This is the chart of noon today, moment of the Easter blessing in Rome. The positions on the outside of the circle are the positions on the day of birth of the Pope. Uranus-Jupiter seems to be of strong influence in this chart. The midpoint of Jupiter-Uranus of the Pope AND of today's Jupiter-Uranus crosses the Midheaven of the noon chart. It is a sign of relief or positive change and new hope, even though Uranus is very close to Midheaven, signaling the possibility of ' riots' or sensation. It is just the chart of a moment in time and place, when the ceremony starts (perhaps better than the Pope expected). Did you know that Benedict had such a difficult solar return last year? This is the chart with Saturn - the symbol of the status quo, endings and restrictions - on top...

But there are very difficult transits at the moment, including one coming from Pholus, the symbol of the uncontrolable turning point:
Transit Pholus is now square Benedict's progressed Midheaven
The Uranus-Neptune mutual reception in the final degrees of the signs may be reflecting the idea that the RC Church is in it's final days and the difficult transits of the church's leader (often mirroring the state of the church itself) don't make it much easier now that the victims (Neptune, too!) open up (Uranus) and there is no way to hide the fact that the church has been an asylum for pedophiles, for decades. I wonder in what way a positive Urbi et Orbi chart might make a difference. I guess not.
See the label ' religion' for more posts related to the scandal in the RC Church.
1 comment:
Perhaps this chart signs a necessary moment of relief but the very problems remain, Catholic church made a big mistake...
Its insticnt led it to hide the scandal instead to face it...
And this proved the best error they could make...
If they faced what they knew all this would have been less embarassing and less compromising of image and credibility of Catholicism in America and Ireland... Usa are the greatest contributors to Vatican - number two is Italy - and Irish community has its importance so all this will not be without consequences in future...
On religious point of view the main error lies in the beginning: The betrayal of the hopes opened by the Vatican II - Uranus-Pluto conjunct...
The hyper-conservative wave in Rome led the church where it is...
There is a Nemesis in all this...
Big Nemesis...
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