The worries of his friends are in line with the transits. And if therapy would help, it would be right now, with the planet of transformation ready for it! But it wouldn't be easy.
Transit Saturn is moving to the lowest spot in the chart (and it will only get better when Saturn - status - is going up). Transit Pluto is opposition his natal Sun; this rises the question 'do I have to change my lifestyle?'. Transit Saturn is square the natal Sun and will come back a few times to perfect the square. The combination of Saturn and Pluto is the combination of the 'die hard' and the disadvantages of power, politics, influence and money. With Saturn and Pluto on his tail, George Michael may find it even more difficult to control life than he uses to, but the Saturn and Pluto combination also is reflecting rigidity and refusal. Those aren't easy transits...
Also, with progressed AC/MC in hard aspect with natal Neptune we can see how addiction (and arts!) gets a growing and crucial influence. The progressed Ascendant conjunct Moon highlights the situation (and maybe introduces someone who cares).
Should the main problem be, that in the birth chart Jupiter on top is inconjunct Ceres and IC? This combination is telling us that his extreme prosperity is not in line with his roots and background and that this might cause lost of balance. But OK, that is just theory and speculations and who knows the real George? His friends, maybe...What I wanted to show is how the worries (and advices) of his friends are being reflected by the transits with the natal chart of George Michael.
Saturn and Pluto, the 'die hards'...on Astromarkt...
(c) http://astropost.blogspot.com
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