local elections), transit Uranus will again be conjunct Progressed Moon. The polls are predicting bad results for the members of the present coalition, especially for Labour, but also for the Christian Democrats of Balkenende, who is been named a lame duck after the transit of Saturn inconjunct Midheaven (when he didn't become the first president of Europe). More about that in an earlier post...
The Davids report seems to have a bad effect for British Labour, too. Mr. Gordon Brown’s progressed Sun sign is changing, and in March 2010 transit Saturn will be inconjunct his Midheaven (right after transit Pluto on Midheaven in February). Another lame duck?
(c) http://astropost.blogspot.com
1 comment:
PS 11:37 is the most used hour of birth for mr. Balkenende. That gives an MC in the first degree of Taurus (and in that case Mars would not be ruling the Midheaven). For 11:36 and 11:37 the result is that in any case there is (within or out of sign) an oppostion of Neptune and and inconjunction of Saturn with Midheaven. Maybe that explains the number of fallen governements (3 or 4). If this government falls again (there is crisis now) he would not have completed any term at all.
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