October 4, that is the day that George W. Bush will have transit Jupiter exactly opposition Sun for a success with question marks, but still: a success. It might be the rescue of the Western economy. In his solar return chart we see Jupiter on the Midheaven opposition Sun. So it is an important issue. Help is on his way.

This is the final year and these are the final months of his presidency. He cannot leave the country 'behind' in a state like this. And he probably won't because Jupiter is also trine his progressed Sun, inconjunct his Progressed Pluto and trine his progressed Venus. That seems to be a good sign for helping (Jupiter) with a lot of money (Venus and Pluto).
It makes me believe that Western economy will survive, in the end. Let's keep in mind, that it will be a long run till Jupiter will make a good aspect with Pluto and trust (Jupiter) will be restored (Pluto) again. In fact, that might take some (about 3,5) years. Nevertheless, there are fortunate aspects with the natal and progressions of Bush.

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