On the web and in the bookshops you can find many interpretations for transits, natal positions and progressions. They are a great help for your reading or prognosis, especially when you start to study astrology. They can can help you understand the how’s and why’s of past and present. But apart from each other they’re always just part of the story. There are many influences and nuances. What you need to take into consideration when you interprete an aspect is a lot:
- the complete picture of the natal chart
- other contemporary transits and progressions
- the interaction between both
- and last but not least: the situation, condition, moment in time, gender, history and more...
There is a difference in the effects of transits between two persons, always. Those differences are related to character (chart), situations (progressions, transits, and the facts of the life), age and gender. The chart is not a complete picture, and the chart doesn't offer conclusions about a person's destiny or fate. It is just part of it.
There is another conclusion. It makes a difference where you were born and where you live, because situations and conditions are so different. That is perhaps why some eastern astrologers have such 'rude' explanations of aspects and why a great astrologer as Reinhold Ebertin interpretes the midpoint combinations in a scary way sometimes (seen in the eyes of people who live in solid conditions). They might well be true in difficult times and situations, however. He wrote the book in Nazi-time. Nuances, nuances...
For example, when the chart holder has a strong will and character, nothing will stop him/her from trying to get back, even after the worst ordeal of transits and progressions. Those who take it easy are more likely to accept things ‘as they are’ instead of fighting back. Persons who like to take chances and risks live more intensely and that will influence their experiences.
In times of war, a difficult transit or progression is of greater risk than in a peaceful environment. When the nativity is born in a group or culture that is rather individualistic, the personal chart will have greater influence than in a less independent situation.
Only a small privileged part of the female gender is allowed to make choices in this world. No wonder that it is important to know what is the gender of the owner of the chart. There is also a difference in effect of transits and progressions between the ages. A heavy transit by Saturn will be felt harder when you are poor or old or in bad conditions already. A wonderful opportunity offered by Jupiter could mean death as a comfort in some cases (see the posts about Jupiter, click the label). It all depends on situations, age and gender. A 6 year old with a progressed Sun conjunct Venus might meet the love of his life, but it would be too soon (unless he lives in a country where children are to become related at an early age).
Imagine that you live in a glass bowl: how could the rain touch you? You would be subject to other influences. Every person is subject to other influences, some more than others, however. It takes a stronger character and chart to be YOU when you have to deal with social/cultural/economic bad circumstance.
The interaction between chart and circumstances explains why people born on the same day, on the same hour, at the same place, are different. The time and place is not enough. There is another dimension that is not seen in the chart and that is SPACE (let us say: the room that you get). The same hard aspects that are reflecting a criminal event can be the hard aspect that is reflecting the fight to win in a World Championship. The same fortunate easy going temperament that helps a woman to settle in a marriage and adept to whatever happens next is the fundamental layer for the crook that tries to adept to the gangs in the neighbourhood and become a member of the gang. That is why a chart doesn’t judge. It is just the reflection of a character. At least, that is how I see it.
The examples that you find on this blog are examples of the combination of incidents and reflections in the sky and chart in the sense that they illustrate a possible effect for a certain person or moment. These examples might help your study of astrology (if you learned the basics) and that is all. Astrology (most of the time) doesn’t work ‘the other way around’, just like statistics don’t. It takes a helicopter view to read complete charts as a whole.*) But examples, interpretations on the net and in book, are still valuable, because they show us the similarities and correspondence and the value of astrology. And there are many many examples (almost 1.000) on this blog that show the nuances of astrological aspects, positions and placements in the effect in different starting positions and in different conditions, cultures and times and .. from different points of views.
*) The helicopter view is mirrored by the Jupiter-Uranus combination in the charts of astrologers, astronauts and all persons who are supposed to see things from a 'higher perspective'. See the post about Jupiter and Uranus (click the label).
- Victims (f) and killers often share the same kind of aspect combination reflecting the use of violence and being forced to defend yourself (Mars-Pluto). Like in the Natalee Holloway case.
- There is also a slight difference in the effect of Jupiter’s transits that made me think about ‘the wheel of fortune’ instead of ‘good luck’. When you are considered to be lucky, you might not feel like that. And when you are lucky, it might not be OK for others. You can see the post about that here…
- A Sun on Midheaven without major aspects can reflect fame that you are famous or notorious, depending on the circumstances (see the post about the effect of a ‘calling’ Sun conjunct Midheaven in the charts of Schapelle Corby, Martin Luther King and Tsar Nicolas II here….)
(c) http://astropost.blogspot.com
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