For the indications for artistic talent in the chart of Celine Dion see Art&Astrology
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how the natal charts, transits and progressions reflect real life events.
transit Pholus 13.75 d Sagittarius is 75 degrees (minor aspect) from Uranus (28.65 d Virgo) and 75 degrees from transit Neptune, while transit Neptune is inconjunct Uranus. It is a Uranus-Neptune-Pholus combination.
The planets of money and values, Venus and Pluto are on her Midheaven and rising before the Sun to express the importance of earning money. She was super rich, she went bankrupt, she came back and now she is down a bit.Today she in the tabloids because of selling cash-for-access (to her ex-husband Prince Andrew), as a secret tape recording unfolds. See the news here . Before, the Daily Mail wrote about Sarah Ferguson's money problems (See 'Poor Sarah'). The chart is below.
So the Mars-Saturn combination reflected injury and falling, again. It is the combination of falling (Saturn) and getting hurt (Mars).Also transit Pholus is 75 degrees from transit Uranus and natal Pluto (T Uranus is opposition Pluto rx). That might be reflecting a sudden dramatic turning point or a surprising turn (maybe involved in this incident).
I don't believe in astrology; I'm a Sagittarius and we're skeptical.
Men should take their knowledge from the Sun, the Moon and the Stars.I never heard of Ralph Waldo Emerson before yesterday when his name was mentioned in a serie on television (shame on me:) and now I noticed his name again. Time to pay some attention to this chart (see below)!
The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable.
Uranus is 'calling' these ladies! In the charts of both ladies Uranus is not making any Ptolemaic aspect in sign or orb 5 degrees. In the chart of Eleanor Uranus is on top and rising before the Sun and Mercury, so that she has an orientation on the theme of Uranus.
And in the chart of Laura Bush Uranus is square the midpoint ASC/MC and 157.5 (sesquisquare + half semisquare) from the midpoint Sun/Moon. That means that she is all in all and in heart and soul Uranus-minded.
We all know that Uranus when it comes to vocations means that you want to make the world a better place and to help people.
Isn't it interesting that the Uranus of Eleanor Roosevelt is at 29d49m Virgo and Laura Bush's Midheaven is situated at 29d23m Capricorn? That links the prominent Uranus of Eleanor - symbolizing human rights at any level and above all- in a positive way to the 'vocation' of Laura Bush, strongly going into the same direction.
More Spanish royalty:
PS About Felipe and Letizia:
The complete picture is of a revolutionary change in - physical- conditions with relief and difficulties, maybe in getting back to 'usual' after alert and stress. In a few months time progressed Midheaven square Pholus rx; the social position at a turning point.
Transit Pluto semisquare natal Ascendant +
Progressed Ascendant conjunct Pluto; stressful circumstances, something being removed or amputated; physical comeback
Transit Uranus trine Ascendant; easy and sudden change of circumstances; a physical intervention
Transit Uranus inconjunct Progressed Moon; extraordinary upheaval; something happens that creates nervousness
Progressed Sun square natal Chiron; facing a healing
Transit Neptune exactly semi sextile Midheaven; unconsciousness
The midpoint of transit Jupiter/Uranus conjunct progressed Sun; a relief (a successful intervention or positive change)
Transit Pholus sesquisquare Pluto and Midheaven; a frustrating and challenging turning point
"....Suicide killers of the London Subway Blast (July 7, 2005). They were born:Faisal Shahzad,the man arrested for the incident on Times Square (trying to explode a car) was born on June 30, 1979 if Wiki is right. On June 30, 1979 Mars was quindecile*) Uranus. It is not that you have to become a terrorist with a Mars-Uranus affliction, but this aspect is always there in the charts of terrorist (statistics don't work vice versa!). In this specific case Mars is the first rising outer planet (the oriental planet), if we skip Varuna: an activist, a soldier, an entrepeneur, someone who acts first (and maybe thinks later?).
a. October 20, 1974: a conjunction of Sun, Mars and Uranus and Sun conjunct the midpoint Mars/Uranus
b. September 9, 1986: Sun trine Mars and square Uranus
c. December 15, 1980: Sun conjunct Mars/Uranus"
- Transit Uranus inconjunct progressed Venus: unbalance about ‘another woman’ happens to be one of the possible ways to read this combination and in fact: there is news (Uranus) about his lovelife (Venus) and it is outrageous (inconjunct)Help is on the way as Jupiter is in Pisces, on his way to an opposition with progressed Sun and …the first aspect of the progressed Sun in the new sign (Libra) will be a trine with Jupiter, unless I take into account that there will also be an opposition with the symbol of marriage (Juno). There is an earlier harmonious aspect, too: progressed Moon trine Neptune. I hope that it means that he is in the mood for (domestic) romance.
- Transit Uranus opposition progressed Sun for upheaval and being part of a controversy caused by others; as Uranus is ruler 1 and Sun is ruler 7, this opposition has an effect on relationships
- Transit Saturn will return to a conjunction with progressed Sun before Summer: Saturn is always hard…
- Transit Neptune semi square progressed Midheaven often signals a bad press; frustrating weakening of position
- Transit Neptune: almost inconjunct his progressed Sun: gossip creating unbalance and lost. There is a post about Sun inconjunct Neptune where I mention 'the fallen angle' (and the bad press that Susan Boyle had all of the sudden).
- Progressed Sun will change sign in 3 months time: in the middle of a period of major changes in life
- Progressed Mercury square natal Saturn and sextile natal Uranus (restricted freedom of communications)
- Progressed Mercury is exactly inconjunct Vesta (could be read as: unbalancing talks about ‘home’)