Today Robert Pickton has been found guilty of the murder of at least 6 women. Because of 'circumstances' the jury judged that he was not guilty of murder in the first degree, so that he could be walking around again after 10 years, unless the result of the next trial (for the murder of another 20 women) will keep him in prison for life. Robert Pickton was born October 24, 1949. He is a Scorpio with the Moon calling (without major aspects in sign), in the sign of Sagittarius. In the study that Joanne Wickenburg did and that was published on Astrodatabank it showed that 74% of the serial killers she compared had Sun or Moon in Sagittarius. Remarkably frequent we found (in a study on an American forum) placements between the 16th and 19th degree of Sagittarius in the charts of serials. And that is exactly where the New Moon is residing right now. Transits (including solar transits) of today for Robert Pickton: Transit Sun square Saturn (day of bad luck) and conjunct Venus (but with some favours); transit Uranus opposition Saturn (limited freedom) and Pluto trine Mars (a victory). There will be another trial later...
Moon, Jupiter and Mars (in between Saturn and Pluto) are without major aspects in sign. These three and Venus and Sun are making aspects with Saturn and Pluto (Sun quintile Pluto). You see a die hard who is associating the female gender and love with frustrations.
We estimate Kate Middleton’s birth time to be around 21.30PM Timezone +00.00, Marc Zuckerberg at 14.00PM Timezone -05.00, and Prince Albert of Monaco at 10.00AM Timezone +.01.00. Details at http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pages/Know-Your-Future/126188217449039
And at www.KNOWYOURFUTUREthewebsite.com
I think he has Gemini Rising. He was found of blue shirts, ones with patterns on them. This places Taurus (Venus) in the 12th (called evil spirit). And he has the Moon conjunct Venus in the 7th (death). Ruler of 12th is a dangerous planet, and it's in a dangerous house, and potent. Venus is in her own boundary and so is Mars. Potent relationships. His great fame for being a murderer can be illustrated by his Mars conjoined to regulus.
I think he has Gemini Rising. He was found of blue shirts, ones with patterns on them. This places Taurus (Venus) in the 12th (called evil spirit). And he has the Moon conjunct Venus in the 7th (death). Ruler of 12th is a dangerous planet, and it's in a dangerous house, and potent. Venus is in her own boundary and so is Mars. Potent relationships. His great fame for being a murderer can be illustrated by his Mars conjoined to regulus.
The fixed star Sabik is in that area of Sagittarius.
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