Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Refudiating Palin and Mercury quintile Uranus

Sarah Palin used the word refudiate (to refues and to repudiate) when asking peaceful muslims to reject the building of a mosque close to Ground Zero. She has Mercury quintile Uranus: to creatively invent words…

Above is her guess chart with transits and progressions for March 2010. And here are links to more posts about her…

(c) http://astropost.blogspot.com

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Palin's problem is she is so poorly educated, has such a poor grasp of the english language, a very small vocabulary, and is very slow on her feet that she's likely to misuse the English language. There's nothing mystic or astrological about her misusage that a good education and reading a dictionary wouldn't help. She should try to memorize 10 complex words from the dictionary every day. It worked to increase Malcolm X's vocabulary and intellect and it will no doubt help her too.