Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Ailments: Transit Chiron conjunct Ascendant

During several months transit Chiron has been conjunct my Ascendant and in fact: that is where Chiron still is. It won't take long, he will be gone in a few weeks. I am grateful that Chiron won't be back! Because, in the past months there have been many ailments that I like to contribute to Chiron. I hope that if he moves on, so will the ailments!:)

From last summer till now I have constantly been unable to do what I wanted because of a continuing flood of illness and accidents. I won't mention them all here, but it is a range of ailments from feet to ear and all that is in between, from spring 2011 till now. Of course, as I always say, there is more needed to reflect illnesses and there is (like Saturn square my Mars and Saturn inconjunct progressed Mars, for example; limiting energy). Transits of those kind of symbols should move faster, as far as I'm concerned:). Ailments are not as bad as life threatening diseases, but one can do without...

Many astrologers speak of important lessons to learn during bad transits.  I would have wanted a speedy training instead of this. I also believe that there are lessons to learn by means of blessings! So, what is the lesson (if there is any)? If it was a lesson, the teacher forget to give a clue. I have been ill before (and worse), so I don't need Chiron to tell me about vulnerabilities:). If, when Chiron leaving my ascendant, it is examination time, I know that I will fail.

The question is: am I right about ailments and Chiron or is it just me?

This transit Chiron conjunct Ascendant doesn't happen often. Not everybody will experience this transit, it is a privilege! It took Chiron almost a life time to travel trough the zodiac signs.
Have you ever had transit Chiron conjunct the Ascendant? See the list...Now here comes the question: did you notice an increasing amount of ailments in that period? Please do the poll.

Chiron's position:
January 1, 1980   9 Taurus 17m retro
January 1, 1985    4 Gemini 8m retro
January 1, 1990    13 Cancer 50m retro
January 1, 1993    23 Leo 0m retro
January 1, 1995    26 Virgo 21m
January 1, 1997    0 Scorpio 12m
January 1, 2000    11 Sagittarius 33 m
January 1, 2005    25 Capricorn 32m
January 1, 2010    23 Aquarius 6m
January 1, 2012    1 Pisces 54m

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Unknown said...

As I look back, I see Chiron conjuncted my Asc a few times in 1992-93. That was when I decided to go into counseling. I wasn't happy with my life and needed to make some changes. No big physical ailments though. It was all mostly emotional stuff. That decision did lead me into some dark times though a couple of years later, as I went through an intense healing time. Natally I have Chiron on the cusp on the 8th house in Pisces. I have my Chiron return in a couple of months. Menopause!!

Astromarkt said...

Hi Barb, thanks for your comment! I will be 65 at Chiron's return!

Anonymous said...

Interesting post! FIrst Neptune went over my AC and I was diagnosed with a thyroid disease (symptoms were flu like feelings, fainting --all very hazy and debilitating) then Chiron followed a few years later and by that time my illness was in remission, which is unusual but not totally uncommon in women who get thyroid disorders in their 30s. I lost a lot of weight in the year following Chiron on my AC (starting from the thyroid disease, then hard work) which is slowly coming back! Oh well, back to the grind!

Anonymous said...

I use Meridian system, and there I have ASC 5´Pisces and yes, I´ve been ill since june 2012...and doctors dont know whats wrong...I could not walk, my legs were powerless, dizziness and fatigue...doctors said that might be due to the neck, I dont Nowember Chiron was 4´D and I was soooo sick than Chiron 5.16, and its going ahead and Im feeling better....horrible time but I hope I´ll survive...susanna

Astromarkt said...

Thanks for sharing, Anonymous!

Anonymous said...

I'm currently experiencing my Chiron return & it has been devastating for me; I also have Neptune conjunct Chiron 12th hs so confusion reigns however my creative work is benefiting marvellously; my usual clarity of mind & intuitive faculties are scrambled, possibly the result of depression & loneliness. My children rarely see or speak to me & my favourite person with whom I shared a wonderful distance romance has ceased contact with me. I find every day a struggle, was hospitalized for 4 weeks & am still emotionally fragile following a major breakdown earlier this year. Surely much of my problems may be attributable to other factors, but this transit Chiron 12 deg Pisces is of a long duration; thank goodness for favourable aspects from Jupiter at the end of September, without these to look forward to I don't think I would cope at all, as it is I live from day to day with little joy. My birthdate & time are 08:30 am January 28 1962

Astromarkt said...

Thank you for sharing this - rather bad - experience of T Neptune conjunct Chiron, a transit that not many of us will experience. Is your Chiron also related to the Ascendant? I notice that your progressed sunsign is changing. This means a hectic time of changing life style and Progressed Sun inconjunct uranus contributes tensions and lack of balance, too. Wish you strenght!

Anonymous said...

Thankyou for responding. N Chiron is at 4 Pisces hs 12 & T Chiron conjunct ASC Pisces 12 deg so a wide conjunction natally between Chiron & the ASC. I'm happily anticipating the Sun changing signs by progression as I'm ready for a lifestyle change or radically new perspective & outlook & hopefully improved health & more positive disposition. I understand I have progressed Venus trine T Uranus so maybe a new love is in the wings (there's my Neptunian propensity for romance again)T Jupiter is currently sextiles N Pluto which has invigorated me somewhat; T Jupiter also forms a trine aspect my ASC by & N Neptune near September's end so a more brightening outlook. N Neptune is trine my ASC from hs 9 & N Jupiter, Mercury & Chiron occupy hs 12 - not sure what the future holds but fantasy & dreams are keeping me occupied for the time being & my art work has taken on new dimensions; find myself confused about faith, religion & spirituality as there have all been tested & I don't seem to fit in anywhere; have also lost a lot of faith in people since I've always been so trusting & guileless. Often I find myself crying to the heavens "are you serious??!!" because I don't think I can manage any more, its like a slow torture some days. Healthwise aside from the psychiatric problems I've been besieged with flu's that worsen due to rheumatoid arthritis that is a breakdown of the autoimmune system so my "ailments" are invisable. Where one part of me is grateful for the peace & solitute the rest of me is screaming out for company, other beings to interact with, other minds & ideas to explore since though Neptune gives one breadth & scope & it is healthy for all of us to have others to relate to & with & to "escape" Neptune's watery web, fantasy & imagination. Thanks again, hopefully no more "explosions" from N Pluto opposing N Chiron, & a happier healthier Spring for me :-) Bye for now.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this. I thought I was going through some kind of break down. N Chiron Pisces 2, Asc. Pisces 12, Stellium in the last degrees of Sag. and early degrees of Cap that have been steamrolled by T. Pluto and squared by T.Uranus. It feels like I've been tumbling from panic attack to panick attack. So far, however, my physical health has been good. I even managed to quit smoking (behavioral therapy) after 30 years of chain smoking. So only emotional problems to cope with.

Anonymous said...

Hy there! I'm Cancer with Leo Ascendant and Moon conjunct Chiron in Gemini opposite Uranus, nataly. In general I'm a pesimist that smiles a lot!The last 5 years or so I've had long periods of love problems due to transiting Pluto opposing my Sun, Venus and Mercury that forced me to do a lot of adjustments. I becomee unhappy with myself, wonded deep inside and now that Chiron is squaring my moon and conjunct my progressed descendant I'm wondering if I would find some peace, alone or with my special someone...any clues?

Astromarkt said...

Two aspects with Chiron in the same period make me think of healing time, a period to reconsider.

CARIEL said...

Hello Hello. Cariel (i gave myself this name) here. Born June 5, 1961 1:15 am. Brief background, I had a spontaneous miraculous healing when I was 15, same month experienced angels talking to me and was saved from the falling of a floor to ceiling window pane during an earthquake, where i would have been badly injured if not killed!. Those were my first experiences with the unseen and miraculous. My life would be filled with these happenings. I had a near death experience when I was 17, around middle January 1979, and I knew my mission was to be a messenger of LOVE. I have struggled to find a way to do this my entire life. I wanted to be a rock star, and an author, but I had children and got married and moved to a small town in Oregon called Ashland. Beautiful and great but filled with angst and frustration for not being able to create my vision/vocation. There I learned all about the metaphysical and esoteric teachings. And I mean all of them: astrology, numerology, reiki, veganism, aromatherapy, sound and light healing, meditation and yoga, gardening, and the ancient civilations of Egypt, Atlantis, the Maya, name it I know about it. Never getting certified in anything, but knowing them and studying them nevertheless. Way back somewhere around 1996 or so, I forget exactly, I was thrown off a horse and was pretty badly injured. I was in a wheel chair and couldn't walk for 6 months, my right hip low back has never been the same. Very Chironic. Jump to 2012 and T Chiron, in it's return and conjuncting my N Moon-South Node-Chiron stellium in Pisces in the 12th house opposing my North Node-Pluto in Virgo in 6th house of service and health from March 2012 making its final hit in January 2013. Constant and unbearable low back flare up were a predominant issue, and career vocation frustration was highlighted heavily. I attended a yoga teacher training month long intensive in May 2013, and did not want to return to work, but did so anyhow, not feeling I was qualified to teach yoga just yet. 6 months later, in November 2013, I quit that job and was hired somewhere else where my intuition told me loud and clear that something was not right but I didn't listen and took the job anyway. During my new job, February 2014, I slipped on a patch of ice falling and jammed my right shoulder and jerked my neck as well as injuring that same right hip and low back, and, ended up deceived in the pay I was told, saying I would make $4000 up to $10,000.00 a month but in fact, making half the pay I had left my previous job for. In a state of absolute disbelief and devastating depletion to my survival, I quit that job March 26th, 2014, while T Neptune conjuncts my N moon-N south node- N Chiron, Grand Trining my N Mercury and N Neptune, leaving me to seriously ponder my career/vocation once again. I get it! Thank you Chiron and Neptune! This time, I am determined to launch my Vision/Vocation, come hell or high water, as an author, teacher, creative speaker, inspirational life coach, therapist, using: art, stream of consciousness journaling, poetry, yoga, meditation, raw foods, light, sound, color, aromatherapy, and collaging to teach people how to find ways to love themselves first, then outward to others and then the Earth, healing themselves, others and the Earth. Yay! Now i just have to figure out how to do just this. Yay! Sorry this was so long! Love, Cariel.

Nelson said...

Appreciate finding these reflections on Chiron's transit to ASC, and feel I have something to contribute from my own experience.

My ASC is PIS 15.56'. Chiron will stay within range of my ASC, making two retrograde passes, until March of 2016,. My perception of this cycle began near the end of 2013.

As I write, Transiting Chiron is precisely on Natal ASC, while Transiting Grand Cross PLU-URA-JUP-MAR hit my Natal NEP-JUP-URA, which form a T-square in the middle degrees of Cardinal signs.

Transiting PLU will complete its opposition of my Natal MARS, MOON and SUN over the next few years, as well.

In my chart, NEP rules ASC from 7. JUP rules MC from 1. URA rules 12 from 4. Natal Chiron is conjunct MC at 27 SAG.

My experience has been to witness a complete shift from my normally robust state of health and outlook to one where i must battle depression and have mysterious aches, loss of energy, weakness in my extremities and the like.

With Natal Pluto in the 6th, every challenge to my health or survival has brought growth and spiritual awareness. Given that the current transits are activating 1st and 12th house themes, I expect that one way for me to handle these transformative energies is find greater ways to serve others, while endeavoring to ride this wave which feels to me like oblivion.

Your comments would be greatly appreciated.

Astromarkt said...

Thanks for your comment! I wrote another post on Chiron and the healing that you nEEd when there is a transit or progression. I hope that your transit Chiron will heal! personally I think that ailments during Chiron's transit should be taken seriously. had I done that, it would have saved me some health problems:)!

Nelson said...

Yes, my health changes have definitely got my full attention, thanks.

And then there is the matter of the lunar eclipse . . . ah, well.

Astromarkt said...

Hi Erin, hope that the trine coming from transit Saturn helps to stay firm and end the crisis!

Anonymous said...

I got interested in chiron during its opposition to my stellium, it was hard so I looked back on all its transits in my life. And it can really do harm!
When it was conjunct my ascendant I had 1,5 year and I somehow fell out of my pram and might have got eyesight problems because of this fall.

In general it brings pain either physical or emotional.

Astromarkt said...

Thanks for your contribution, Tumovsky. I hope that your eyesight problems will pass just like transits do...

Astrocks said...

My ascendent is Gemini. I call 1985-1989 'the dark years'. Messy, out of control, addictions. I was in my mid 20's.