Recently the media told us that Paul McCartney has fears for the safety of his daughter (now that Heather Mills told the media that she planned a suicide) and that Heather Mills said Paul McCartney was a miser. I wrote about this couple before. At the moment Heather Mills suffers from heavy transits by Saturn (sesqui square her Sun and inconjunct her Saturn). Paul McCartney still has Transit Uranus on the Ascendant and is recovering from transit Pluto opposed to the Sun: this symbolises a radical change in his life...
I wrote on 24th October 2006 that Paul had transit Pluto right on the MC at the moment that his former wife was accusing him of abuse. I do not wish to speculate about that accusation. Your can see the chart below. Pluto on the MC by transit is making life difficult enough...
Here is the chart of McCartney (18th June 1942 Liverpool, possibly at 2 p.m., I also saw 00h30 once) with the positions of Heather Mills (12th January 1968, Aldershot, acc. to Wikipedia) wrapped around. The most narrow aspects between the two are their Mars inconjunct. That is not very favourable for working together or for sex. Mars inconjunct Mars in synastry can lead to a struggle (example in the world of sports: Marco van Basten and Ruud van Nistelrooij).
For those who like to keep it simple and look at signs: they just do not match! His Sun is in Gemini, hers in Capricorn (no easy combination). His Venus is strong in Taurus, hers is in Sagittarius (another inconjunct between signs, but both loving material growth). His Mars in Leo and hers in Pisces is the most uneasy combination as the aspect is exactly inconjunct.
There is a real battle about money going on now. Heather has a Sun trine Pluto, an aspect for those who survive and dare. And yes, she dared asking one quarter of Pauls'money, when he - the 'miser' - offered her 30 million pound...
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