Transit Jupiter conjunct natal Jupiter is Jupiter return. Everybody has a Jupiter return every 12 year. My Jupiter return charts give some indication of the way that I developed or grew in the Jupiter return years. I grew when I was pregnant in 1974. I grew 12 kilo after that I quit smoking in 1986 (Jupiter inconjunct Moon in my return chart). My salary grew in 1998 (Sun on top in the return chart). And today I have another Jupiter return (see drawing) and I wonder: will I grow again!@?
My experience with Jupiter return is that there is little measurable effect on the day of the return itself. I was pregnant already in 1974 and pregnant women grow... More direct effect had 1998. But in 1986 the moment of Jupiter return had it's effect weeks and months later! To quit smoking and grow 20% you need to have confidence first, stop it later and start growing...
Jupiter return is not reflecting a specific event.
Jupiter return offers some insight in a possible development, mostly in the years that everybody has to make choices for the next step: 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72...schooling, profession, career, midlife crisis ending, preparing for pension, etc. Jupiter might help to make the right choices, because Jupiter is the big positive advisor. With a positive attitude it is easier to succeed. Jupiter gives hope for the future and the conjunction starts a brand new period of new goals to reach.
A solar return chart is drawn for the moment that transit Sun is conjunct natal Sun. This moment might give insight in the year to come. Jupiter's return might give insight for the next 12 years.
I wonder who noticed the effect of Jupiter conjunct Jupiter on the specific day of the Jupiter return....In my opinion the conjunction just mirrors an awareness of possible positive developments, stimulated by an advice or book or just a compliment? Today, when I was surfing I noticed a few words about positive thinking. This reminded me of calculating the Jupiter return moment and when I did, it was on right on Jupiter time. So maybe my Jupiter conjunct Jupiter is for calculating Jupiter's return:) That would be in line with the position of Jupiter in the 12th house of the return chart. Recently I noticed that Jupiter in the 12th house sometimes doesn't have an effect at all. So I guess that I shouldn't expect too much of this Jupiter return of mine. But that is not positive thinking, is it?
More about Jupiter in the 12th house...
(c) http://astropost.blogspot.com
Which House Return Jupiter is in will give some indication as to when the most notable events will take place in the Return period.
In Houses 1, 4, 7 and 10, the Return period starts off with a bang. In Houses 2, 5, 8 and 11, you're looking at the more interesting events happening in the middle part and in Houses 3, 6, 9 and 12, you'd find those events later in the Return period.
You'd also see a pick-up in energy when Jupiter squares and opposes his Return position as well as when he crosses any of the angles.
I've found with all my Return chart -- Solar, Lunar, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter -- that the above seems to hold true.
Thanks Duse! Jupiter's return indeed increased the amount of energy.
I'm 36yrs old. Jupiter has been transiting my 7th house since june 2012. Nothing has happened or changed during this time. Everything in my life has stayed the same. I know I still have 6 more months to see if any changes occur. I wanted to know if it's possible to go through a jupiter return with no changes? I'm just curious! Thank-you
Hi Anonymous, you are certainly not the only one who doesn't see change during a transit of Jupiter. See this: http://astropost.blogspot.nl/2009/12/transit-jupiter-and-nothing-happened.html (copy and past the link)
For important changes in life it takes at least 3 important transits/progressions at the time (I mean aspects, not just transits trough a house). The natal and progressed position of Jupiter is the second point of attention. Also, it depends on your personal circumstances and actions.
Jupiter in the 7th is beneficial for traveling together or for doing things together or for getting assistance, they say. This transit helps you to cooperate with others. Jupiter is not a symbol of change. Change is usually mirrored by Uranus or Pluto.
With Jupiter in 7, if anything changes, it might be your attitude towards others (more open, for example). I agree that those kind of changes can't be measured. And they are not always reflected by an event.
Kind regards!
If you want to know when your chart says that it is time for a change, read this: http://astropost.blogspot.nl/2009/06/astrological-signs-of-changing-times.html …
I had Jupiter Return in 2006, But Saturn was transiting through my 4th house. I just stayed at home... doing nothing at age 36. Had North Node in my 12th house, stayed hidden. I had Jupiter Return in 1994, I was at Job Corps in Atlanta, GA, still trying to find myself... what I need to do with my life, I was age 23. Saturn was transiting through my 11th house, I met a lot of people there, they were from hard places (ghetto, poor). I had fun at Job Corps, mostly good experience.
You can't expect things to change with Jupiter Return. Jupiter represents education. It just means you'll learn something new. Jupiter in 7th house, you'll learn something new with partner or about legal matters.
Double good luck in that natal house, yay :)
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