Jupiter is the symbol of the international. Jupiter is the first outer planet that rises before the Sun of Amanda Knox, born July 9, 1987 in Seattle USA. Jupiter is also the focal planet in a funnel pattern in her chart. Jupiter rules her Moon in Sagittarius (mirroring a need to travel and an enthusiastic mood).
And now we know that she will be in another country for a long time, in prison. Sometimes Jupiter has a cynical effect...
She will have to spend over 20 years in an Italian prison now that she has been found guilty of the murder of Meredith Kercher (born February 1986) on November 1 2007 (between 20.30 and 23 hours) during a sex party. At least, that is what the Italian investigators have concluded. In 2007 the progressed Sun of Amanda was inconjunct Neptune. I am not surprised that the Italian media speak of an ' angel' (but with cold eyes). Read about Sun inconjunct Neptune and the chart of Susan Boyle. She also had the kind of media attention that one can do without...because you are seen in a negative or diffuse light. Amanda Knox also experienced the negative effect of using drugs and not knowing who you really are (or what). Jupiter in this ' oriental' position also goes together with optimism and a positive approach. There are a lot of pictures of Amanda Knox smiling, and that is what the press is holding against her now. She has Venus opposition Neptune and that is a perfect aspect for a model (posing). With Sun inconjunct Neptune in progression you risk being accused, getting involved in a scandal and ... your weaknesses may come to the light with a negative effect on your wellbeing.
That was November 2007. Then later, her progressed Sun was square Pluto and now sesquisquare Uranus (the combination for a period of revolutionary changes in life).
The issue of restricted freedom is related to the combination of Saturn (restrictions) and Uranus (independence). In her natal chart the Sun is inconjunct Saturn and 157.5 degrees from Uranus (that is a sesquisquare and a half semi square).
The conviction now is with the progressed Sun sesquisquare Uranus, a shocking hard change and a hectic moment in time.
Click the label for more Saturn-Uranus reflecting restricted freedom.
Saturn is inconjunct the natal Sun and that might point at an unusual amount of bad luck. But, it also points at ‘ being responsible’ and therefore being out of balance. The effect of Sun inconjunct Saturn in her chart is that she has been found guilty and that the punishment is rather hard. Maybe she is being blamed in a disproportionate way?
Like in more dubious cases Mercury and Neptune are in conflict. On this blog you see examples of it. False testimony and miscommunications might also be involved in this case. Amanda Knox has Mercury opposition Neptune and sextile Pluto.
Wether she was involved or not, it will always remain a mystery and maybe the appeal will have a different conclusion. That is a possibility with Mercury opposition Neptune. It happened before, but then it were inconjunctions between Mercury and Neptune. See
about the Friedman casehttp://astropost.blogspot.com/2008/11/capturing-friedmans-update-and-about.html and Patrick Dils’ chart with Mercury inconjunct Neptune and square Pluto (15 years in prison, found innocent…),see the post on Astromarkt (in Dutch).
The other side of Mercury-Neptune is found in the
- chart of conman Robert Freegard (Mercury square Neptune, communications + fantasy mixed the hard way)
- progressed chart of Dick Cheney (Mercury opposition Neptune: secret service info?
CHARTS DON'T JUDGE (neither should astrologers:)
A chart simply shows potential and possibilities. Not everybody born on Amanda Knox's birthday will end up in jail, of course. It is up to circumstances and genes, the ‘ tide of time’ (progressions and transits) and a situation how the capabilities, talents and shortcomings will evolve. A chart can’t be used to part right from wrong (as you can see in the cases of sexual abuse – incest for example - where the victim has the same Mars-Pluto connection as the father). A chart shows issues and themes in life, that is it.
This is the chart for sunrise, progressed to the day of the murder with the transits of that day. Her true hour of birth is unknown.

(c) http://astropost.blogspot.com
Addition: Two young Norwegians have just been condemned to death for murder in Congo. Just like Amanda Knox they have afflictions between Sun and Satrun in their natal charts. One of them has Sun inconjunct Saturn. As they are about 30 the progressed Sun is moving towards an aspect with natal and progressed Saturn, too.
Just an observation...
Another example, less dramatic (however?) is that of Gretha Smit. There is an investigation going about possible intent to buy off of Polish skater in order to get a starting place, a few years ago. Gretha Smnit was born on a day with Sun opposition Saturn. Right now, transit Saturn is inconjunct her progressed Sun.
"Harry Rag" is the pseudonom of a "guilter" who has gone around the internet spreading lies about the Knox case. If you check out the Injustice in Perugia blog, you will find a detailed description of his antics. Please, just ignore him.
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