Yesterday the eldest man in The Netherlands died. His name was Adrianus van der Vaart and he was 106. Last year he quit smoking and drinking (port) for physical reasons. He was born December 26, 1901. The positions on that day confirm my earlier findings.
Fifty percent of the positions is in the element Earth. Positions in Earth signs and in Air signs contribute to living longer. And Uranus is oriental (rising before the Sun). I have found many examples of Uranus rising before the Sun, related to getting very very old. You find more about aging on my site Astromarkt. See the links below. And examples of Uranus oriental are in my book Astro I.D. One day I hope to rewrite that book in English:)
Now that he died you see Mars trine Saturn and square Pluto with Venus sesquisquare the natal Sun, for R.I.P, confirmed by a progressed semi square between Sun and Venus.
About getting old
About elements, signs and planets, the basics of astrology.
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