Saturday, February 16, 2008

Official death announced

Yesterday was the moment of official death of Steve Fossett. Fossett was born 22nd April 1944 at 1u58 in Jackson. He has been missing since September 4, 2007 (with transit Uranus semi square Sun). Just by accident I discovered that yesterday transit Pluto (ruler progressed 8th house) was spot on in opposition witht the exact position of secundairy (progressed) Saturn on the day when he got lost. Check the drawing and see for yourself.

When he got lost he had a tight semi square coming from both transit Mars and transit Uranus. That does look like an accident. Mars - Uranus is indicating a motorcrash or unexpected collission or blast. In his natal chart the Sun is conjunct Mars/Uranus.

Read more about Mars Uranus... or about accidents and astrology...

PS Steve Fossett has Sun inconjunct Neptune. That is an aspect that shows up in more charts of those involved with missing people (like Maddie McCann and Natalee Holloway). See the article....

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