Monday, January 11, 2010

218.000.000 blogs keep getting better and better...

Hi Bloggers, did you ever get this comment?

your blog keeps getting better and better! your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Just Google and you see that it has been posted 218.000.000 times! When I got that comment on an English blog and a day later on one of my not-English blogs, exactly the same word, I copied the text and googled it. I'd love to see the chart of the fanatic lover of blogs. Or is it some code, a virus? I wonder.



Amusing Bunni said...

I got this comment oh, maybe a week ago, as an anonymous comment, on a very old post, and I thought it was just a shy friend! I have a new comment thingy on my blog now that can block spam IP addresses.

Well, There goes my idea's of grandure...hee hee.
I think everyone gets better, hopefully as time goes on.
Thanks for letting us know.
comment me sometime and have a nice week.

Anonymous said...

It's a spammer. Notice they always leave a web link. They haven't figured out that and other major blog systems use "nofollow" so their links don't get any higher Google ranking from the spamming.

This is an old issue to most early bloggers, we hit this early on and had to come up with antispam techniques (like nofollow) and most of us who don't use use plugins like Akismet to block these idiot "comment spammers."

Astromarkt said...

Thanks for your comments! And Amusing Bunni: tell me how to comment on your blog please. Searched for it, in vain;(