For more about his chart and the similarities with the chart of Surav Ganguli, see the earlier post...(click here)
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Welcome on Astropost, a magazine about astrology to show you
how the natal charts, transits and progressions reflect real life events.
- Herman van Rompuy (transit Jupiter square Midheaven, becoming a President and a grandfather). http://astropost.blogspot.com/2009/11/eu-jupiters-favorite-van-rompuy.html
- Marc Dutroux, any time when he found a nice judge willing to release him (see the article on Astromarkt). http://www.astromarkt.net/artdutroux.htm
- Genarlow Wilson was released out of prison on October 26, 2007 with transit Jupiter trine Sun. http://astropost.blogspot.com/2007/11/genarlow-wilson-free.html
- A fired mayor in my country just got a new job with progressed Sun square Jupiter, and that was to be expected when he had transit Saturn on his Sun.
In the post ' Statue for the enemy' I mention the effect of a progressed Sun inconjunct Uranus in the chart of a German soldier who died shortly after he rescued two Dutch children during the Second World War. At the time he was a stranger (an official enemy) who wanted to be friends with the locals and who didn't feel at home among his own folks.The 72 year old but still ambitious Vaira Vike-Freiberga has transit Neptune now square her natal Venus and progressed Sun inconjunct natal Neptune, the recipe for a desillusion. She would need a lot of more positive signs (perhaps related to Midheaven or Ascendant) to be the number one candidate. Her hour of birth is not known, so a 'miracle' (a fortunate transit of Jupiter with Midheaven?) is possible still...However, Mrs. Merkel's Uranus is sesquisquare the natal Sun of Vaira Vike-Freiberga and her Neptune is semi square that Sun. Mrs. Merkel's aproval is of vital importance.
It might be an important year coming for Charles, anyway, with opportunities to grow, travel and convince the public. I'll be back next year (I hope) to see how the events matched the solar return ....or not. Scorpio Charles will move on in 2010, somehow.
Life does not get better for Natascha Kampusch. A member of the comity that studies her abduction claims that there has to be a second abductor and that Natascha conceals that because he threatens to publish pornographic material. Her proofs? I don't know. I only know that the ofen depressing transit Saturn will be making the final opposition with Natascha's progressed Sun (=vitality). Her progressed Midheaven (reputation) will be trine progressed Jupiter, so perhaps she will get help. But there is also a square with the natal Saturn after a conjunction with Uranus...The combination of Saturn and Uranus is the combination of limited freedom that is so important in her natal chart. And now this issue is again manifest.
There is also Neptune. Neptune is getting closer to the natal Sun. That is reflecting the role of the media (the scandal) and isolation (or shame). All in all, very inconvenient. Moreover, the progressed Ascendant and Midheaven are changing sign and that is maybe an indication for a crucial period of change in her life.
About Pope Benedict, Mahatma Ghandi, Calvin, Father Pio....
About Joel Osteen...
About Warren Jeffs...
About the chart of the reformer Martin Luther...
About the chart of Martin Luther King...
Carlson's test of astrology ('Do the witch test')...http://astropost.blogspot.com/search?q=witch
All about Neptune...
Neptune and Pluto, combination of silent force...
About Jupiter and Neptune, the combination of beliefs...or read it on Astromarkt: http://www.astromarkt.net/jupiter-neptune.htm
About mediums...
Chart of Rudolf Steiner...
Chart of Andrew Cohen...http://astropost.blogspot.com/2009/03/andrew-cohens-progressed-and-natal.html
Rabindranath Tagore...
Michel Nostradamus...
James Randi and astrology...