Mercury-Saturn, Pluto-Ascendant, Mars-Saturn, Pluto and Saturn with Juno, Pholus with Venus, and the solar return chart with Saturn ruler 7 opposition Midheaven. There is more about those aspects and transits when you scroll down.
Jonas has Mars rising before and conjunct Sun in Aquarius, opposition Jupiter. I think that the transit of Saturn inconjunct his progressed Sun perfectly describes how a mistake had a very unbalancing effect on the continuation of his way of life.
But, did her chart match the chart of Jonas Bergstrom? More on Astrology&Love …
A keen indication for the separation is 1) transit Saturn square progressed Mercury (combination for a goodbye) and for the revelation in the newspapers: transit Uranus square and Neptune trine her progressed Mercury.
In the natal chart Mercury is in the 7th house of the now cancelled marriage, opposition Uranus in the first house. And that is what the news is about: she opposition her partner.
Also 2) the progressed Ascendant in the 10th of Sagittarius (with fixed star Antares) is semi square natal Pluto, mirroring the difficulties in relationships. 3) In the progressed chart Mars was conjunct Saturn last year and that is one of the 4 signs for separations in the chart of a woman, maybe at the time of meeting her fiance.
Juno is the symbol of marriage. 3) Transit Pluto (ruler 1st house) is now exactly conjunct Juno and recently transit Saturn was square progressed Juno.
Also 4) transit Pholus was opposition Venus for a turning point in love...In the solar return for the coming solar year (after her birthday), Pholus holds a prominent place on the IC. The past year's solar return had Saturn on the IC..
So there is enough reason (3 or more) to expect hard times in love.

The announcement of the engagement on August 11, 2009 was with transit Pholus exactly conjunct the progressed Ascendant, with the Progressed Sun about to square Saturn. Was that the sign of shooting her foot and regret later?
PS One of the less 'fitting' transits is Jupiter opposition her Midheaven. In the natal chart Jupiter is in the equal 12th house and the Placidus 11th. Perhaps she is happy or prosperous in another field than love right now.
PS One of the less 'fitting' transits is Jupiter opposition her Midheaven. In the natal chart Jupiter is in the equal 12th house and the Placidus 11th. Perhaps she is happy or prosperous in another field than love (perhaps international) right now.

(c) http://astropost.blogspot.com
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