She was born -14-09-1907 (I guess in Saludecio, time unknown). Here are some of the indications for getting old for those born on that day:
- First of all: it takes the right genes.
Ceres - symbol of roots and genes - is rising before the Sun and pointing at the primary importance of genes in this life.
- Very important: there are no inconjunctions in her natal chart. Inconjunctions in the natal chart indicate misbalance, also in health conditions. Maria Donati had none from the start. More about inconjunctions...
- On her day of birth 50% of the positions was in earth(bound) signs and 60% in movable signs. To get old it is important to take good care of yourself and to move!
- The 'oriental' Jupiter and Uranus are 'calling' (not making Ptolemaic aspects). I have seen more examples of how Jupiter and Uranus contribute to the length of life. A recent example is that of Melly Uyldert, a Dutch astrologer who died a few days ago, aged 100.
- Maria Donati has Sun opposition Saturn and square Pluto, the combinaton of the 'die hard'.
Moon in Sagittarius does not make Ptolemaic aspects. Ceres is rising before her Sun. The two symbols of nutrition (of the basics in life) and of 'being a woman' are prominent. That is in line with what she promisses: that she will listen to the wishes of the people,just like she listened to her children...She wants to stimulate the well being of the family and community. And I bet that she knows how to feed them.
Maria Donati has Sun square Pluto in the natal chart (for wanting to win). She had transit Pluto conjunct progressed Sun last year (perhaps when she started with politics). Later this year transit Saturn will be square her Sun and Pluto. Perhaps it won't be easy to be a politician at her age. But at least: she managed to be in charge and in the news, in time.
RELATED (about managing to be in charge):
Sun-Saturn aspects...
(c) http://astropost.blogspot.com
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