The issue of verbal (or non verbal) violence in marriages is a strong issue is in the chart.
1. Eris is the goddess of discord. She is angular, she holds an important position on the descendant (=cusp 7th house of marriage). And in Aries (sign of the warrior).
2. Ruler of the 7th house is Mars, square Sun and quintile the elevated Uranus and in the 3rd house of communications. It seems that when it comes to discussions, he will know how to express anger in a creative way.
3. The Libra Ascendant will enable him to present everything that he does in the most diplomatic and distinguished way. He seems to be the perfect person to introduce a law against verbal hard core conflicts!
Doesn't the composition of Eris in Aries on the Descendant perfectly match with the issue of fighting each other in a marriage? Mr. Fillon is trying to keep the fights low profile:)! As a lawyer he may have seen enough examples of psychological demage.
Ceres and Eris are both on the horizon. Ceres is the symbol of roots and genes and agriculture. The placement on the Ascendant signifies the importance of Ceres. He lives in ancient castle. On the other side there is Eris. Eris is the goddess of discord, strife and striving (says the Knowitall-astrologer). He apperently manages to find a balance (Libra ascendant) between the life of culture and beauty on the castle and the competition and strife in politics.
His brother has artistic talents. Those talents are probably ‘ in the family’ and they are in Mr. Fillon’s baggage as well: he has the Moon and Venus – ruler 1 - in Pisces, Moon sesquisquare Neptune. Moon and Venus are both trine Midheaven (in Cancer, ruled by the Moon). The Sun is in the middle of Moon and Venus. He most have a good taste and appreciate the company of well educated and good looking persons. The Moon rising before the Sun is reflecting an orientation on party and family matters, but also to education. (He was once Minister of Education!). Because of the pattern, I wondered how he expresses his artistic talents, since it was not mentioned on Wikipedia. So I googled for ' Fillon + musique ' and I found this French site that says that he does have musical talents! They mention a concert.
For more examples of artistic talents, see Art&Astrology...
*) About marrying a foreign partner: ruler 7 = Mars in Sagittarius, dispositor is Jupiter in the ninth house; the dispositor of the 5th house is Uranus on Midheaven for the purpose to be different than the rest is, and in order to change the world. With Mars quintile Uranus there is a creative match between the status of ‘ being an anglophile’ and his marriage to a 'stranger').
(c) http://astropost.blogspot.com
1 comment:
And now I read that he did Le Mans, too, as an amateur and that he is fond of racing (very much in line with mars quintile Uranus on Midheaven).
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