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chart of moment of call and (in green) natal positions day of birth P.Hilton |
This is the chart of 6:42 a.m. on Tuesday August 24,when Paris Hilton called the police about an intruder in her house. The green position are the positions on Paris Hilton's day of birth. The hout of birth of Paris Hilton is uncertain. So we don't know the degree of the Moon. What combinations are there on that moment?
- The transit Moon is semi sextile her Pholus and transit Moon is also on her Mercury.
Moon > Mercury-Pholus: a mind changing moment - Her Uranus trine Uranus and square the Moon of the moment (upheaval, sensation). T Uranus is also conjunct her Pholus.
Moon and Uranus- her Uranus and Phoulus; sensational moment that awakenes her at sudden - The Ascendant is conjunct her Vesta (symbol of 'home').
This seems to reflect the situation: her home (Vesta) is the place of event (Ascendant), she is suddenly awake (Moon-Uranus-Pholus) and immediately start thinking, calling and twittering.
More observations:
Transit Chiron is on her Sun and semi square her Chiron.Her Node is inconjunct transit Node.
More about Paris Hilton, the party animal in her chart, about her arrest in Sout Africa and about you: when to have a party...
Link to the news and source of moment:
It is not the first time that someone broke into her house. See this video with pictures of the house:
and see the labels...
(c) http://astropost.blogspot.com/
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