What big organists (example of the workshop with Noel Tyl in Lisbon) and heavy metal drummers have in common is hitting the material hard, to produce loud music. Classical loudness is produced by organs and kettledrums. In pop music the loudest music is heavy metal, even louder than hard rock is.

1. Mars in Scorpio quintile Pluto in the chart of Nicko McBrain (born June 5, 1952 in London). He is the drummer of Iron Maiden and uses (Mars) force (Pluto) in a creative way (quintile). He was converted to Christianity in 2000, when his progressive Sun changed sign to change his way of living.
2. The singer of the band, Bruce Dickinson born August 7, 1956 in Worksop) doesn't have to use force, but still has Mars trine Pluto and Saturn (in Scorpio). The singer is usually the leader of the band. That is why he has a 'calling' Sun semi square Aries Point. The Moon might be square Saturn and conjunct Pluto to express the hard emotional confrontations.
Mars and Pluto are needed when it takes real power to 'do it', that's clear, even without hours of birth. Nicko and Bruce both did heavy metal...
3. How about Dave Murray, born December 23, 1956? We see Sun trine Pluto and an oriental Saturn. With progressive Sun 75 degrees away from Neptune he quit school and started his career in music, playing the distorted guitar. Mars in Aries trine the oriental Saturn gives him the energy to strike hard:) Had he not had the poor background that he has, he could have become a cricketer and of course now that he has the money, he has become a cricketer for fun. Sun square Jupiter and trine Pluto made him fanatic enough to study daily until his strong fingers good handle the guitar as he does and the physical strength to perform in loudness on stage.

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