Take for example the chart of O.J. Simpson. The major aspects in the chart show us what was easy to see: a capable actor, somebody with success. The minor aspects however refer to the anger, aggression and criminal behavior that were not known to the public until he supposedly killed his wife and her friend. He didn't look like a criminal, but now he is in jail. See the post about 'the chart behind his chart'...
The chart of Susan Boyle has a strong pattern of talent that is not represented by major aspects. Instead, we see Venus connected to Moon and Neptune with quindeciles. The quindecile shows a strong focus, a fanatic objective, an obsession even. There is a quintile between Sun and Saturn and a biquintile between Sun and Pluto to indicate the creative die hard*). This combination of talent and perseverance is part of the road to her success. She didn't look like being a successful artist, but she is. See the reading of her chart...
Josef Fritzl, the man who abused his daughter and hid her and their children in the cellar, could do what he did for years, because nobody suspected him. He has Sun biquintile Neptune and Venus biquintile Mars for creative passion and a creative fantasy. He also has Mars quindecile Uranus. This aspect might - in the most evil sense - indicate an obsession with controversial sex. Those qualities and obsessions enabled him to create a double life, acting as a common father and grandfather. See the posts about the Fritzl case...
Inconjunctions show us where we need to let go, or where we find little balance, or what we simply need to accept in order to continue our life. It takes time to become aware of the impact of an unhealthy situation or attitude. The inconjunction is not a Ptolemaic aspect, but a minor aspect. The effect of the inconjunction is strong, however. See the posts about inconjunctions.
Semi squares and sesquisquare are hard aspects and hardly 'minor'. Yet, they are not Ptolemaic aspects and listed as minor aspects. Their effect is on a longer term and not directly visible. Bernadette Brady explained the semi squares and sesqui squares in her book 'Predictive astrology'. She says that semi squares refer to a 'frustrating not'. Sesqui squares should bring advantages in a later state! A good example of the effect is in the article about meeting people (on Astromarkt). Camilla met Charles with progressed Venus conjunct Saturn and semi square Uranus (restricted freedom in love). Her progressed Ascendant was sesqui square his progressed Jupiter. The impact of the meeting was not yet visible (for the public eye).

*) The combination with Saturn and Pluto refers to the 'die hard'. See the article on Astromarkt.
(c) http://astropost.blogspot.com
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