Cardinal Sodano has Venus square Pluto and semi square Neptune. See the post about Venus-Pluto related to the problems in the church. Although he chooses to ignore the problem, he managed to increase the scandal by calling the accusatioins of abuse ´gossip´.
He said today that it is better to ignore the 'gossip'...
The strong and defensive Moon in Scorpio*) rises before his natal Sun, like in the chart of Cantalamessa: own folks first...(bias). Sodano's Sun might be in the final degree of Scorpio or in the first of Sagittarius, but is always square Neptune and trine Uranus (maybe out of sign). Uranus and Neptune are in mutual reception now and transit Uranus is square his natal Pholus.
Again, upheaval and sensation (Uranus) about a cardinal (Pisces) shooting his own feet (Pholus).
*) Want to see more examples of Scorpio Moons? Search this blog for ' moon in scorpio'...
(c) http://astropost.blogspot.com
1 comment:
It is a defensive reaction that speaks of fear and lack of clear strategy...
The error was to cover-up for too many years...
In the beginning Ratzinger appeared to plenty admit the error and wanting change that would have been a far better politics...
Then something changed unfortunately... Astrologically speaking: Pholus perhaps...
To be investigated...
The other error was strategic and of vast sight: Where the dismissal of Vatican II has led the Church...
It is not the Vatican II that opened the doors to Satan into the Church but its betrayal, its half than partial realization...
But we live in the age of active egoist minorities conditioning governments, in a world in dissolution, where masses merely look for survival, a survial hard to be found, where even the smallest things appear to become every day increasingly difficult...
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