1. a scandal about a minor aged prostitute (while he is married with children)
2. a deserved red card (he stepped on another man's foot real hard)
3. a decision about his future with Bayern Munich (he is ready for change)
I found about 10 astrological reasons for trouble and change in the natal chart. For the list and chart scroll down. Here are some observations about the natal chart. This chart is showing the importance of women, the genetic qualities and successes, the religious change, the scars caused by an accident and ...It shows an intriguing variation of the meaning of Pholus (the Centaur who shot in his foot): to shoot using your foot...:)
Cherchéz la femme in the chart: Moon is rising before the Sun, Venus is 'calling' (without major aspects), Ceres is on the Ascendant. Female symbols are of vital importance in this chart.
The calling Venus in Taurus is biquintile Pluto, reflecting a creative way to earn money.
His brother is also a well known soccer (European football) player. Apparently the men have the right genetic material for this sport. Perhaps that is why we see Ceres (symbol of what you inherit) on an angle, on the Ascendant.
Indications for successes in the chart: Jupiter ruler of Midheaven square Sun/Moon (motivated for successes,travelling, the international), Jupiter on Midheaven (growing in society).
Also Midheaven = Jupiter/Uranus *)- sudden windfall- = Antares,fixed star of fame.
His Algerian wife is Muslim. Franck converted to Islam in 2002. Transits of Jupiter and Neptune (combination of religion) accompanied transits of Pluto and Pholus (for change). Uranus (in Sagittarius!) is conjunct Midheaven (and Jupiter!) in the 9th house. The position of Uranus in the 9th house is an indication for conversion in the field of conviction. (Another example is Youssouf Islam (Cat Stevens). See his chart on Art&Astrology...) The conjunction with Midheaven makes the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction important for his position in the world.
When Ribéry was 2 years old he got hurt in a car accident. The accident left him with scars on his face. I found no date of the accident.
There is a tough and difficult combination of Mars, Saturn and Pluto in his natal chart that is growing in progression and with the transits. But, Jupiter and Uranus are on Midheaven and this combination is THE reflection of 'luck' with an accident and relief. Also transit Jupiter was sextile Pholus and close to the Ascendant at the time. Progressed Mercury and Mars were square natal Lilith and opposition transit Pluto (Mercury conjunct Mars).
Just like in the chart of Dick Advocaat, I see an important Pholus (conjunct the Sun). Football is about shooting and feet and so is Pholus:). Pholus is the object of orientation in this chart.

- transit Pluto conjunct progressed Midheaven
- transit Pluto sesquisquare progressed Mars
- transit Saturn sesquisquare progressed Sun
- transit Uranus semi square progressed Sun
(- transit Neptune 75 degrees progressed Sun)
- transit Neptune on his AC/MC for the scandal
- progressed Moon square natal Saturn and conjunct Lilith (Saturn is square Lilith in the natal chart)
- transit Lilith square Venus
Saturn is about separations and endings, Saturn-Uranus about wanting to break free and Pluto is so challenging and intense that he often causes stress. The Mars-Pluto combination is perhaps reflecting the fact that he has to defend himself in the prostitute case (the girl was not 18 yet, but he didn't know).
Nicer transits are:
- transit Jupiter sextile Venus
- transit Pholus sextile Ascendant
There is an opportunity for celebrations and for a turning point in his situation. And if this h.o.b. is correct, the progressed Midheaven is now in hard aspect with Jupiter/Pluto (for a lot of profit).
PS The ninth house is the house of Jupiter/Sagittarius. Astrologers always have Jupiter-Uranus combinations prominently in their charts. As astrology is the sort of conviction that you learn (and usually is not thought at young age) you could consider the Jupiter-Uranus connection with astrology as the reflection of a conversion of conviction. See the labels for more.
- About accidents and astrology ...http://www.astromarkt.net/artaccidents.htm
- See the labels for more about football
BTW I found the h.o.b. on Astrotheme.fr
(c) http://astropost.blogspot.com
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